Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 430

In the main peak hall, the high level of Qingyang sect is being questioned by the Wu soul hall.

One side, the masked woman sat in a chair and closed her eyes, while Xu Moya, the leader of Qingyang sect, was talking with Yan Lao.


"I have something urgent to see the Lord.".

At this time, fan qiangfu\'s voice came from outside.

"The patriarch is accompanying the big people in the Wulin hall. Everything has to be postponed.". The disciple outside said in a deep voice.

"It\'s really urgent.". Fan qiangfu said anxiously.

He felt that the affair between Xue Zhenghao and Zi linger was bound to cause great trouble.

"Call the man outside.". At this time, the masked woman "Yu Ji" who had not spoken spoke.

Although Xu Moya doesn\'t know the identity of Yu Ji, he knows that Yu Ji is definitely a great person, and they can\'t afford to offend Qingyang sect.

Because Yan Qing, the Lord of Wuhun hall in Shenzhou, Dongjun, has great respect for the masked woman.

"Elder, go and call people in.". Xu Moya said.

"Yes, Lord.".

An old man answered and went out. Soon he came in with the trembling fan qiangfu. Fan qiangfu was nervous when he faced so many big people for the first time.

"What\'s the noise outside?". The elder asked in a deep voice.

Fan qiangfu flopped down on his knees and said, "well, I met an adult of Wuhun hall. The adult asked me to take him to find ziling\'er...".

At this point, the elder\'s face changed slightly.

How did the people in the Wulin hall know ziling\'er?

The elder decided to give ziling\'er to Xue Zhenghao. Xue Zhenghao almost defiled ziling\'er before. At the beginning, it also caused some disputes in Qingyang sect.

If ziling\'er was an adult girl and had given it to Xue Zhenghao, it wouldn\'t matter. But when ziling\'er gave it to Xue Zhenghao, Xue Zhenghao was only 11 years old, so Xue Zhenghao wanted to rape ziling\'er. Naturally, it was immoral and almost immoral. Some elders of the sect were angry. They helped to calm down the matter themselves, But now ziling\'er is involved in the relationship with the great figures in the Wulin hall, and the great elder immediately feels a little bad.

"Ziling\'er? But Zixiao\'s sister?". Xu Moya frowned slightly.

Fan qiangfu nodded quickly and said, "yes, it\'s Zixiao\'s sister. After Zixiao died, zilinger was given to Xue Zhenghao, that Xue Zhenghao, that Xue Zhenghao...".

"If you have something to say, don\'t hesitate? Is there anything else you can\'t say to others? If this thing will threaten you, when we leave, follow us to leave the Wulin hall and be a worker in the Wulin hall. If you make achievements in the future, you can also become a disciple.".

Yan Lao suddenly spoke.

"Ah......". Fan qiangfu suddenly felt happy from heaven. He had the opportunity to be a worker in the Wulin hall.

I don\'t know how much the identity of the worker in the Wulin hall is higher than that of the core disciples of Qingyang sect. The most important thing is that the worker in the Wulin hall will also have the opportunity to be promoted to a formal disciple in the future.

Fan qiangfu, who had no worries about the future, was bold and said, "Zixiao was originally a core disciple of Qingyang sect. She had a sister who was dependent on each other. However, Zixiao died outside a year ago, and his sister became helpless. There was a disciple named Xue Zhenghao in the sect who was distant relatives with... And... Elder. Xue Zhenghao had some resentment with Zixiao. Shortly after Zixiao died, Xue Zhenghao was promoted to a core disciple and asked the sect general Zi Ling\'er gave it to him, and the elder gave Zi ling\'er to Xue Zhenghao. At that time, Zi ling\'er was only 11 years old, but Xue Zhenghao wanted to defile Zi ling\'er one night, but later alerted several senior brothers on patrol, and Zi ling\'er survived ".

"It\'s unreasonable that 11-year-old girls don\'t let go of it. It\'s just heartless.".

As a woman, Yu Ji had long been angry with her pretty face. She raised her right hand and slapped her palm on the table. With a bang, the table broke and fell apart.

The eldest elder on the side had a very gloomy face for a long time. He quickly said, "Sir, don\'t listen to the nonsense of this disciple. I\'m a famous and decent sect of Qingyang sect. Where can there be such a disciple? I think this man must be a spy of the devil mixed with my Qingyang sect. If you want to discredit my Qingyang sect in front of adults, you\'d better let me have a good trial.".

"Help me, my Lord. The disciples are telling the truth." fan qiangfu immediately begged.

"If you dare to talk nonsense in front of adults, you really want to die." the elder stretched out his hand and directly grabbed fan qiangfu.


Yu Ji suddenly gave a cold drink. The elder immediately fell back five or six steps, knocked over several chairs, and then stopped. Her face was pale.

"Do you still need you to intervene in our work?" Yu Ji\'s eyes flashed cold.

There was a cold sweat on Xu Moya\'s forehead. He hurriedly said, "Sir, don\'t be angry. We can\'t afford to be angry. If there is such a scum in Qingyang sect, we Qingyang sect will never tolerate it. We will kill it and make it clear to the upright sect".

Yu Ji did not look at Xu Mo cliff, but looked at fan qiangfu and said, "are you sure that the person looking for Zi linger is from my Wulin hall?".

The reason for this question is that the people of the Wulin hall are waiting outside. How can they act without the command of the high level?

"Yes... The adult took out the token of the core disciple of the Wulin hall! The disciple saw it clearly and there would be no fake". Fan qiangfu said quickly.

It\'s him. A young man suddenly appeared in Yu Ji\'s mind.

Yan Lao obviously thought of it with Yu Ji. Yan Lao looked at fan qiangfu and said, "take us to have a look. We want to see how miasma the Qingyang sect is.".

"Yes, sir, please follow me.". Fan qiangfu quickly got up and walked outside.

Xu Moya\'s face is extremely ugly, while the elder\'s face is extremely pale. Now he can only pray that there is no accident over ziling\'er. Otherwise, he can\'t argue. Xu Moya can\'t help staring at the elder, and then follows Yu Ji and others to the outside.


Outside disciple, mountain peak, back mountain

LAN tianer came here with Xue Zhenghao, who dragged Li Qingxuan all the way.

Some female disciples followed.

Xue Zhenghao is now full of things about how to ravage ziling\'er after finding ziling\'er, with bursts of obscene laughter on his face.

Finally, the group came to a canyon in Houshan. At the junction of the canyon, there was a small cave that could only accommodate one person.

Lantian\'er pointed to the cave and said in surprise, "elder martial brother, look, ziling\'er is hiding in it.".

Xue Zhenghao looked over and sure enough, he saw a young girl curled up in the cave. Her body trembled and seemed very helpless. The young girl was ziling\'er hiding here.

"Finally found". Xue Zhenghao\'s mouth gave a sneer.