Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 692

"Trouble, even such a powerful magic arrow can\'t break the defense of these dark magic sharks. I\'m afraid we\'re going to run away.".

Seeing that the magic arrows were bounced off by the body of the ghost devil shark, Lin Feng knew that there was trouble.

At present, these ghost magic sharks are terrible, and there are more than a dozen. Once these ghost magic sharks rush up.

This huge ship can\'t resist at all.

Sure enough.

A dozen ghost sharks rushed.

Hit the huge ship.

Click, click.

In the first shock, the prohibition of the giant ship began to break.


These ghost sharks hit the giant ship again.


The loud noise shook the sky.

The defense prohibition of the giant ship was broken by the ghost demon shark.

Then something terrible happened.

The hull of the giant ship began to crumble.


"Leave the ship quickly, as long as the ship breaks.".

Many people cried in horror.

Many people look pale.

Everyone rushed into the air.


The cold light flickered.

The ghost devil shark opened its mouth.

The water arrows sprayed out.

Sprayed at the friar in the air.

Poof poof.

Then, the sound of water arrow tearing the flesh came out.

With the shrill scream, many monks were directly pierced by water arrows.

And fall.

Swallowed by the ghost shark.

These ghost sharks are extremely ferocious.

Powerful attack.

Not just water arrows.

And the huge tail pulled out.

Dozens of monks were killed.

"Go, go...".

Many people trembled with fear and flew crazy into the distance.

See the monks who are about to escape.

The nether devil shark ejected black energy light balls.

These ghost sharks are really powerful.

Not only can water arrow attack, but also more powerful energy attack.

Every energy light ball explodes, many monks are pretended to be dead.

Then the ghost shark sucked.

The bodies of the monks flew towards the ghost shark.

Swallowed by the ghost shark.

These ghost sharks are ferocious.

Like to attack friars\' islands or ships at sea.

It is said that tens of thousands of years ago, the number of ghost magic sharks reached its peak.

Thousands of ghost sharks attacked a huge gathering place on the sea.

The gathering place was instantly destroyed under the impact of thousands of ghost magic sharks.

Only a few of the tens of millions of monks escaped.

Basically swallowed up by the ghost shark.

This is the famous "fierce shark killing the island" incident.

Led by the ghost demon shark king.

The nether devil sharks constantly attack the gathering place of monks on the sea.

More than a dozen gathering places were destroyed by the ghost shark group.

Countless ships were devoured by the ghost sharks.

There was a great panic in the East China Sea.

But it also completely angered many forces in the East China Sea.

At the call of three holy places and four fairy islands.

The forces of the East China Sea, large and small, joined forces to encircle and suppress the ghost demon sharks.

Finally, he killed the ghost demon shark king and destroyed the ghost demon shark group at a heavy price.

Originally, these forces in the East China Sea wanted to completely destroy the ghost demon shark, so as to vent their hatred.

But at that time, the emissary of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea appeared, which made this family not extinct.

However, after the war, the number of ghost magic sharks decreased from thousands to dozens.

The breeding of the ghost devil shark is extremely difficult, and its growth is even more difficult.

Even after tens of thousands of years.

The number of ghost sharks is still very small.

Now, it is not a small scale to dispatch more than a dozen ghost sharks at a time.

There were five or six thousand friars on the giant ship.

Before long, he was slaughtered by the ghost devil shark.

What happened right now is really too miserable.

Lin Feng and Sikong picked the moon and flew away quickly.

There was a loud bang.

A ghost shark pulled its huge tail.

Lin Feng and Sikong took off the moon to escape quickly.

It\'s dangerous and dangerous to avoid the attack of the ghost devil shark.

And this time.

The ghost devil shark spewed out an energy light ball to kill.

Many friars are pretended to be dead by the energy light ball.

The energy light ball also enveloped Lin Feng and Sikong picking the moon.

"Divine Shield".

At this time, Sikong picked a treasure from the Moon Festival.

This treasure is a shield, which he holds in his hand.

The shield suddenly appeared, and the divine light shrouded them and protected them.

God shield!

Amazing defense!

The energy attack of the nether devil shark comes from bombardment.

At this time, the Divine Shield is powerful.

Resist the attack of the ghost shark.

"This is the life magic weapon left by the ancestors who established the Sikong family. The defense is very strong. Although I can\'t completely grasp this treasure, it\'s no problem to protect us from leaving.".

Sikong picked up the moon.

"Well, it\'s not too late. Let\'s go.". Lin Feng said.

They rushed out with the powerful defense of the Divine Shield.

Without stopping, they quickly left the area.

"These ghost sharks are terrible.".

Sikong took the moon and breathed a sigh.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "it\'s lucky to escape.".

The ghost devil shark appeared and caused a great shock.

Ships are constantly attacked by the ghost shark.

Heavy casualties.

These ghost sharks are not in groups.

Some ghost sharks also choose to act alone.

"There is a gathering place ahead. Although it is not very large, there are also 200000 or 300000 mobile friars. We used to take a day off.".

Sikong picked the moon and pointed to an island in the distance.

Vaguely, you can see a city in the island.

Apparently someone has built a city on the island.


Lin Feng nodded.

Go to the island with Sikong picking the moon.

Wait until they get to the island.

Suddenly, Lin Feng felt a violent fluctuation in the depths of the sea.

"No, it\'s the ghost shark"

Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly.

He and Sikong picked the moon and rushed to a high place.

Soon, the ghost shark appeared.

The huge body of the ghost demon shark appeared on the sea.

"Only one end".

Sikong took the moon and breathed a sigh.

The ghost shark rushed towards the place where the monks gathered.

The practitioners in the monk gathering place also found the ghost devil shark.

"No, the ghost shark is coming. Run away quickly.".

Many people shouted in horror.

But it\'s too late to run away.

The ghost shark opened its mouth.

A terrible scene appeared.

The ghost devil shark\'s big mouth is like a black hole world.

A terrible dark force surged out.

Enveloped the whole huge island.

The island is shrinking rapidly.

Everyone is trapped on the island.


The ghost shark swallowed the island in one bite.

Along with hundreds of thousands of people on the island.

Also swallowed by the ghost devil shark.