I Will Not Be a Villain! I Will Be Happy With My Brother!

CH 13

“Look, our father is coming out. It’s the finale of the festival.”

Father appeared on the stage where the opening declaration was made. The priest was with him too.

“Did everyone enjoy the three-day festival? Let’s give thanks to the gods and pray once more for a fruitful year next year.”

Everyone in the square looked up at the sky and prayed. I also prayed earnestly with gratitude. Then, fluffy white snow began to fall from the sky.


The snow seemed to shimmer and sparkle, and I couldn’t help but mutter to myself in awe.

Even though the snow is really cold, why does it make me feel so warm inside? I wonder if the feeling of gratitude from everyone reaches the gods. Perhaps this glittering snow is a gift from the gods.

“It’s a strange thing, this glittering snow. It looks like next year will be a bountiful year. Actually, there is one more piece of good news. The holy water in the temple was also shining brightly. It seems that everyone’s feelings of gratitude have reached the gods. I hope that everyone will continue to support this territory together. With this, this year’s festival comes to a close. May everyone stay healthy. Let’s meet again.”

At the same time father’s speech ended, the light illuminating the snow sculpture gathered and spun around in the square before disappearing with a burst into the night sky. Then, with a poof, a flash of light bloomed over the plaza, which had been darkened for a moment. The flowers bloomed one after another in the night sky accompanied by loud sounds. The blooming flowers were even more sparkling than the snow earlier, and eventually, they fell on us like falling stars.

“Fuu, fuwaaa! It’s beautiful! Ni-sama, it’s beautiful! Flowers and shooting stars are falling! Twinkling… amazing! Wow, aah!”

I stretched on my tiptoes and reached out my hand towards the sky. But the light never reached my fingertips and gradually dissolved and disappeared into the darkness of the night. Nevertheless, I couldn’t help but reach out my hand.

Blooming, falling gently, and turning into stardust. I was captivated by the beautiful light of the night’s magic. And then, as the last of the many blooming lights burst and fell into stardust, all the light disappeared and the lights of the city lit up simultaneously.

“Aww… it’s over…”

Saying that, I blinked rapidly, and my older brother smiled and answered, “Yeah, it’s over. It was beautiful, wasn’t it?” and took my hand that was a bit away from him, our hands rejoined once again.

“Yes! It was so, so beautiful! It’s the first time I saw anything beautiful like that. It went ‘boom’ and sparkled so much, it was amazing… ah…”

I was so excited that not only Daniel but also the people around me noticed me. I had screamed so loudly because it was so beautiful.

“Um, um… I’m sorry I got carried away and screamed so loud…”

My stomach felt cold, and the words I hadn’t used for a long time came out of my mouth.

But before I could say it all, my older brother spoke up, “Children are supposed to get excited, right, Eddie?”


“Yeah, that’s right. Everyone, didn’t Eddie make you guys feel happy because he’s so honest and cute?”


“Hehehe, it was really beautiful. Someday, I want to show Eddie a magic that is just as beautiful and one that he’ll be happy about.”


“Alright, let’s head back before we catch a cold. It was a wonderful festival, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, Jimmy-sama…”

“Eddie? What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Are you in pain?”

When my brother asked, I shook my head.

“…I’m just happy. Thank you for being so kind to me.”

As I held back my tears, brother hugged me like Mother Patty would and called for Marie, who was among the guards.

“I really wanted to carry you, but I don’t want to drop you and cause an injury. Eddie, everyone is kind to you because you are kind to them. Now let’s go home and rest. Today was quite an adventure, watching the stalls, the night city, and the fireworks.”

As Marie carried me, I replied with a slightly blushing face, “Yes,” while laughing and crying to my brother.

It was a fun, beautiful, and peaceful day.

“Are you really leaving like this?”

As I said this with my bright peridot green eyes becoming teary, the three of them smiled with a slightly troubled expression. We were supposed to get along to avoid being disliked or killed, but we had a lot of conversations and spent time together, making saying goodbye very sad.

