Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 492


The shrill and incomparable scream pulled everyone back to reality, and looked at Lin Feng with shocking eyes.

"How could it be? Wei Yantao is a strong man in the five Heaven realm of King Wu. Why didn\'t he catch a move?".

"Isn\'t that guy the cultivation of the martial general realm? How could he beat Wei Yantao half to death with one move?".

"I won\'t be dazzled, will I?".


A series of incredible exclamations resounded.

Everyone\'s shocked and moving eyes looked at Lin Feng.

"He, he, he...". Wuyang, Xue Xun and others were pale. They didn\'t expect Lin Feng to be so terrible. When they thought of the previous sarcasm against Lin Feng, their faces became more and more ugly.

"At the banquet that day, I felt that this guy was not simple. He really hid his accomplishments. It was too strong. Second brother, where did you get that guy? He was so strong?".

Mo Miaoling asked in shock.

Mo Shaoxie said with a bitter smile, "I didn\'t know that Lin Feng was so powerful.".

The beautiful eyes of Shuixin, full of wind and Sao, suddenly lit up.

She narrowed her eyes and looked at Lin Feng with a different luster.


"Boy, you\'re dead. I tell you, your end will be ten times, a hundred times worse than me.".

Wei Yantao looked at Lin Feng bitterly.

"Dare you threaten me?".

Lin Feng\'s face was full of sneers. He raised his right foot and was about to kick Wei Yantao\'s other leg.

For friends, Lin Feng does everything he can!

For the enemy, there is no mercy!

This is Lin Feng\'s style.

"Boy, I think you dare"!

A cold cry came, several Xingyun Pavilion disciples came quickly, and the leading Xingyun Pavilion disciple drank loudly.

"What am I afraid of?".

Facing the Xingyun Pavilion disciple, Lin Feng sneered and kicked Wei Yantao\'s other leg.


The sound of bone crack came out immediately after the foot stepped down hard.

Wei Yantao\'s second leg was also broken by Lin Feng.


Wei Yantao screamed and fainted completely.

"It was a decisive move, but it also caused great disaster.".

Many people shook their heads. In their view, although Lin Feng helped Han Shuo take revenge, he caused more trouble.

Because he is facing the giant Xingyun Pavilion.

How does this end?


"Boy, dare to commit murder in Xingyun Pavilion! You\'re trying to die yourself.".

Just now, the disciple of Xingyun Pavilion, who drank loudly, looked extremely gloomy.

"That man is Zhou Yu, but he is the master of the seven heaven realm of King Wu"!

"What? So powerful?".

"I don\'t know if that boy is Zhou Yu\'s opponent.".

"I\'m afraid I\'m not Zhou Yu\'s opponent at all. Zhou Yu can\'t be dealt with by ordinary people. Now I\'m in big trouble.".

Some people recognized Zhou Yu\'s identity and immediately talked about it. They looked at Lin Feng with pity. Although Wei Yantao was an expert in the five Heaven realm of King Wu, there was a big gap compared with the seven heaven realm of King Wu.

Want to defeat Zhou Yu! That\'s too difficult.

"Hehe, look what this is?".

Lin Feng found Han Shuo\'s recommendation letter from Wei Yantao and threw it to Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu sneered and said, "what is this?".

Lin Feng said coldly, "Wei Yantao switched my brother\'s letter of recommendation, but slandered my brother for taking a piece of white paper to tease Xingyun Pavilion. This man\'s mind is so wrong and openly slanders the friars who came to Xingyun pavilion to take part in the test. Shouldn\'t you Xingyun Pavilion severely punish such evil disciples?".

Zhou Yu did not look at the recommendation letter, but tore it up directly.

He sneered and looked at Lin Feng, "boy, if you want to disturb people\'s hearts, you should be punished.".

Seeing that Zhou Yu tore the recommendation letter into pieces, Lin Feng took out another recommendation letter and said with a smile, "I expected you to die, plead not guilty and even destroy the evidence, so what I just gave you is just a piece of paper with a drug list. The real recommendation letter is here.".

Lin Feng said and waved the recommendation letter in his hand to Zhou Yu.

"Poof" many people immediately laughed. Obviously, everyone knew that Zhou Yu had just been teased.

"You dare lie to me"!

Zhou Yu\'s fists were tightly clenched together in an instant. Looking at Lin Feng, he was full of a very dark expression.

"Hehe? Cheat you? If your father-in-law is honest, will you be cheated?", Lin Feng said with a sneer, "it\'s like a raccoon with Wei Yantao!"!

"Boy, I want your dog\'s life"!

Zhou Yu, who was teased by Lin Feng, only felt his face damaged. He immediately roared and swept towards Lin Feng.

This week, the cultivation of the seventh heaven in the realm of King Wu of Zhou Yu is much stronger than that of Wei Yantao. The blow from the blast contains the most terrible power. There are even bursts of sonic booms in the void, which enlighten the deaf. Zhou Yu\'s body broke out a suffocating breath.

If Lin Feng had not broken through before, he would still have a hard time dealing with friars at Zhou Yu\'s level.

But after the breakthrough, Lin Feng\'s cultivation soared!

Even though it was not difficult for Zhou Yu last week, facing Zhou Yu\'s blow, Lin Feng directly snatched it out and wrapped it around the power of thunder on his right hand. The batian thunder formula was displayed by Lin Feng. He condensed the power of batian thunder formula on his fist and blew it at Zhou Yu.


With the dull sound of collision, Lin Feng and Zhou Yu collided fiercely. Lin Feng was motionless, while Zhou Yu flew backwards like a broken kite.


"My God, even Zhou Yu was defeated. Zhou Yu is the cultivation of the seven heaven of the realm of King Wu. He was defeated with one move.".

"Strong, too strong. This guy must have practiced the secret of hidden cultivation. Judging from his age and combat power, I\'m afraid he can directly become a core disciple and be trained"!

"Hey, hey... But now everything is impossible. If you make trouble in Xingyun Pavilion, you still want to be a disciple of Xingyun pavilion? It\'s a daydream"!

Someone sneered and said, I don\'t know whether it\'s gloating or regretting for Lin Feng.


Lin Feng jumped up, swept in front of Zhou Yu in an instant, and blasted Zhou Yu with his palm.

"Deacon, help!".

Zhou Yu was shocked to find that he couldn\'t escape. He seemed to be imprisoned in the air by a terrible force. Seeing that the palm was about to be killed, Zhou Yu was so scared that his face turned pale that he couldn\'t help begging for mercy.

"Someone dares to act wildly in our Xingyun Pavilion and die for me.".

The sound of cold drinking rang out in vain. I saw a figure in the distance, and several projectiles appeared behind Lin Feng. One palm blew away at Lin Feng. That blow contained terrible destructive power, and the fluctuation of that power shocked many people.

Someone shouted in horror.

"The boy is finished. He is the deacon of Xingyun Pavilion. The strong man in the ten Heaven of King Wu\'s realm shot.".