Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 485

"Brother Lin, brother Han, please leave quickly. Don\'t lose your life because of me.".

Yu Fan said with a fist.

His face was very calm. He seemed to know that he would die and no longer struggle, but Lin Feng saw a deep reluctance from Yu Fan\'s eyes.

Lin Feng said, "when in danger, I leave my friends and run away... Sorry, I can\'t do such a thing.".

If yu fan is just a stranger, Lin Feng will not put himself in danger in order to save a stranger.

He doesn\'t think he is a saint who saves trouble.

But Yu fan is Lin Feng\'s friend.

Lin Feng will never ignore his friends. This is Lin Feng\'s character. He does everything for his friends.

I can\'t do it. Han Shuo also said.

"Brother Lin, brother Han"!

Yu fan is moved to look at Lin Feng and Han Shuo.

But Yu Fan knew that at this time, it was already a situation of death, and Lin Feng and Han Shuo must not be involved. They also died miserably in the hands of these people.

Yu fan knows how terrible these people are.

Seeing what Yu Fan wanted to say, Lin Feng interrupted Yu fan. He said, "brother Yu, don\'t talk for the time being.".

Yu Fan\'s words that he wanted to blurt out were temporarily swallowed into his stomach.

Lin Feng walked towards Yu Fan step by step. At the same time, his eyes cautiously looked at the people in black.

Lin Feng said, "did you make the long roar just now? It should be to get in touch with Yang Zhijie and order Yang Zhijie to sneak an attack on Yu fan. Is that so?".

"Boy, you\'re smart, but smart people don\'t live long.". The first leader in black sneered.

"I guess you may have brought all these wolves.". Lin Feng said faintly.

The two leaders in black showed surprise. They did it skillfully and attracted wolves. They didn\'t even know the spies in Lin Feng\'s team.

"We\'d like to, but unfortunately we don\'t have the ability.". Said the second leader in black.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "it doesn\'t matter whether you admit it or not, but I know a very important thing.".

"What\'s up?". The first leader of the man in black asked, frowning. He always felt that the boy in front of him was a little evil.

Although the cultivation is not high, it belongs to a small role that can be crushed to death with your own hands.

But I don\'t know why, when I see this boy, I always have a strange feeling. I can\'t tell what that feeling is.

"That\'s...". Lin Feng deliberately paused.


The next moment, Lin Feng suddenly burst up, gathered batian thunder formula, and mercilessly killed the old servant around Yu fan.

"Boy, you dare.".

The old servant roared, and it was too late to escape.


Lin Feng\'s powerful attack instantly killed the old servant. Rao was the powerful cultivation of the ten Heaven of the old servant king Wu realm. He was suddenly attacked by Lin Feng and was completely unprepared.

The old servant couldn\'t bear the blow.

Click, click.

The bones in the old servant\'s chest exploded directly. He vomited blood and fell to the ground. He was convulsed. It seemed that he couldn\'t live.

Yu Fan\'s face changed greatly and he couldn\'t help asking, "brother Lin, what are you doing?".

"This man is a spy and deserves his death"! Lin Feng looked indifferent.

"What? You say that old Li is a spy? No, it\'s absolutely impossible. Old Li has been with me for ten years. Old Li has followed me since I was six. How can he be a spy?".

Yu Fan cried out in disbelief.

"When Yang Zhijie stealthily attacked you, the old servant was beside you. How could he not react with his cultivation? When I stopped Yang Zhijie, the old man didn\'t respond at all. If I didn\'t do it, you would have been killed by Yang Zhijie, and the old servant you trust would have watched you die miserably.".

Lin Feng looked at Yu Fan coldly.

Although this is a great blow to everyone.

After all, the old servant has been with him for ten years.

People who get along day and night are people who want to kill him.

This is a heavy blow to anyone.

Yu Fan\'s performance was much better than Lin Feng\'s imagination. At this moment, he seemed to believe Lin Feng\'s words, looked at the old servant and asked bitterly, "why? Old Li, I never regarded you as a servant or even my grandfather. Why did you hurt me?".

The old servant smiled miserably and said, "one slave doesn\'t serve two masters".

"What a slave doesn\'t serve two masters. You have been in a relationship with Yu Fan for ten years. Yu Fan treats you as a relative. Even if the tiger poison doesn\'t eat children, Yu Fan regards you as a grandfather, but you want Yu Fan\'s life. Have your conscience been eaten by the dog?".

Lin Feng looked at the old servant coldly.

"Little beast, you\'re bad for me. I\'ll kill you.".

The old servant roared and killed Lin Feng.


A flying sword cut out and instantly pierced the old servant\'s chest.

"Young master, are you going to kill me?" the old servant looked at Yu Fan in disbelief.

Yu fan has tears in his eyes, "Li Lao, I\'m sorry, I\'m really sorry, I can\'t look at you and kill my friend, I really can\'t, I can only kill you".

"Ha ha ha."

The old servant looked up and laughed, then fell to the ground and died.

"Boy, you are so wise as a demon, but today, you all have to die.".

The two leaders in black were full of murderous intent on their faces and were about to start.


Suddenly, dozens of jade talismans were thrown out by Lin Feng.

Bang bang!

The jade talismans exploded, and the fog shrouded around them.

These are some magic arrays drawn by Lin Feng himself. Let him sacrifice them all and trap these people in black for a short time.

Let\'s go.

Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice, then turned and fled to the distance.

The other side has two strong men in the realm of yin and Yang. He, Yu Fan and Han Shuo are just like ants in front of each other.

Yu Fan and Han Shuo looked shocked, turned and swept away in the distance.

"Fa Fu, damn it, it was calculated by the boy.".

"Little beast, I\'m going to tear you to pieces.".


Two leaders in black roared angrily from the magic array.

Bang bang!!

Waves of violent fluctuations surged out of the illusion.

Although Lin Feng threw out dozens of jade talismans, all of them turned into a magic array.

However, these magic arrays are simple arrays. They can\'t trap the strong in the realm of yin and Yang. After dozens of breathing time, the magic array will be torn apart.

Ten men in black rushed out.

The two leaders in black had extremely gloomy eyes and ferocious expressions. Their powerful yin-yang realm was calculated by a friar in the martial general realm, which made them extremely depressed.

"Chase them, catch them, frustrate their bones and ashes".

The bitter voice of the two leaders in black came out.


The figures quickly swept away in the distance and chased Lin Feng, Yu Fan and Han Shuo.