Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 693

An island.

It was swallowed up.

It turns out that all the rumors are true.

A fierce beast in the deep sea can devour a friar island in one bite.


I saw what was said with my own eyes.

Lin Feng and Sikong pick the moon.

I just feel deeply shocked.

"What a terrible dark force, shrouded by the dark force, the whole island is not only blocked, but also getting smaller. What force is that?"

Sikong picked the moon and said with a pale face.

"It should be the original magic power of the nether magic shark. No wonder the nether magic shark group was so terrible tens of thousands of years ago, which made the whole East China Sea panic. It\'s really too powerful.".

Lin Feng took a deep breath and said.

After devouring the whole island and hundreds of thousands of monks, the ghost demon shark exhaled with satisfaction.

Then he plunged into the ocean and disappeared.

"Unfortunately, our strength can\'t kill such a ghost devil shark. If we can kill the ghost devil shark, get its origin and refine the origin of the ghost devil shark, our cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds".

Lin Feng said.

Sikong picked the moon and said, "the defense of the ghost demon shark is too strong, and the power contained in its huge body is too terrible. It is estimated that only DA can deal with it.".

They didn\'t stop and continued to fly deep.

Some great powers have heard of the emergence of the ghost demon shark.

Many great forces have sent experts to round up the ghost demon shark.

On this day, in the distance, dark clouds rolled and thunder intertwined.

Purple lightning, like thunder dragon and electric snake, swam in the void.

In the middle of the ocean, a huge thing roared low from time to time.

"Ghost shark"!

That\'s a ghost Shark!

Obviously, the ghost shark is going to survive.

"Good guy, this ghost devil shark will degenerate again and his cultivation will increase sharply once he succeeds in crossing the robbery"!

Lin Feng squinted at the ghost devil shark.

Some powerful beasts degenerate.

Like a snake turning into a dragon and a dragon turning into a dragon.

All against the sky.

If you go against the sky, you will be punished by heaven.

Scourge refers to "thunder robbery".

Resisting the scourge is what friars call "crossing the robbery".

In fact, it\'s not just fierce animals that go against the sky to survive the robbery.

Even friars will survive.

Of course, monks often practice to a higher level.

There will be three disasters and nine difficulties at that time.

At that time, it will be dangerous.

A little careless.

Will die.

Sikong picked the moon and said, "I\'m afraid it will attract many people.".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "I think this ghost devil shark must have swallowed up too many practitioners and made great progress, so it will cross the robbery here before it can return to the deep sea. The scourge is extremely dangerous. Even if it can cross the robbery successfully, it will lose most of its life. At that time, it was the weakest time for the ghost devil shark."

Speaking of this, a hot look flashed through Lin Feng\'s eyes.

Sikong\'s eyes brightened and said, "it seems that it\'s not easy for the ghost demon shark to escape back to the deep sea alive, whether it can survive or not.".

"Even if it wants to go, will these practitioners let it go?".

Lin Feng smiled calmly.


At this time, more than a dozen practitioners came in the distance.

"Someone\'s coming.". Sikong picked the moon and said.

"We hide, wait for the opportunity and rob the original power of the ghost devil shark.".

Lin Feng said.


He and Sikong picked the moon and hid on an island.

Waiting for the ghost demon shark to cross the robbery.

Monks keep coming.

Mostly casual repair.

He looked at the ghost shark with hot eyes

Behind a rock reef, there are also more than a dozen people.

If Lin Feng saw them, he would be able to recognize them.

Liu mengyan!

It was this man.

Previously, Lin Feng was recruited to become the "dead man" of Huangfu Qingtian.

But Lin Feng refused.

So he hated Lin Feng.

Liu mengyan is surrounded by Sun Tzu Zhou.

Of course, the most remarkable is a sword carrying monk.

The man looked twenty-five or six years old, dressed in green and very handsome.

This monk is called "Li Jianxiao".

He is a core disciple of Qingyun sect.

Status is high.

And this man took refuge in Huangfu Qingtian early.

He is deeply valued by Huangfu Qingtian.

Now, entrusted by Huangfu Qingtian.

Li Jianxiao accompanied Liu mengyan to the Shenxu for training.


Huangfu Qingtian attached great importance to Liu mengyan.

This is what many people don\'t understand.

Why did Huangfu Qingtian value Liu mengyan so much?

Many people speculate that Liu mengyan may have some secrets.

Huangfu Qingtian is very interested.

This created Liu mengyan\'s high status.

"It\'s just a bad luck for the ghost devil shark to survive the robbery. I think there are more than one group of friars in this place. Once the ghost devil shark is killed, the original energy will appear and many people will rush. If we can grab it, everyone\'s cultivation will be greatly improved, especially younger martial sister Liu. If you can break through the realm of yin and Yang, you can compete in the inner door Wait for a blockbuster ".

Li Jianxiao said.

Liu mengyan\'s face showed a confident expression and said, "Don\'t worry, senior brother Qingtian has determined that I will be the first in the internal competition. Whether I can break through the realm of yin and Yang during the competition or not, I will break through the realm of yin and Yang as soon as possible, and then enter the small world in a moment to quickly improve my accomplishments. Before the road of Apocalypse opens, I will improve my accomplishments to the peak of the realm of yin and Yang, and I will be able to practice with senior brother Qingtian at that time." 。

It turns out that Liu mengyan is a very special constitution, which is called "the body of water spirit".

This water spirit body is the best constitution of double cultivation.

If you double cultivate with a woman of water spirit body, your cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds.

At the beginning, the eighth Prince of Zhenwu state was killed for rebellion. Liu mengyan escaped and met Huangfu Qingtian on the way.

At a glance, Huangfu saw that Liu mengyan was the body of water spirit.

And keep your virginity.

This made Huangfu Qingtian very happy. He brought Liu mengyan back to Qingyun sect.

It costs a lot to cultivate Liu mengyan.

It is to make Liu mengyan\'s cultivation rapidly improve.

Then, he made double cultivation with Liu mengyan.

This is the first double repair.

The promotion of male friars is the most significant.

It is said that you can often improve several levels of cultivation.

Of course, the higher the nun\'s accomplishments, the better.

The higher the nun\'s accomplishments, when the male nun captured the nun for the first time.

The more you improve your accomplishments.

Liu mengyan obviously knows why Huangfu Qingtian values himself so much.

Some senior leaders of qingtianfeng, such as Li Jianxiao, also know.

But Liu mengyan didn\'t feel ashamed.

A woman who can be a man like Huangfu Qingtian.

It was something she had never dreamed of before.


At this time.

In the sky, a breath of terror surged.

The thunder roared out.

Shake the sea for thousands of miles.

Then, thunders as thick as mountains shot at the ghost devil shark.

The doom of the nether devil Shark!


It\'s coming!