Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 717

This animal egg is very mysterious.

Hiding a big secret.

Except when I met the divine egg of the descendant of the God before.

The eggs came back on their own.

Except for that time, the eggs never changed again.

This is the second egg change.

Lin Feng carefully sensed the fluctuation of animal eggs.


Lin Feng seemed to feel the emotion transmitted by the animal eggs.


It was a desperate emotion.

"Do you want that stone?".

Lin Feng asked.

The egg then conveys a more eager emotion.

Obviously, the little guy in the animal egg is not particularly able to express his ideas.

Then, the animal egg sent a message to Lin Feng.

"You mean, that thing has a great effect on you?".

Lin Feng felt carefully and asked.

The little guy in the beast\'s egg sent out bursts of excitement.

But soon the mood became pathetic.

Seems to be begging Lin Feng to help him take pictures of things.

"This little guy hasn\'t hatched yet. He\'s so smart.".

Lin Feng was amazed.

If you wait until the little guy hatches.

I don\'t know how bad it is.

Obviously, the black stone should be something that can help the little guy hatch.

Although Lin Feng doesn\'t know what it is.

But since it\'s useful to the little guy.

No matter how much it costs.

And find a way to get that baby.

He looked forward to the moment when the little guy hatched.

Lin Feng has always wanted to know what kind of little guy is.

"If you wait patiently, I\'ll take a picture of that thing for you.".

Lin Feng said.

The little guy immediately sent out a wave of excitement.

Lin Feng is neither laughing nor crying.

Full of joy.

It\'s against the sky.

This little guy will definitely grow into an extremely terrible existence in the future.

in due course.

I have a very powerful pet to accompany me.

When I think about it, I feel very excited.

"The starting price of this extraterrestrial meteorite is 500 million star stones".

Said the auctioneer.

"The starting price is so high".

Lin Feng was speechless.

Everything auctioned at the auction is fine.

For good calculation.

The most common inferior spirit stone is used in the auction.

But when it comes to a real deal.

They are all traded with the best spirit stone.

If the starting price of tianwai meteorite is converted into the best spirit stone, it is 500 best spirit stones.

"550 million".

"600 million"!

Many people took part in the competition.


Naturally, it is also rising.

It soon exceeded a billion.

And I didn\'t mean to stop at all.

This auction attracted too many powerful people.

Therefore, the transaction prices of auction items are very high.

When the price rises to $2 billion.

Lin Feng also participated in the competition.

The price of this auction item was finally fixed at the sky high price of "4.5 billion".

"I only have 3200 top-grade spirit stones now. I don\'t know if I can collect 4500 top-grade spirit stones after selling golden flame fruit.".

Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing bitterly.

He thought he had collected so many spirit stones.

It\'s enough to break through the realm of yin and Yang.

But I didn\'t think of it.

Because of the immediate emergency.

Not only will the accumulated 3200 best spirit stones be consumed.

I still owe 1300 best spirit stones.

"Childe Lin, this is the tianwai meteorite you photographed.".

Jiang Chao came to Lin Feng himself.

Send the extraterrestrial meteorite.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "please send it in person. Can you pay for the auction after the auction?".

Jiang Chao said with a smile, "naturally, there\'s no problem. I won\'t disturb Mr. Lin. if Mr. Lin likes any auction products, you can inform me. The president has explained that if Mr. Lin has a problem with funds, we can help. Everyone is friends. Therefore, Mr. Lin should not refuse the help of friends.".

Jiang Chao is very talkative.

That is to shorten the relationship with Lin Feng.

If Lin fengruo really asks for financial assistance from the auction house.

And can sell Lin Feng a favor.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "if necessary, I will contact the elder.".

Jiang Chao nodded and left.

Lin Feng used a spirit array to block the box.


The next moment, the egg flew out on its own initiative.

The eggs were shrouded in black fog.

An incomparably excited emotion diffused from the animal eggs.

The animal eggs circled around the meteorite outside the sky.

"Little guy, how did the meteorite swallow this day? Eat this stone directly?".

Lin Feng knocked on the meteorite outside the sky.

This day, although the meteorite is the size of a fist.

But it weighs at least a thousand kilograms.

A wave came out of the egg.

"You mean you don\'t devour the stone? You devour the things in the stone?".

Lin Feng asked.

The eggs were shaking in the air, as if nodding.

"But the meteorite outside this day, how to open it? It\'s too hard.".

Lin Feng frowned.

Lin Feng\'s voice just fell here.

He saw a mass of black gas surging out of the animal\'s eggs.

The black gas directly wrapped the extraterrestrial meteorite.

The black air was very strange.

Also very terrible.

After the meteorite was wrapped in black gas outside the day.

A clicking sound came out.

The meteorite outside the sky is cracking.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng\'s mouth twitched violently.

That black gas just now is too abnormal, isn\'t it?

That\'s an extraterrestrial meteorite.

Even Taoist instruments are difficult to directly destroy extraterrestrial meteorites, right?

But the black gas in the animal eggs directly destroyed the meteorite outside the sky.

At this time, Lin Feng finally saw what was wrapped in the tianwai meteorite.

In the center of tianwai meteorite, it is wrapped with a golden liquid.

I don\'t know what it is.

The golden liquid sent out amazing fluctuations.

Fortunately, Lin Feng has sealed the box with the array.


It will certainly be noticed by the strong outside.

And this time.

The eggs swallowed up the golden liquid.

Among the animal eggs, numerous runes appear.

Runes, twisted together.

It exudes mysterious fluctuations and breath.

The little guy\'s excited cry came out of the animal\'s eggs.

After swallowing the golden liquid.

The little guy obviously got great benefits.

Click, click


Lin Feng saw that the eggshell of the animal egg began to crack.

Runes poured into the egg.

Those runes contain great power.

Now it seems to be integrated into the little guy\'s blood and controlled by the little guy.

Black light escaped from the animal\'s eggs.

Click, click

The degree of cracking of animal eggs and eggshells is increasing.

"Are you hatching?".

Lin Feng\'s face showed a surprised expression.

He has been expecting the eggs to hatch.

Now after the little guy swallowed the golden mysterious liquid.

The eggshell keeps cracking and seems to be really hatching.

"What kind of monster is this little guy?".

Lin Feng stared at the cracked eggshell.