Immemorial Dragon Elephant Secret Art

Chapter 429

Hearing Xue Zhenghao\'s question, the girl in Tsing Yi said, "I really went to practice. Many teachers and sisters can testify.".

"Hum". Xue Zhenghao looked gloomy. He said coldly, "I don\'t believe it. Zi linger can hide from me all the time"!

The voice fell and Xue Zhenghao walked outside.

The girl in blue breathed out and said secretly that linger could finally avoid the villain for a while.

Although I love ling\'er very much, my cultivation is limited and I can\'t help ling\'er.

"Elder martial brother, please wait...". But just then, a voice came out, and then a girl in blue came out. The girl in blue was called lantian\'er, and she was also an external disciple.

"What\'s up?". Xue Zhenghao doesn\'t look good.

LAN Tian\'er said, "senior brother Xue Zhenghao, Li Qingxuan is lying. Zi linger hasn\'t been practicing at all. Just now, Li Qingxuan saw the senior brother coming, so he ran to snitch and asked Zi linger to go out to avoid in advance. Zi linger went out to avoid several times in front, which is the secret told by Li Qingxuan.".

Hearing LAN tianer\'s words, the girl\'s pretty face changed easily.

In the courtyard, many girls\' disciples look at lantian\'er very ugly. They like ziling\'er very much, but they hate lantian\'er who is fussy everywhere, but they are also small talk and can\'t help.

Facing the angry eyes of many teachers and sisters, LAN Tian\'er looked disdainful and even stared provocatively.

In LAN tianer\'s opinion, Xue Zhenghao will become a big man in the realm of yin and Yang sooner or later. If he climbs the big tree of Xue Zhenghao now, his position in the sect will certainly rise in the future.


A loud slap rang through.

Xue Zhenghao raised his right hand and slapped Li Qingxuan on the face.

A bloody palm print suddenly appeared on Li Qingxuan\'s face.

Xue Zhenghao grabbed Li Qingxuan\'s neck and roared, "I said how the little bitch ziling\'er can avoid me again and again. It turned out that you bitch are helping her. Tell me where ziling\'er is quickly. Otherwise, I\'ll kill you.".

Li Qingxuan looked at Xue Zhenghao with a ferocious expression in horror, but she still shook her head firmly. Li Qingxuan will never forget that when she was bullied by her peers when she just joined the sect and couldn\'t even eat, it was the lovely little girl who shared her own things with herself, the once innocent little girl, She likes to share with her brother bit by bit.

Guzongmen is a cruel world. It has no talent and is destined to be eliminated.

If it weren\'t for that little girl, I might have given up cultivation long ago? Maybe he was killed by a mistake when he was training with a senior brother or sister.

Or it has already become a tool for a senior brother to vent his desire. It is the encouragement of the naive little girl to make himself strong.

Later, the little girl gradually grew up. More than a year ago, when she learned that her brother died, the once innocent little girl became helpless, painful and no longer smiled. Li Qingxuan looked very distressed.

"Even if it\'s death, don\'t say the whereabouts of ling\'er," Li Qingxuan told herself secretly. Her neck was strangled by Xue Zhenghao, and her face had become extremely pale, but her eyes stared at Xue Zhenghao, without any intention of giving in.

A female disciple said, "elder martial brother Xue wants to strangle younger martial sister Qingxuan? Although our external disciples can\'t compare with you, they are also disciples of the sect. If elder martial brother Xue really strangles younger martial sister Qingxuan, even if elder martial brother Xue is now your core disciple, the sect must be held accountable?".

Xue Zhenghao gave the female disciple a cold look. He threw Li Qingxuan, who was almost strangled by him, to the ground.

At this time, the female disciple named lantian\'er said, "elder martial brother, please don\'t have the same experience with these bitch maids. Where is that ziling\'er hiding? I know. I\'ll take elder martial brother there.".

"Lan Tian\'er, you bitch, you will get retribution sooner or later for doing such an outrageous thing.". Li Qingxuan looked at LAN tianer with resentment.

