I'm the Owner of the Breeding House In the World of Elves

Chapter 345: Hurt

Looking at the sonic boomerang in rage, Mrs. Hua Jie and Absolu immediately decided to preemptively. Numerous magic leaves turned into sharp blades, mixed with spiritual blades and fired at the sonic boomerang.

However, the angry sonic boomerang directly used a columnar sound wave formed by a loud sound to blow Madam Hua Jie\'s magic leaf and Absolu\'s spiritual blade to pieces, and then rushed towards Absolu with undiminished power.

Mrs. Hua Jie repeated the old tricks and directly used the rattan whip to throw Absolu out, but because it was in the same straight line as Absolu, it was knocked out without Absolu’s blockade. .

The green grass field played a role in an instant, and the blue light surged and covered Madam Hua Jie. At the same time, a pink beam of light fell on Madam Hua Jie\'s body, and Madam Hua Jie\'s injury instantly healed a lot.

That pink beam of light is the effect of Madam Hua Jie\'s newly awakened skill wish not long ago.

When Absuru was dealing with the sonic boomerang, it quietly used this trick, otherwise it would not dare to block the loud noise for Absuru without any scruples.

And if there is no support from the grass field, I am afraid that Mrs. Hua Jie will lose the ability to fight without waiting for her wish to work.

The quasi-king elves are really terrifying.

Unlike Mrs. Hua Jie, they are at a disadvantage everywhere, the Great Desert Dragonfly that successfully completed the Dragon Dance launched a strong onslaught on the cunning Tengu!

With the powerful physical qualities of the dragon elves, coupled with its slightly superior aptitude, the Great Desert Dragonfly and the cunning Tengu can fight against each other.

The desert dragonfly that completed the dance of dragon at high altitude directly took the opportunity to complete the preparations for the dive of the dragon in the air, and then fell from a high altitude like a cannonball, slamming straight at the cunning tengu, so fast that the cunning tengu could not escape .

With the collision of the Great Desert Dragonfly, a huge pit was formed in an instant.

After accurately hitting the cunning tengu, the desert dragonfly flew back into the air like lightning, facing the pit that was still billowing with smoke and a jet of flame.

Although the Great Desert Dragonfly is not good at special attacks, but under the blessing of the sly tengu\'s sunny day, its power is not weak at all.

The scorching flames dissipated the smoke and dust, and the cunning tengu crawled out of the pit embarrassingly, with scorched traces everywhere.

Does this count as pitting yourself?

However, the quasi heavenly king is the quasi-heavenly king, even if it was continuously attacked by the dragon\'s dive and the jet of flames, the cunning tengu did not fall because of it.

"Desert dragonfly, rock fall!"

Yuga feels that the best way to deal with a sly tengu who is extremely capable of close combat is to fly a kite!

Who makes us fly!

Following Yuga\'s order, several huge boulders appeared above the cunning tengu\'s head, and they smashed them down at the cunning tengu.

On the hands of the cunning tengu, the green leaves like cattail fans flashed, suddenly lengthened, and turned into a pair of sharp blades, smashing the boulders falling from the top of the head, and the fragmentary stones did not hurt the cunning tengu.

Leaf blade skills resolved the crisis!

On the other hand, because of the difference in strength, both Absolu and Mrs. Hua Jie are in crisis.

Although Mrs. Hua Jie controlled countless vines to flexibly block the actions of the Sound-Boom Monster, they were all easily freed from it. At this time, the Sound-Boom Monster was very close to Madam Hua Jie.

Madam Hua Jie was not moving fast, she was about to be bitten by the flaming teeth of the sonic boomerang, a golden lightning fell from the sky and hit the sonic boomerang, causing it to scream.

It turned out that Hackron arrived at a critical time.

Hackron, who is good at manipulating thunder and lightning, is not difficult to deal with a group of big-billed finches. Had it not been for a large number of big-billed finches, Hackron would have ended the battle a long time ago.

Taking advantage of the sound-cracking monster that hadn\'t reacted due to the pain, Hakron immediately took the dragon\'s tail and flew the sound-cracking monster that was only a few steps away from Madam Huajie.

The sonic boomerang that had tumbling on the ground for a few laps hadn\'t gotten up yet, but was stunned by the sudden attack by Absolu, who had been prepared on the side.

Probably because of Absolu’s paw scratching his eyes, the Boom Monster got up from the ground and covered his eyes with both hands, and kept yelling, "Those who saw it were sad, but those who smelled it wept"!

However, the sound of the sonic boom is extremely high, even if it is invisible, it can still listen to the sound and determine the position. When the location of the hackron is found, it is directly a sonic wave.

But Hackron\'s speed was not overshadowed. With a super fast move, he dodged the sonic boom like lightning, and then an electromagnetic wave shot out, successfully making the sonic monster paralyzed.

The Boom Monster, which was unable to move freely due to electromagnetic waves, was in a great crisis.

Mrs. Hua Jie\'s moon power, Absolu\'s spiritual blade, and Hackron\'s 100,000 volts, all seemed to be free of money, and they slashed toward the sound-cracker.

There is no luck for this sound-cracking monster. Every time he wants to act or launch an attack, he will unfortunately be blocked by the golden electric current that fills his body.

Even if the sonic monster is a quasi-king-level elves, it really can\'t stand the simultaneous bombardment of three talented elves at the same time, and eventually fell to the ground unwillingly.

However, at this time, Mrs. Hua Jie and Absolu were already in a state of scars, even if they had the grass field battery life, they couldn\'t hide their embarrassment at this time.

Hongo, who was directing the cunning tengu to deal with the desert dragonfly, saw the solved sonic boomerang, his eyes widened in disbelief, and for a while he even forgot about giving instructions to the cunning tengu.

Seeing Hongo\'s stunned gap, Yuka said to the desert dragonfly: "Desert dragonfly, the dragon dives!"

Upon hearing the words, the desert dragonfly gathered its wings in the air, and rushed towards the cunning tengu below with an indomitable momentum.

The hometown who has recovered from seeing the cunning tengu will undoubtedly be defeated~www.novelhall.com~ directly commanded the cunning tengu: "Cunning tengu, big bang!"

Yuka had no idea that the sly tengu in front of her was a big-explosive spirit, and she had no time to react.

The cloud of smoke caused by the cunning tengu\'s self-detonation immediately overwhelmed the desert dragonflies that rushed towards it, and Yuga who was not far from them.

When the smoke was in the smoke, Yuga felt like the internal organs were about to shatter, and he spewed out a mouthful of blood, while Fat Keding fell beside him and passed out.

At the critical moment, if Fat Keding hadn\'t used the defense skills in time, Yujia would have been crushed.

But even so, the Fat Keding who stood in front of Yuga passed out, and he himself was seriously injured because of the strong impact.

Out of the smoke came the arrogant laughter of Hongo.

"Haha...haha...now you are still alive!"

When the smoke was completely dissipated, the desert dragonfly and the cunning tengu were lying motionless in the pit created by the explosion, obviously losing their fighting ability, and it was a question of whether the cunning tengu, which was seriously injured, could survive.

I\'m the owner of the breeding house in the world of elves

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