“Edward, don’t cause trouble for everyone,” said my father with a wry smile.

“Yes, father… but I thought we could all go together to Finley’s estate.”

The morning after the festival ended, I was surprised to hear that everyone was going back to their own homes from here.

“At this time of year, everyone is busy preparing for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. We had a good time together, so don’t make that face.”

“Yes, father. Jimmy-sama, Martin-sama, Dan-niisama, it was really fun being together. Thank you very much.”

“I had a great time too. Let’s meet again, Eddie.”

“Yes, Jimmy-sama!”

“I also had a lot of fun. It was great to be together. I might come to your father’s house to teach you in the future. Stay well and let’s meet again, Eddie.”

“Dan-niisama! I’m looking forward to it,” the three of them hugged me tightly, laughing “fufufu” as if they could hear the voice of my heart. They called me Eddie. And…

“Eddie, this is from the three of us. It’s a commemoration of the winter festival where we became good friends. We found it yesterday and decided it was perfect. Open it, please?”

A small green box was handed to me. I untied the gold ribbon and inside was a small teddy bear in a milk tea color, similar to my hair color. In the basket held by the bear was a bag of caramelized adult-flavored sweets that James gave me yesterday.

“I remembered the tradition of giving a teddy bear to cherished children in my territory, hoping they grow up healthy and strong,” James said, looking a little embarrassed.

“Thank you very much. I’ll treasure it. Please take care, everyone, and let’s continue to be good friends,” I said, holding the bear tightly and trying my best to hold back my tears as I watched the carriages leave one by one.

I waved a lot. I felt so happy and lonely that I had almost forgotten about the novel’s “Memory”…

“Let’s go home, now.”

“Yes, Brother.”

He patted my head and wiped away the tears from the corners of my eyes, “Don’t rub your eyes with your hands,” he said, using a handkerchief.

“Thank you very much,” I replied.

“Come on, let’s get on the carriage.”

I got on the carriage with Brother Al, holding the teddy bear I received. Marie and another guard were with us. Father and the steward were in the carriage in front of us. The rest of the luggage and souvenirs were already loaded.

“You received a wonderful present,” Brother Al said.

“Yes. It’s the same color as my hair. I’m happy.”

‘No one had the same hair color as me, so I felt a little lonely.’

“Yes. It’s a beautiful color. It’s not brown or cream, but it has a slight pinkish hue, a gentle color that suits you.”

“Huh? Beautiful? A gentle color? My hair color?”

“Yes! I know! I’ll put a ribbon on it.”

“A ribbon?”

“Yes, right here on the neck. Since you’re also wearing a ribbon on your hair, so I’ll put a matching ribbon on the teddy bear too!”

“That’s a great idea! Thank you, Al-niisama!”

“That’s right. It will definitely look good on him. When we get back, I’ll give this teddy bear his ribbon as a present.”

“Thank you very much! Al-niisama!”

The carriage slowly headed towards our home. I fell asleep along the way and dreamed that I had put a blue ribbon on the teddy bear, just like mine, and I was so happy.

Upon arriving at the mansion, I gave Mother Patty a hair ornament souvenir, which she was very happy to receive. After giving her a souvenir for the baby, Mother still hugged me although the present was still a bit too early. Her long-awaited hug was very gentle, and I realized once again how much I love her.

Then, Brother Al brought the bear a ribbon as promised.

After that, we arranged and put away the things we bought. During teatime, I talked to Mother Patty who couldn’t go to the festival, about many things like food stands and fireworks. We also ate the sweets that Father had bought as souvenirs without realizing it. I had so much fun even after returning home.

But the next following day—

“I’m sorry.”

I had a fever for the first time in a long time.

“Edward, you must not apologize so quickly. It’s very strange for a noble to apologize, so you mustn’t say it lightly. Besides, didn’t you make friends with everyone at the Winter Festival? You fulfilled your duties properly. You’re just tired. Rest well.”

I nodded in agreement with Father’s words.

“I’ve told Mother and Alfred not to visit you just in case. You might have caught a cold.”


