Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 697

Soon after.

Sikong picks the moon and wakes up from practice.

Sikong\'s face was full of joy.

"Well, it has broken through two realms".

Lin Feng was surprised.

Sikong picked the moon and nodded.

"The original effect of the ghost devil shark is really amazing, but have you suppressed the realm now? Do you have to wait until you go to the divine ruins to break through?".

Sikong asked.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "since I want to break through, I will find a way to improve my cultivation to the extreme.".

Sikong picked the moon and said with a smile, "when you break through the realm of yin and Yang, with your savings and improved combat power, I\'m afraid you can crush the high-level existence of the realm of yin and Yang."

Lin Feng and Sikong talked for a while, ate some food, recovered his strength, had a little rest, and then continued to fly towards the depths of the sea.

They\'re going to the first friar gathering area.

A ship of about twenty meters is sailing at sea.

Ships of this scale can only be called "boats".

The ship is actually a fishing boat on an island in the nearby sea area.

There are countless islands in the vast sea.

Many islands are inhabited.

Most residents on the island make a living by fishing.

Of course, most of those who can fish at sea have certain accomplishments.

Because the sea area is rich in resources.

So they often get good results.

Not just to meet life.

And it can exchange some cultivation resources for cultivation.

Of course, having said that, these fishermen are also cautious when going to sea on weekdays.

One is because pirates are rampant.

Second, fierce animals are rampant in the sea.

Whether you meet pirates or fierce animals.

Are extremely dangerous things.

There are more than twenty people on this fishing boat.

Five teenagers aged 16 or 17 surrounded a tall and burly middle-aged man.

A young man asked, "Uncle iron mountain, is there really an immortal in the depths of the sea?".

"Of course it\'s true. Twenty years ago, there was even a deep-sea Fairy Island passing through our island. At that time, a test was conducted in our island, and uncle Tieshan was almost taken away by the immortal.".

Said the burly middle-aged man.

With remembrance, with remembrance.

Their island is small, less than a thousand people.

Poor strength.

So we can\'t train young people with outstanding strength.

What\'s more, they have no ability to send these young people to the deep monk gathering area to participate in the test of major forces.

Such an island.

In the East China Sea, it is distributed like stars.

beyond count.

"Will the immortal still come to our island?".

Several teenagers asked expectantly.

Uncle Tieshan sighed and said, "if you want to join the Fairy Island for cultivation, you need a strong cultivation talent, and then go to the depths of the sea to find the Fairy Island. Although there are some things about the fairy coming out to recruit disciples, they rarely appear. It may not be your turn in a hundred years.".

Hearing uncle Tieshan say so, several teenagers suddenly showed disappointed expressions.

Living in the East China Sea.

They have also seen some powerful monks who fly to the sky and escape from the earth.

Naturally, I look forward to becoming such a person.

But the reality is very cruel.

"Uncle Tieshan, look, what\'s that?".

Suddenly, a teenager pointed to the distance.

More than twenty people on the fishing boat were disturbed.

In the distance, the black fog rolled.

The surging black fog came quickly.

"It\'s a monk...".

Uncle Tieshan said.

He has been at sea for many years and still has some insight.

He said to the people around him, "if the friar lands on our ship, we must be respectful and don\'t annoy the friar.".

Everyone nodded.


The black fog landed on the ship.

In the dark fog, a one eyed dragon friar came out.

It was the pirate Dugu Yan.

The East China Sea.

The number of pirates is as large as a feather.

The pirate Dugu Yan is a pirate offered a reward by many forces in the East China Sea.

Can become the 74th existence on the reward list.

Nature is not a simple character.

This man\'s reward reached 500 million spirit stones.

But even such a huge reward.

But no one could take Dugu Yan\'s life.

This guy is not only powerful, but also crafty.

It\'s not easy to kill him.

Dugu Yan\'s cold eyes swept at everyone on the fishing boat.

"Which island are you from?"

Dugu Yan asked.

"Lord Hui, we are residents of Roche island"

Uncle Tieshan said quickly.

Some small islands in the East China Sea are often inhabited by clansmen.

So these islands are often named after their clans.

Roche island.

Obviously, the people living on this island are the Roche people.

"It turned out to be this island. Three hundred years ago, a very powerful character came out of your island, and the future is bright. But he died when encircling and suppressing the fierce in the sea. If the man hadn\'t died, your Roche island might have become prosperous and strong.".

Dugu Yan narrowed his eyes and swept at the people on Roche island.

Rao shitieshan doesn\'t know much about things hundreds of years ago, let alone others.

Dugu Yan said lightly, "did you ever get some good things when you went fishing?".

Iron mountain nodded quickly and said, "we have collected some blood corals from the sea. This is a precious panacea. I\'m willing to give it to adults.".

Iron mountain quickly motioned his companions to bring up the blood coral.

Dugu Yan nodded and collected the blood coral.

Then he asked, "is there anything good?".

"Only blood corals were collected because they had just gone to sea for a short time.".

Uncle Tieshan said carefully.

Dugu Yan\'s eyes sank slightly and said with a sneer, "just a box of blood coral can\'t save your life".

The faces of Uncle Tieshan and others changed greatly.

Uncle Tieshan said quickly, "Sir, we haven\'t collected good things for the time being. If we do, we will give them all to you.".

"I don\'t have so much free time for you to go to the sea to collect.".

Dugu Yan sneered and raised his right hand. The evil spirit gushed out. Several fishermen were covered by the magic fog cage and screamed bitterly.

"Spare your life, my Lord. Please spare us for the sake of knowing our ancestors.".

Iron mountain knelt on the ground and begged.

Others also knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Dugu Yan.

Several teenagers were trembling with fear.

Dugu Yan sneered, "what about knowing? A guy who has been dead for hundreds of years, even if he had a little friendship at the beginning, he has already lost his love for hundreds of years. Since he can\'t take out his baby, he will die.".

The voice fell.

Black fog surged out.

The black fog devoured everyone on board.

A shrill scream came out.

Before long, more than 20 people died miserably.

Dugu Yan looked indifferent and rose into the sky and soon disappeared into the sky.

The fishing boat, carrying more than 20 bodies, walked aimlessly in the distance.

Soon after, two figures flew from a distance.

It was Lin Feng and Sikong who picked the moon.

Their faces changed slightly as they passed the fishing boat.

They came down.

Lin Feng and Sikong pick the moon and check it again. Everyone has died miserably.

"Dead, but not more than half an hour"

Lin Feng frowned.

"I use the return to heaven to see if I can reproduce some of the previous scenes.".

Sikong picked the moon and said.

It\'s quite magical. It can reproduce some pictures.

But if it\'s a long time.

It doesn\'t work.

Sikong plucked the moon and performed the art of returning to heaven.

A picture, flash away.

In the picture, Dugu Yan stood on the ship, turned into black fog and swallowed everyone.

More than 20 people died directly.

"He should be damned for killing innocent people so indiscriminately.".

Seeing this picture, Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly showed a sense of killing.