Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 491

"That guy should have had some grudges with Wei Yantao before, which was cleaned up by Wei Yantao.".

"Yes, it must be. I don\'t believe anyone dares to make trouble in Xingyun pavilion with a piece of white paper unless they are really tired of living.".

"Maybe Wei Yantao did drop his bag.".

"I can only admit my bad luck. Now Wei Yantao is the cultivation of wuchongtian in the realm of King Wu. Because he was appreciated by an elder of the sect, he was exceptionally promoted to an internal disciple with a high status. What can he do even if he slanders that boy? He is just the son of a miner".

Many people are talking about it. Obviously, Wei Yantao\'s clumsy means can\'t really convince people, but even if you know that Wei Yantao is deliberately slandering, what can you do with Wei Yantao? The world is so cruel. It is obviously oppressed, slandered and framed, but if you have no strength, you can only bear all this.

"Ah, give me the letter of recommendation.".

Han Shuo is crazy. He usually gets up and pours on Wei Yantao.

That\'s... The hope of the whole village.

The whole village has been working diligently for more than ten years for this letter of recommendation.

That is the goal for which I strive and strive.

Han Shuo just wants to get back his recommendation letter.

"Looking for death?".

Wei Yantao sneered and kicked out.


This powerful and heavy kick kicked Han Shuo in the abdomen, and Han Shuo was kicked out again.

He wanted to get up, but Wei Yantao stepped on him. "Grandson, what are you, and how dare you make trouble in Xingyun pavilion?".

"Brother Feng, something happened to Han Shuo.". After hearing the conflict in the distance, Yu Fan ran over, squeezed away the crowd and shouted.

"Ha, there\'s an accident with your miner friend, but you must know yourself clearly and don\'t get involved, otherwise, I\'m afraid you can\'t protect yourself.".

Wuyang said strangely.

Shut up.

Lin Feng glanced at Wuyang with cold eyes.

Seeing Lin Feng\'s eyes, Wuyang felt cold.

Xue Xun and others originally wanted to be sarcastic, but at this moment they also honestly shut up. They felt a cold chill that made them all creepy from Lin Feng\'s cold eyes.

"Bastard, let go of Han Shuo", Yu Fan roared and rushed towards Wei Yantao.

"Boy, do you want to die?".

Wei Yantao suddenly sank, raised his right hand and cleaved to Yu fan.

Everyone felt that Wei Yantao turned into a huge axe.

The axe fell with force.

"This is an axe splitting, a powerful secret skill of Yunxuan Pavilion. It is said that after successful cultivation, you can easily split the wanzhang mountain in half"!

Someone exclaimed. The power of this move is quite terrible.


Yu Fan and Wei Yantao collided fiercely, and immediately he was hit by Wei Yantao and flew out.

"Get out of the way"!

Lin Feng squeezed into the crowd and saw Yu Fan trembling all over. He asked in a deep voice, "fan Zi, are you okay?".

"I\'m fine.". Yu Fan shook his head.

Lin Feng\'s eyes then looked at Han Shuo.

Han Shuo lay on the ground, convulsed and pale, and was trampled under Wei Yantao\'s feet.


Lin Feng only felt that a towering anger was burning in his chest.

Get out of your mother\'s Nebula Pavilion.

It annoys me. No matter what sect or force you are.

"Let him go"!

Lin Feng\'s cold voice came out.

Wei Yantao saw Lin Feng\'s disdainful expression. How dare a boy in the realm of military general jump in front of himself? I don\'t know what to do.

Wei Yantao sneered and said, "is Han Shuo your friend? This guy teased me with a white paper that it was a letter of recommendation and will be taken to the prison of Xingyun Pavilion for trial. However, if you kneel on the ground to kowtow and apologize instead of him, I\'ll spare him, okay?".

Many onlookers\' faces suddenly changed. Wei Yantao wanted to humiliate Lin Feng.

"That boy really stands out for the son of a miner. He really doesn\'t know what to do.".

"Even we can crush and kill the garbage cultivation in the martial general realm, not to mention the inner disciples of shangxingyun Pavilion".

"I don\'t know if this guy will really kneel on the ground and kowtow and apologize. It\'s time to test his friendship, tut tut...".

Wuyang, Xue Xun and song Caijie all looked at Lin Feng sarcastically.

Mo Shaoxie frowned slightly and said, "anyway, we have drunk at the same table and have some friends. You have done so.".

Hearing that Mo Shaoxie was a little unhappy, several people in Wuyang snorted coldly, but they didn\'t say anything else.


"Good, good"!

Lin Feng\'s eyes were extremely gloomy. He walked towards Wei Yantao step by step.

"The boy doesn\'t want to fight Wei Yantao?".

"How dare you do it for the cultivation of the martial general? It\'s just looking for death.".

Many people exclaimed and shook their heads. Although they admired Lin Feng\'s courage to stand out for his friends, they also felt that Lin Feng was too irrational.

Because Wei Yantao is the cultivation of wuchongtian in the realm of King Wu.

"It\'s suicide.". Wuyang, Xue Xun and others couldn\'t help sneering.

"This guy has a good character except that his cultivation is really bad.".

The water heart qi with a breath of wind and Sao couldn\'t help muttering.


"Boy, since you want to die, I don\'t mind crushing you like an ant.".

The corners of Wei Yantao\'s mouth were full of sneers.

When Lin Feng walked past, Wei Yantao was an axe again.

The smell of terror filled the air.

"Axe chop, no, that boy is just a martial general. He can\'t bear Wei Yantao\'s attack!"!

"Yes, Wei Yantao\'s blow will kill the boy directly.".

Many people exclaimed.

In the distance, some disciples of Xingyun Pavilion and even the Deacon looked coldly at the conflict here. They all looked indifferent. They didn\'t mean to intervene or preside over justice.

On the contrary, he looked like he was watching a good play.

Wei Yantao\'s concentrated axe cleaved like he could cleave Huashan Mountain, and came to Lin Feng.

The smell of terror filled the air.

The terrible wave made many onlookers feel depressed. Many people couldn\'t bear the horror brought by the blow. They turned pale and retreated.


At this time, everyone saw that Lin Feng moved.

Facing Wei Yantao\'s axe!

Lin Feng punched out.

There was a loud noise from Peng.

Everyone saw that Lin Feng\'s fist smashed the axe light condensed by Wei Yantao.

Then the powerful and heavy fist and Wei Yantao\'s fist hit each other hard.


The sound of bone fracture rang out. The arms of Wei Yantao and Lin Feng were directly broken, and the bone residue was exposed.


Wei Yantao fell to the ground in a panic, but the young childe who took the shot had swept in front of Wei Yantao, and the devil like voice suddenly rang through the audience.

"If you dare to touch my brother, I\'ll let him repay thousands of times.".

Everyone saw that the young childe raised his right foot and stepped on Wei Yantao\'s right leg.

Click! Wei Yantao\'s right leg was directly broken by one foot.