Illimitable Until Death

Chapter 2319

It has to be said that the power of the language offensive is full.

Don't want to cooperate with the discussion?

Why don't you want to cooperate with the discussion?

No matter which class the students are, they all want to find out the preferential treatment of their own group, so as to win the victory of the special examination, and strive for the interests of the class and themselves.

And to find out the preferential treatment, the two times a day seminar specially designated by the school is one way.

If no one talks and keeps silent all the time, how can we find out the preferential person?

The most direct way to find out the preferential treatment is to obtain necessary information through dialogue and conduct necessary exploration and research.

In view of this, as long as the people who want to find out the preferential treatment, they will certainly not refuse to discuss.

So what kind of people would refuse to discuss?

Preferential treatment.

No one except the favourites would want to be silent.

It is only in the preferential treatment itself that silence is beneficial.

As long as you keep silent and don't be found by anyone, in the end, you will be able to lead to result two, get a reward of 500000 individual points, and win the competition of the group.

One is that Setai sailbo's language offensive is brilliant here.

If class A does not want to cooperate with the discussion, it proves that the preferential treatment of rabbit group is in class A.

This is what Setai Fanbo wants to tell people.

At present, all the people present cast their eyes on the three people in class A.



Faced with the intense gaze of all the members from the other three classes, Takemoto bowed his head a little uneasily. Mori also frowned, but he didn't say anything.

Only Machida hiroji, still as comfortable.

"Don't scare people, Ichi Sete." Machida Haoji said: "we really don't want to cooperate with the discussion, but it's not because we want to cover up the preferential treatment in class A. It's just for the sake of everyone."

Such a statement, of course, many people were stunned on the spot.

"For the good of all?"

Led by hsingmura Huiyan, the team members of the rabbit group all looked at each other.

Even light Inoue and Ichi, who are not very interested in the discussion, seem to be attracted and look to Machida.

Fangli and lingxiaolu Qinglong also looked at each other.

Because, both of them know.

Perhaps, the tactics of class A in this special examination will be shown.

Sure enough

"This special exam is not like the special exam on uninhabited island. It needs to be decided according to the performance of each class. There must be a ranking."

Machida looked at his team members one by one. He could not help but straighten out his chest slightly, as if in order to mobilize the emotions of all the people. Different from the uncooperative just now, what Machida showed was the completely opposite comprehensive appearance.

"If you think about it, there are four results in this special examination. Result one and result two are all rewards for the school to pay personal points. For each class, there is no loss, but result 3 and result 4 are completely different?"

It's true.

As has been said before, if there is no result 3 and result 4, only result 1 and result 2 exist, then no matter what the result is, the school will send students points in the end, which has no competitive significance at all.

It is because of the addition of result 3 and result 4 that the face of the examination will be changed.

"The third result is the result expected by all people except the preferential treatment and the class to which the preferential treatment belongs. By directly guessing the identity of the preferential treatment person, class points and personal points can be obtained as rewards, but the class of the preferential treatment will suffer the loss of class points deducted."

"The fourth result is the expected result of the preferential treatment and the class to which the preferential treatment belongs. If other classes are induced to guess wrong, they will get class points and personal points as rewards, and other classes will be deducted class points and suffer losses."

"In this way, will not there inevitably be classes that suffer losses?"

Machida talks like this.

"Even if you win, there will be a reward, but if you lose, you will suffer such a great loss and risk. Do you really want to gamble?"

Hearing this, the rest of the people are still pondering, Fangli will understand.

Understand what class a people want to do.

Ling path Qinglong seems to understand, but said nothing.

"I see..."

Even one Sete sail wave seems to know something.

"What on earth do you want to say?"

On the contrary, it was Yoshimura's voice, as if he could not bear to feel anxious.

"Do you want to suggest that you should pass the exam in the form of result 1 instead of taking result 3 and result 4 as the target?"It's a good option for everyone.

If you can achieve result one, although there is no class points as a reward, but can let all the people in the group get a huge number of personal points.

As long as result one can be achieved, all members of the team will get 500000 individual points respectively, and the preferential treatment will double the reward and get one million person points.

This result, can't let everybody good?

It's a pity

"It's not easy to do it?"

Yi blow Shu will be cold not Ling Ding inserted such a sentence.

"If you want to achieve the first result, you must let the preferential treatment disclose their identity, and let all members of the team send an email to answer after 9:30 pm on the last day of the exam. Who can guarantee that they will not betray?"

This is also the difficulty of result one.

To achieve this result, a very large trust relationship is needed.

Moreover, this kind of trust relationship has to extend to all four classes.

As long as one of them chooses to betray, answer in advance, and guess the identity of the preferential treatment, that is the disaster caused by the innocence of the preferential treatment.

However, up to now, the four classes of grade one are still in the fierce competition. They have to give each other a life and death result in three years. Who can believe that other classes will be willing to choose a road to make everyone happy?

At least, Yi Shuo is absolutely not convinced.

In Yi's words, that is

"I don't know what your class looks like, but class C doesn't have that kind of idiot. It's not realistic at all."

In the most direct way, Yi Shuo reveals the dark side of human nature.

But surely that's what the rest of us think, right?

You can't trust the rest of the class.

That's the real big risk.

It's impossible for hiroji Machida not to understand this matter, right?

In that case

"In that case, we can only choose result two."

Machida seems to have been prepared for the same, threw out such a sentence.

"None of us will participate in the discussion, just let the favourites win."

The unexpected speech came from Machida's mouth.

"Let the favourites win?"

All the people present were shocked.

Only Fangli and Ling path Qinglong at the same time in the heart of a voice.

"Sure enough..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!