But LAN Tian\'er slapped Li Qingxuan\'s ear. She screamed, "Li Qingxuan, what are you, and dare you scold me?".

"Ha ha, yes, yes, your name is lantian\'er, isn\'t it? I remember you. As long as I find ziling\'er, I will remember your great skill"!


"Thanks for your cultivation, senior brother.". LAN Tian\'er hurriedly saluted with a look of joy on his face.

Xue Zhenghao grabbed Li Qingxuan\'s hair, pulled her up, suddenly kicked Li Qingxuan, and said coldly, "if Zi linger\'s little bitch dares not to obey, I\'ll threaten her with you to see if she will obey me for you.".

"No, I won\'t go. Let me go.". Li Qingxuan struggled violently.

"Lead the way". Xue Zhenghao said in a deep voice.

LAN tianer led the way, while Xue Zhenghao dragged Li Qingxuan\'s hair and dragged Li Qingxuan, who was struggling, towards the distance.

"What should we do now? Ling\'er is afraid to escape this time, but we can\'t help ling\'er at all.".

"Alas, I just hope ling\'er can ask for more blessings.".

Many female disciples were in a hurry.

I can\'t help feeling sad at the thought of such a difficult road of practice.


"Elder martial brother, the front yard is the yard where junior sister ziling\'er lives. Originally, senior brother Zixiao had his own other yard. Junior sister Ziling lived with senior brother Zixiao, but senior brother Zixiao died miserably. The sect took back the other yard that belonged to senior brother Zixiao and sent junior sister Ziling here to live with the rest of the female disciples.".

Fan qiangfu said cautiously. He didn\'t know the relationship between Lin Feng and ziling\'er. Now zongmen is so angry with ziling\'er. If Lin Feng\'s anger is aroused, fan qiangfu is worried that his heart will spread the anger on himself.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "it\'s really a realistic door"!

Fan qiangfu smiled bitterly and dared not talk.

Lin Feng and fan qiangfu came to the other courtyard. The female disciples in the courtyard were still talking about Zi linger. Seeing fan qiangfu coming, they quickly saluted and "said hello to senior brother fan".

Fan qiangfu waved his hand and said, "where is junior sister ziling\'er? This is a big man in the Wulin hall. I want to see junior sister ziling\'er.".

"The great man of Wuhun hall?". Many female disciples suddenly looked at Lin Feng with a hat. They just couldn\'t see Lin Feng clearly. They didn\'t know why the great figure of the Wulin hall came to find Zi linger. The female disciple who had been stared by Xue Zhenghao said quickly, "My Lord, save ling\'er. If it\'s one step later, sister ling\'er will be ruined. Sister ling\'er is only twelve years old. If she is ruined, how can she live in the future?".

Hearing the female disciple\'s words, Lin Feng\'s heart suddenly tightened and his face suddenly became gloomy. He asked, "what\'s going on?".

"Sir, it\'s too late to say. Can you say it on the way? I\'m worried that sister ling\'er\'s innocence will be tarnished if we\'re a little later." the female disciple said.

At this moment, Lin Feng is about to be blown up. He doesn\'t know what happened, but from the words of the female disciple, Lin Feng knows that Zi ling\'er is very dangerous. If Zi ling\'er has something wrong, how can he stand up to Zi Xiao? Lin Feng only feels that a terrible killing intention is brewing in his chest, and his voice is like coming out of hell , lead the way.

"Come with me, my Lord!" the female disciple hurried to the mountains in the distance, and Lin Feng followed him quickly.

"No, Xue Zhenghao is going to make a mess.".

Fan qiangfu\'s face suddenly changed. He naturally knew the contradiction between Xue Zhenghao and Zixiao, and that Xue Zhenghao asked the sect for ziling\'er after Zixiao died. However, it was obvious that the adult of the Wuhun hall seemed to have a lot to do with ziling\'er or Zixiao, and his face was murderous. Something would happen later. Fan qiangfu hurried to the main peak. He wanted to report it to the sect quickly The high level of Qingyang sect.