Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 484


When the wolf king was beheaded, the dense golden backed wolf commander gave a cry of horror.

The commander of a golden backed Wolf fled to the distance.

Seeing that the golden backed wolf leaders fled to the distance, the wolves no longer attacked Yu Fan and others.


The earth shook violently as the wolves ran away.

On a mountain a few miles away.

Ten people in black looked gloomy when they saw this scene.

"Damn it, the wolf king was killed. What weapon is that boy in his hand? It\'s powerful.".

A leader in black looked extremely gloomy.

The team had two leaders, and the other said, "it\'s a powerful treasure. It absorbed the energy of the leader of the golden backed Giant Wolf and released such a terrible attack. It should be a sealed treasure.".

"I think it may also be a sealed treasure. If it is a sealed treasure, its value will be greatly reduced. It is not easy to urge, there are many restrictions and huge losses".

Said the first leader in black.

"Since the golden backed wolves can\'t kill our target, it\'s our turn to do it ourselves.". Said the second leader in black.

"Well, do it...". The first leader of the man in black nodded and took the lead in plundering out, and the others quickly plundered out.

From the words of these people, it seems to be possible to infer that the golden backed giant wolves may have been attracted by these mysterious people in black.

After the black dragon sword cut out the terrible blow, it has returned to peace.

Lin Feng was shocked. Such a huge energy could only urge the black dragon sword to strike.

However, when the black dragon sword revived a trace of the power of the Taigu divine sword, the attack was really terrible.

However, it is too difficult to urge such an attack.

Although Lin Feng can also urge the black dragon sword attack on weekdays, the usual attack can only be regarded as an ordinary attack. The just attack belongs to the attack to revive the ancient power of the black dragon sword. The gap between the two sides is naturally difficult to calculate.

Lin Feng, Yu fan, Ning Tianlu and others swept away.

At this moment, several people have not recovered from the deep shock.

"Are you all right?". Lin Feng\'s voice pulled them back to the real world from the extreme shock.

The crowd shook their heads quickly.

Han Shuo grinned, "I didn\'t think we could survive. This time thanks to brother Lin, otherwise we would be dead.".

"Yes... I really want to thank brother Lin for picking up this life.". Ning Tianlu also said with a smile.

Yu Fan said, "brother Lin has saved us from danger again and again. This kindness must be borne in mind.".

Lin Feng said, "since we are together, we are companions. We share life and death. Don\'t say thank you. It\'s not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let\'s go.".

The crowd nodded and wanted to leave.


At this time, a long roar came from the distance.

It was a strange sound, like a beast but not a beast. It was like a man imitating the sound of some kind of beast. Lin Feng had strong perception, so he noticed the strangeness of the cry and frowned slightly, but he didn\'t think much, but at this time, Lin Feng found that Yang Zhijie in the team was quickly plundering towards Yu fan, and a dagger appeared in Yang Zhijie\'s hand, Stabbed at Yu fan.

"No, the long howling just now is a code word".

Lin Feng\'s face changed slightly. He was on alert all the time, so when Yang Zhijie shot, Lin Feng reacted.

He kicked Yang Zhijie.


This kick kicked Yang Zhijie on the wrist.


Yang Zhijie\'s wrist was directly kicked off by Lin Feng.


Yang Zhijie screamed and fell to the ground.

"What happened?". The people\'s faces changed greatly. They haven\'t reflected what happened.

Yu fan has recovered at this moment. He looks at Lin Feng gratefully and says, "brother Lin, you saved my life again.".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "among friends, why are you polite? I just don\'t know why this man should do it to you.".

Yu Fan\'s face is uncertain. He seems to have doubts, or he has some eyebrows in his heart.

"Li Lao...".

Yu Fan looked at the old servant around him. The old servant nodded and walked towards Yang Zhijie. The old servant said with a gloomy face, "speak out the mastermind behind it. Otherwise, there will be only one way out.".

Yang Zhijie sneered. The next moment he saw black blood coming out of Yang Zhijie\'s mouth. He fell to the ground and died.

The old servant checked and said, "childe, this man had poison in his teeth in advance. After the matter was exposed, he bit the poison bag and killed himself.".

Lin Feng said secretly. It seems that Yu Fan\'s identity is not simple. Unexpectedly, someone has been lurking around him to assassinate him. Lin Feng thought of the long howling just now, and his face changed slightly. Yang Zhijie is afraid that there are associates around. He said in a deep voice, "let\'s go. I\'m afraid it\'s dangerous here.".

Everyone looked suddenly changed. Now everyone believed Lin Feng\'s words.

However, even if Lin Feng and others want to go now, they are already a step late, and their figures come from a distance.

Ten people in black came and surrounded Lin Feng and others.

"You, who are you?". Gu Xin\'er asked with a pale face. She felt a kind of senseless killing intention from these people, which made her have a feeling of soul trembling.

These people in black must be a group of people who kill without blinking an eye.

"Dead man..." Lin Feng took a deep breath.

He felt the breath of death at home from these people in black. In order to complete a mission, he did not hesitate to sacrifice himself.

Our goal is him. If you want to live, get out now.

A leader in Black said coldly.

The people looked at the man in black, and the leader of the man in black pointed out that he was in the world.

"I knew he wouldn\'t let me go so easily.". Yu Fan looks extremely gloomy.

"Both of them are dead men in the realm of yin and Yang". Lin Feng\'s face was a little ugly. He didn\'t expect to hunt down a Yu Fan and send out two dead men in the realm of yin and Yang. It was too big.

"Brother Yu, it\'s not that we don\'t want to help you. In fact, the other party is too strong. We only have a dead end if we stay.".

Ning Tianlu and Zhang Qiang held their fists and swept away in the distance.

Let\'s go. Gu Jun, sun ya\'er and Gu Xin\'er did not dare to stop and ran away quickly.

"Brother Yu, I\'m really sorry.".

Lanyang and lanqianqian look uncertain. They are just ordinary friends with Yu fan. It is obviously unrealistic for them to stay and deal with these people in black.

Brother and sister looked at Yu Fan apologetically and chose to leave.

Only Lin Feng and Han Shuo remained at the scene.

"You want to stay and die?". A leader in black looked at Lin Feng and Han Shuo with gloomy eyes.