I'm the Owner of the Breeding House In the World of Elves

Chapter 344: Fierce battle

"Are you here to stand up for this fat guy?" Hongo squinted and looked at Yuka with a dangerous face.

Yuka let out a long breath, calmed herself down, and said, "It seems that you really can\'t remember anything. Let\'s see the truth under our hands!"

Speaking of the elven ball thrown by Yuga from the desert dragonfly, the coercion of the dragon elves, coupled with the aura of the quasi-king-level elves, instantly changed Hong Kong\'s face.

A quasi-king-class desert dragonfly!

As a trainer of the quasi-king rank, Hongo can roughly judge its strength in an instant through the aura of the dragonfly in the Great Desert.

He had seen the extraordinary strength of the Great Desert Dragonfly through the camera, but he didn\'t expect it to be only a heavenly elf.

The appearance of the dragonflies in the desert made Hongxiang vigilant, and he dared not despise the young man in front of him.

Hongo took out two elven **** from his waist and threw them, and two elves appeared without losing the momentum of the Great Desert Dragonfly.

Boom monsters and cunning tengu!

They are all quasi-king-level elves.

"Sonic boomerangs, cunning tengu, kill them!"

Hongxiang said cruelly to his two elves, if you dare to come and make trouble for yourself, you will have to pay the corresponding price!


The sonic boomer roared, and the air wave formed by the sound wave rolled up the branches and grass blades on the ground and fluttered in all directions.


The cunning tengu flapped the two leaves on his hand, showing an evil laugh, and looked at Yuka and his elves contemptuously, with the same expression as Hong Kong.

"Absolu, Mrs. Hua Jie, I\'ll leave it to you! Great Desert Dragonfly, Cunning Tengu, please."

Yuga asked the elves.

He was not in a hurry to release the cat-headed night eagle. According to the information, there are three quasi-king-level elves in the township. Just in case, it is better to keep one hand.

After listening to Yuga\'s words, the three elves nodded cautiously and assumed a posture of preparing for battle.

"Cunning Tengu, cross cut! Sonic boomerang, Sonic boom!"

The cunning tengu is very fast. It stepped on a pair of wooden clogs and quickly approached the desert dragonfly, and then jumped up high. The two leaves in its hands were crossed together, and it struck the desert dragonfly with a green light. .

The slender and powerful tail of the Great Desert Dragonfly flicked heavily and caught the cunning tengu\'s cross shears. The rebound from the violent impact caused the two elves to retreat separately.

Seeing the Great Desert Dragonfly easily accepted the attack of the cunning tengu, Hongo said gloomily, "I didn\'t expect you to have two brushes!"

Yuka said without showing any weakness, "What surprises you is still to come. Just be surprised now and don\'t drop your chin in surprise!"

"Just play tricks! You will cry later! Cunning Tengu, sunny day, then cross cut!"

Upon hearing this command, Yujia realized that the characteristic of this cunning tengu was chlorophyll, and hurriedly said to the desert dragonfly: "Desert dragonfly, stop it!"

However, the speed of the Great Desert Dragonfly slowed down a step. When its sharp stone attack shot towards the cunning tengu, the sunny day was completed, and the cunning tengu immediately turned into a shadow, avoiding the sharp stone attack.

When the Great Desert Dragonfly reacted, the cunning Tengu had already jumped on its back, and a cross shear directly hit the Great Desert Dragonfly\'s back.

The desert dragonfly slammed into the ground, splashing a large amount of dust, and suffered a lot of damage.

Seeing the speed at which the cunning tengu suddenly became elusive, Yuga shouted at the large desert dragonfly on the ground: "Desert dragonfly, take off at a high speed, Dragon Dance!"

You can speed up Lao Tzu too!

Upon hearing the words, the Great Desert Dragonfly quickly rushed out of the big pit on the ground that was smashed out by itself, and flew to a high altitude, with its wings and tail dancing extremely fast.

Even the cunning Tengu who can jump any more can do nothing against the desert dragonflies flying high in the sky, and can only use Feiye Storm to remotely interfere with the desert dragonflies under the orders of Hongo.

But because the distance is too far, the cunning tengu is not good at this special attack, and can always be easily dodged by the desert dragonfly.

And here, Mrs. Hua Jie and Absolu also had a fierce collision with the Sound Boom.

As soon as the battle started, the Sonic Boom was pulled by Mrs. Huajie and Absolu quietly away from the battlefield of the desert dragonfly and the cunning tengu.

This was all ordered by Yuga.

Because Madam Hua Jie and Absolu are not strong enough, they must work together if they want to join the battlefield.

As a result, the number of elves on Yuga\'s side will increase, and he who is not as good as his hometown trainer will definitely fall into a disadvantage.

Therefore, Yuga can only divide the elves into two battlefields and fight separately. When a doubles situation cannot be formed, Yuga\'s pressure is naturally much smaller.

But relatively, the pressure on Madam Hua Jie and Absolu will increase.

Fortunately, Hongo places too much trust in his sonic boomerangs, and doesn\'t think the sonic boomers will lose to Madam Hua Jie, and has not sent other elves to support them, otherwise Madam Hua Jie\'s situation will be even more difficult.

Mrs. Hua Jie opened her special green grass field at the moment when she confronted the sonic boomerang.

Relying on the particularity of her green grass field and her super strong control ability, Mrs. Hua Jie is sure not to milk the enemy by mistake.

Absolu, bathing in the grassy field, immediately used the mental blade to collide with the sonic boom from the opposite sonic boom.

Obviously, however, the power of Absolu\'s mental blade is not as powerful as the sonic boom of the sonic boom.

The sonic wave broke through the barrier of the mental blade and crashed into Absolu, but was blocked by Madam Hua Jie\'s magic leaf, and Absolu was spared.

Fortunately, the mental blade canceled part of the explosion sound, otherwise Mrs. Hua Jie would be helpless.

Seeing that his attack was blocked by two ants~www.novelhall.com~ the sonic boom was very angry, opened its huge mouth, and a more powerful sonic wave once again attacked Absolu.

The sonic boom is the best skill of the sonic boom. Not only is it powerful, but more importantly, the sonic boom can be used thoroughly.

Seeing that Absolu couldn\'t dodge, he was thrown into the air by two vine whips that suddenly stretched out behind him, successfully avoiding another attack by the sonic boom.

Flying into the air, Absolu took advantage of the momentum and smashed the sound of a huge mental blade.

The effect is there, but it is minimal.

In the end, Absolu\'s strength was far from that of the sonic boom, and his attack power and defense power were not at the same level.

Absolu successfully hit the sonic boomerang and landed steadily, while the other sonic boomerang fell into a rage because of Absolu\'s mental blade.

Two elves who were regarded as ants actually hurt themselves before they hit them! It\'s too unforgivable.

I have to say that the popping monster in front of me is too irritable.

Although the genie of the sonic boomerang is generally irritable, this one is the best among them.

I\'m the owner of the breeding house in the world of elves

I am the owner of the breeding house in the world of elves https://