‘Of course, that was to be expected. I’ll endure not meeting Mother and Al-niisama since it would be troublesome if they caught my fever.’

“Father, are you okay?”

“Hehe, I don’t get a fever that easily. I have water and ice attributes after all.”

“Water and ice!”

I didn’t know that! Father is so cool!

“…Show me magic next time. Ice magic…”

“Alright. It looks like the medicine is taking effect. Goodnight, Edward.”

“……And, don’t tell me next year not to bring me to the festival because I had a fever, please.”

“I won’t. Let’s go together again next year.”

Relieved by his answer, I closed my eyes.

The next day, my fever went down. It was amazing that it went down in just one day. Although I couldn’t eat with everyone yet, I properly ate my meals and took my medicine.

As I lay in bed, I looked at the shelf where I displayed my souvenirs and felt happy. The blue ribbon bear plushie and the snow rabbit preserved by magic were lined up, and next to them was a treasure box shaped like a bird.

“Hehehe, Martin’s magic was amazing. He squeezed and spun, and then a rabbit appeared out of the snow.”

When I asked how he made such a big snow statue, he quickly made a small rabbit snow statue in his hand. At first, I was scared, but he turned out to be a really nice person.

“Blue ribbons really do suit bears, don’t they? What else should I put in the bird’s treasure box?”

‘Right now, I only have a spare blue ribbon from Al-niisama in the treasure box. But it would be nice to put something else in there, too. It’s a really happy thing to have more treasures.’

As I was thinking about such things, Marie came in.

“Edward-sama, Alfred-sama has come to visit.”

“Huh? But Father told him not to visit.”

“He said it’s okay if your fever has gone down.”

“……I want to see him, but…”

I really want to talk to him about how fun the winter festival was. But, but…

“……I’ll have to resist seeing him because I don’t want to infect my brother… ”

“Oh no, I’m a little sad, Eddie.”

“Al-niisama!” I exclaimed and sat up halfway at the sound of his voice, and Marie quickly covered me with a small blanket.

“I heard your fever has gone down. I’ll be going back soon, but just for a little bit.”


That made me sad.

With a gloomy expression on my face, Brother Al chuckled and walked into the room.

“I wanted to give you this. I hope you get better soon,” he said, holding a container with a round lid covered in drawings of stars and flowers in various colors. “It’s a candy made of sugar. I found it in Grandis and bought it for you. Don’t eat too much, okay? I’ll leave now because I’m worried about you. Let’s read a book together when you get better. The new book we promised to read.”

“The picture book we saw at the bookstore? I’m looking forward to it. I’ll get better soon.”

“Okay. See you later. Take care of yourself.” Brother Al said, leaving the room.

I feel really lonely, but there’s nothing to be done about it. I’ll have to get better soon.

Thinking that, I gently opened the lid of the container Brother Al had given me and looked inside.

“Wow, it’s so pretty… and cute…”

Inside were small candies in the shapes of stars and flowers, just like the ones drawn on the lid, in a variety of colors.

‘Orange, yellow, green, white… and…’

“It’s in Al-niisama’s color!”

‘A beautiful blue star flower, just like the ones I like.’

“There’s only one of them.”

Nodding in agreement to Marie’s words, I popped it into my mouth. It was really sweet. While savoring the gentle sweetness, I hoped I could go to the winter festival again next year. And I realized that physical strength is important, so I closed my eyes quietly.

The next day, my fever had completely gone down. I was eating caramelized sweets and drinking tea with my mother. It was a rare occasion for just the two of us to have a tea party.

“I’m glad you recovered quickly. But still, it’s wonderful to see the snow glowing,” said my mother.

“Yes. Father said that next year is likely to be a prosperous year, so I’m glad,” I replied.

“Hehe, that’s right. And since Eddie will be a big brother next year, I hope it will be a good year,” said my mother with a smile.

“Yes! I’ll do my best to become a wonderful older brother like Al-niisama,” I answered.

My mother smiled and said, “I’m counting on you.”