Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 698

"These sea robbers kill people like hemp. This kind of thing often happens.".

Sikong said with a sigh.

He lives in Aolai country.

Aolai country is adjacent to the East China Sea.

So I have heard of some things in the East China Sea.

Light the ship and let them be buried at sea.

Lin Feng said.

In this world, although people pay attention to death and peace.

But that\'s for people on land.

People living in the sea generally choose sea burial.

Sikong nodded to pick the moon and lit the fishing boat with Lin Feng.

The fire was blazing.

More than twenty bodies were set alight.

Lin Feng and Sikong pick the moon and watch the fishing boat finally burn into a skeleton.

Then fell into the sea.

Sikong zhaiyue knows Lin Feng very well.

He knew that Lin Feng always had an ancient chivalrous heart.

I just saw these innocent people die.

He must have killed Dugu Yan.

Let\'s go.

Lin Feng said.

Sikong picked the moon and nodded, followed Lin Feng and flew to the depths.

Three days later, when they passed an island, they smelled the blood in the air.

"Come on, go and see what happened.".

Lin Feng looked a little heavy and couldn\'t help saying.

He and Sikong quickly rushed to the island.

When I came to the island, I found that there was a river of blood here.

"Ha ha, the harvest on this island is good.".

Laughter came.

In villages deep in the island.

A monk came out of a cave.

The cave was obviously a storehouse built by the islanders.

All the valuable things on the island will be put in it.

"Dugu Yan, this man again".

Seeing the man laughing wildly, Lin Feng suddenly sank.

"This guy is the 74th pirate on the reward list. He is really vicious and kills without blinking an eye. What shall we do now?".

Sikong asked.

"Naturally, killing this person can not only eliminate harm for the people, but also get a reward of 500 million!"

Lin Feng looked indifferent.

He looked at Sikong and said, "this man\'s cultivation is terrible. It may be troublesome to deal with him. I\'ll go out to deal with him first. You hide and be ready to support me anytime and anywhere and give him a fatal blow."


Sikong picked the moon and nodded. He didn\'t cooperate with Lin Feng once or twice.

It is full of tacit understanding.

Lin Feng didn\'t stop, so he went straight to Dugu Yan.

"Boy, it\'s you...".

Dugu Yan saw Lin Feng suddenly, and his face suddenly showed a sense of killing.

Lin Feng robbed the origin of the ghost devil shark.

Dugu Yan hated this.

Dugu yanmeng wanted to meet Lin Feng again.

Then cut Lin Feng into pieces.

Let go of your hatred.

Just for so many days, there was no news from Lin Feng.

But Dugu Yan never thought of it.

I will meet Lin Feng here today.

Lin Feng sneered, "Dugu Yan, I\'ll take your life today.".

"Boy, how dare you speak up in front of me?".

Dugu Yan sneered.

"If you are not ashamed, you will know after you start.".

When the voice fell, Lin Feng rushed to Dugu Yan.

Crack the sky!

The sword is full of meaning!

Without any reservation, he directly merged with the sword and killed Dugu Yan.

Now that Dugu Yan can rank 74 on the reward list.

This man is definitely a very strong presence.

"Dead guy".

Dugu Yan was disdainful.

He came with a blow.

A bloody energy beast came.


The bloody energy beast collided with Lin Feng\'s sword Qi.

A wave of terrible energy surged out.

The bloody energy beast then broke Lin Feng\'s attack.

"Yin Yang realm and four heaven".

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

"Boy, that\'s right. Is my strength enough to kill you?".

Dugu Yan smiled grimly.


Lin Feng used the batian thunder formula to neutralize Dugu Yan\'s powerful attack.

At this time, Dugu Yan was already rushing towards Lin Feng, with a grim smile on his face.

He looked at Lin Feng indifferently and coldly and said, "boy, do you think I can be rewarded with 500 million? Will I be a person who won a false reputation? I\'ll let you know my power today.".

Then Dugu Yan grabbed Lin Feng\'s chest directly.

Endless black fog surged out, and in the black fog, a painted black claw condensed out.

The claw of death.

That claw, grab it quickly.

Lin Feng immediately felt that the claw of death sent out a palpitating breath.

It\'s like death came.

Dugu Yan\'s cultivation is really powerful.

The cultivation of Yin-Yang realm and four heaven will be quite troublesome even if Lin Feng deals with it.

However, this does not mean that Lin Feng is unable to deal with it.


Amazing fluctuations emanate from Lin Feng\'s Dantian.

The five devouring martial spirits are instantly integrated.

The confinement magnetic field wrapped Lin Feng within a radius of 10 meters.

Under the ultimate form of the unity of five martial spirits.

Dugu Yan, who was shrouded in a confined magnetic field, was also greatly limited.

His speed dropped rapidly.

"What a strange martial spirit. It can limit my speed, but do you think you can escape this robbery?".

Dugu Yan smiled grimly.

The smell inside him became more and more terrible.

With the smell of terror in the body.

Dugu Yan\'s speed was much faster.

Obviously, Dugu Yan\'s powerful breath counteracted the power of the magnetic field.


At this time, Sikong caiyue, who was hiding in the dark, had quietly lurked behind Dugu Yan.


Lin Feng is also brewing the word "Mie" to attack Dugu Yan.

"Star picking hand".

Sikong took the moon and killed Dugu Yan.

This is a unique skill handed down by Sikong family. Its power is amazing.

"No, there\'s a sneak attack".

Dugu Yan\'s face suddenly changed.

Although he didn\'t see Sikong picking the moon because he turned his back to Sikong picking the moon.

But his sense of danger made him aware of the wrong place for the first time.


Dugu Yan clapped his back hand.

A loud bang came out, and he and Sikong took off the moon.

Then Dugu Yan\'s body retreated quickly with the help of this collision force.

Dugu Yan wanted to get rid of the siege of Lin Feng and Sikong picking the moon.

Dugu Yan might succeed if his opponent changed to someone else.

But his opponent is Lin Feng.

When Dugu Yan retreated quickly, Lin Feng already moved.

Shrink to inches.


With a flash of light, Lin Feng came to Dugu Yan.

Tao word "out".

Blast out.


Dugu Yan\'s face turned pale.

He didn\'t expect Lin Feng\'s speed to be so fast.

It\'s so fast that he doesn\'t have time to fight back enough.

Dugu Yan Shi showed a move of iron lock across the river, with his arms in front of him. He hoped to resist Lin Feng\'s attack.

But Lin Feng\'s word "extinction" is too powerful.

He killed Dugu Yan.


Dugu Yan\'s body was blown apart.

"Ah, boy, you destroyed my body. I won\'t let you go.".

A poisonous curse came out.

A black fog rose into the sky and rushed into the distance.

The curse came from the black fog.

"Ghost repair, Dugu Yan is actually a ghost repair. The body dies and the soul does not disperse".

Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly.

He had been in contact with ghost cultivation, so he knew how strange the means of ghost cultivation were. He must not let Dugu Yan go.

Otherwise, this guy can recover quickly with the help of ghost repair and strange means.

"Hurry up...".

Lin Feng whispered.

He and Sikong pick the moon together.

Rise into the sky.

He quickly chased Dugu Yan\'s soul.