Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2320

When Machida made a speech that he did not want to bear the loss, Fangli already knew.

This man, of course, is trying to make a proposal to let the preferential treatment win and the group pass the examination in the form of result two.

After all, if result 3 and result 4 will cause loss to a class, it will be excluded naturally.

But the result one is too unrealistic. It is estimated that no group can pass the exam in the way of result one until the end of the examination.

In this case, Machida would like to propose the way of customs clearance, of course, only result two.

The winner gets 500000 points.

Such a stupefied proposal was put forward on the first day of the examination and in the first seminar.

It's unbelievable.

"Are you serious?" Yoshihimura said inconceivably, "if you let the preferential treatment win, isn't it going to make the rest of you admit defeat?"

Not really?

Even if you don't want to suffer a loss, there is no reason to admit defeat in the first place and let the preferential treatment pick up the victory in vain?

It doesn't make sense at all.

Is class a willing to see other classes get a lot of personal points, enrich their own strength?

It's impossible.

If this is the case, just now, Machida does not need to stand up to stop Ichi Setai from controlling the rhythm of the scene, but instead makes his own voice and takes the initiative.

This proves that class a doesn't want to see class B catch up.

What should I do if the preferential person of the rabbit group happens to be in class B?

This proposal is more unrealistic than the result one.

Only the local people know that this proposal is not totally nonsense.

The reason is simple.

"You don't need to be surprised. We'll share with you what we found in class A

Machida said so.

"In fact, in this special examination, the 12 preferential treatment groups in the 12 groups were allocated reasonably. Each class will have three preferential treatment persons, which is completely fair and just."

Machida Haoer tells us the discovery that Fangli and hori beilingyin said in the morning.

"There are three favourites in each class?"

This valuable information, let the students on the scene have a spirit.

"Do you have any basis?"

Fortunately village Huiyan then even asks a voice.

In this regard, Machida Haoji also did not sell the key, said directly.

"If you think about it carefully, it is impossible for schools to carry out unfair distribution. If the number of preferential treatment is not evenly distributed, there will be great unfairness at the beginning of the examination, which is impossible at all."

This sentence, Machida Haoji said very definitely.

"You may think that even if the school allocates the number of preferential treatment according to the excellent degree of each class, it is not surprising, but this is impossible. The last unmanned Island test was like this. The school did not favor class A and let all classes stand on the same starting line to compete and maintain fairness. Then, this time is special It must be the same with the exam. "

Although there is no basis for this statement, it is still convincing.

Even if I didn't know what I said in front of hori beilingyin, I still let the team members of the rabbit group unconsciously approved it.

"Indeed, there is no sign of favoritism to any class in the special examination on wuwudao. It is very fair and fair. Even sakazaki's absence has made class a lose points, which proves that the school wants all students in grade one to compete fairly and show their ability."

One of them, Setai Fan Bo, also nodded in favor of this statement.

This makes Machida more confident.

"In this case, we can complete this test together in a way that does not cause any loss to any class?" Machida said to all the people: "because the preferential treatment is evenly distributed, if all the groups are the winners, then all classes can get the same points and end the exam peacefully. Isn't that good?"

This is what class a wants to play.

No, it's a strategy.

No discussion.

No answer.

Let the favourites of all groups win and complete the special exam.

In this way, because each class is equally allocated three preferential treatment, no matter which class, you can get 1.5 million points.

That is, there is no need to lose class points, let alone mutual suspicion, temptation, betrayal, as long as the school to bear the loss of the examination, to each class distribution points on the line.

That's all Machida wants to say.

Fang Li had a quick insight into the inside story.

One of the Sete sail wave is also not stupid, showing a helpless smile, such a voice."This should be the suggestion put forward by GE Cheng? It's really his style. "

That's right.

This must be the practice proposed by Gecheng Kangping.

Fang Li also thought that with Gecheng Kangping's conservative and steady personality, he would definitely give priority to protecting the preferential treatment in the class, and design the rest.

Unexpectedly, the measures taken by Gecheng Kangping are conservative and steady as imagined in the analogy.

This person not only wants to protect the preferential treatment of class A, but also wants to protect the preferential treatment of all classes to pass the examination in the most secure and risk-free way.

This is not to say that gechengkangping is not competitive.

Rather, this practice is of great benefit to class A.

Because it is meaningless not to let any class suffer losses and let all classes get the same reward.

At the same time, there will be risks.

On the face of it, all classes benefit.

But in fact, because all classes did not lose and got the same harvest, the gap between the four classes in grade one was not shortened at all, and it was still so much.

This practice led to the following class failed to catch up with class A.

Even if we narrow the gap a little bit.

As one of the Sete Fan Bo said, this is really like the style of Gecheng Kangping, conservative and stable.

I'm afraid that at this time, all the students in class a instructed by GE Cheng Kangping have already made such proposals?

That is to say, all the groups are now being convinced by class A.

Therefore, Machida said this naturally.

"Maybe you will think that the preferential treatment of rabbit group is in class a of our class, so I want to encourage you to do so and let the preferential person of class a win. But now all the people in each group are accepting the proposal of class A. you can ask after that, which is enough to prove that class A is not for ourselves, but for the peaceful communication of all people Off. "

Is this the basis for class A to put forward such a proposal?

If you ask after the fact, you can see whether other groups have received such suggestions.

In this way, you don't need to worry. This is Machida's way of protecting his class's favourites.

"How about it?"

Machida looked around at all the people present and asked.

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