Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 691

The boundless ocean is rippling with blue waves.

Lin Feng and Sikong Jieyue entered the East China Sea World in a huge ship.

This is the first time Lin Feng went to sea.

The magnificent sea shocked Lin Feng\'s heart.

Let him have a feeling.

No matter how powerful people are.

In front of nature.

It always seems small.

Every once in a while, huge ships go to sea and go to the depths of the ocean.

Some people go to Fairy Island to ask for magic medicine.

Some people want to go to Fairy Island to learn.

Someone went to the deep sea to look for opportunities.

They all have different purposes.

"The East China Sea is vast and powerful. It does not belong to the 72 northern states, but to the four seas.".

The vice captain introduced the division of power in the East China Sea to the friars in the cabin.

"The most powerful place in the East China Sea is the mysterious East China Sea Dragon Palace, but the East China Sea Dragon Palace is too mysterious for practitioners and difficult to reach."

"In addition to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, there are seven forces, known as the three saints and four immortals".

"The three saints refer to the three ancient holy places of Penglai, Yunxia and Feixian, and the four immortals refer to the four fairy islands of flame, fire cloud, Jinwu and Shenpeng."

"The three holy places are all the forces of the human race, and the flame Island, Jinwu island and Shenpeng island are all the forces of the demon family. The flame demon king of the flame Island, the Jinwu saint of Jinwu island and the Tianpeng saint of Shenpeng island are all famous strong men and objects standing at the peak of the whole tianwu continent".

"As for huoyun Island, it is an evil force. The owner of the island, huoyun evil god, is a force that can not be provoked.".

"Flame demon king?".

Lin Feng suddenly thought of the chaos caused by the demons in Dongjun Shenzhou.

Kill hundreds of millions of people in Dongjun China.

It was jointly launched by the blood demon emperor and the flame demon king.

It turns out that the flame demon king is the overlord of the East China Sea.


The vice captain continued, "of course, in addition to these top forces, there are some forces that have to be mentioned, that is Pirates".

"Pirates?". The faces of the people changed.

As we all know, robbers kill people and plunder goods.

Pirates should be of the same nature as robbers.

"You may have seen robbers when you live on land, but there are few robbers who can form a scale, but at sea, pirates are extremely rampant, rich in marine resources and easy to hide. Therefore, for many powerful monks, this is the best era of navigation.".

Said the vice captain.

"These pirates are so rampant. Haven\'t these great forces at sea encircled and suppressed them?"

Someone asked.

"Of course, there are encirclement and suppression, and even a reward list. The reward of the nine pirate kings has even reached 100 million top-grade spirit stones, but who can kill them?".

The co captain shook his head.

"And the pirate king?".

Everyone was shocked.

The vice captain said, "of course, there are pirate kings. The pirate force is extremely huge. There are pirates everywhere, and the nine pirate kings are even more powerful. If the nine pirate kings join hands, the ancient holy land and ancient fairy island will shake three times".

"So, the nine pirate kings have the ability to shake the ancient holy land and ancient fairy island?". Lin Feng asked.

You can say so. The vice mayor nodded.

This makes Lin Feng feel incredible.

If that\'s the case.


Today\'s East China Sea can indeed be called the "era of great navigation".

The vice mayor continued, "there are two things to worry about when going to sea, one is how to avoid pirates, the other is how to avoid powerful beasts in the sea".

"The vast sea area is boundless. Fierce animals in the sea are rampant. Some powerful fierce animals can swallow up an island with their big mouths. Their cultivation is strong, unimaginable and irresistible.".

"Many of you want to join some great forces in the sea. This time, we will stop at the cloud sea gathering place, which is the largest gathering place of 18. It is built by many forces on the sea. People come and go, and it is very lively.".

"Many great forces on the sea also have offices in the gathering place. If you want to join them, you can go to the office. As for whether you can join those top great forces in practice, you have to rely on your abilities.".

Many monks who wanted to join the great power on the sea looked excited when they heard it.

Obviously, they are extremely yearning for these great maritime forces.

There are immortals in the East China Sea.

In fact, they are talking about these top forces on the sea.

These maritime forces are all at the overlord level, and their strength is even stronger than the ancient forces on land.

Even if it is weaker than the archaic forces.

But it is only weak in the details.

Really compared.

In fact, it is not far away.

There is a reason for this.

Marine resources are far more abundant than land resources.

There are few top powers at sea.

In this way, resources can be concentrated.

Unlike on land, various forces crisscross.

Resources are scattered.

Therefore, these maritime forces are powerful.

It\'s not unreasonable.

The giant ship probably traveled at sea for more than ten days.

On this day, the most terrible thing happened.

The sky suddenly became dark.

The cold breath surged in the void.

In the ocean, a behemoth appeared.

It was a huge shark.

That shark is too big.

Every shark is kilometers long.

Ordinary sharks, only a few meters.

Even the most ferocious tiger shark is only ten meters.

But the shark in front of us was kilometers long.

It\'s shocking.

This is a kind of shark painted black all over.

The sharks, about a dozen or so, rushed towards the huge ship.

"No, it\'s the ghost devil shark. Open the giant ship defense prohibition and quickly escape here.".

The captain appeared in person with a dignified look.

Ghost Shark!

It is the most ferocious beast in the East China Sea.

They generally live in the deepest abyss of the ocean.

Netherworld means "hell".

In the ocean, it is defined as "hell messenger".

The ghost devil shark is like a hell messenger.

Once it appears.

Will cause death.

Countless creatures died.

The defense prohibition of the giant ship is open.

The great ship dashed away into the distance.

But it\'s too late to leave now.

A ghost shark rushed in.

"Come on, release the arrow and shoot the ghost demon shark.".

The vice captain shouted anxiously.

The huge crossbow was pushed out.

It needs more than a dozen people to open.

The arrow is also a magic arrow.

It is more than ten meters long and can easily shoot large fierce animals.

Huge crossbows and arrows shot out.

It\'s as powerful as destroying heaven and earth.

Mercilessly bombard and kill the ghost demon shark.

Keng Keng

Bursts of metal and iron strike came out.

Mars is everywhere.

The Magic Arrow that can kill the monks in the yin-yang realm can not even break the defense of the ghost devil shark.