I Will Not Be a Villain! I Will Be Happy With My Brother!

CH 12

We headed to the food stalls in the park with our escorts. There were many stalls in sight. Joyful music could be heard from everywhere, and the delicious smells wafting from here and there. “Wow! Al, they’re grilling something over there! Oh! There’s meat hanging there! Ahh! The fire’s big! It’s a big pot!”

Calm down, Eddie,” my brother said, patting me on the back as if he were used to it.

“Yes, it’s fun! “

“I never get tired of watching.”


Martin and Daniel nodded at each other.

What? What’s so fun about it? The food stalls?

“Should I carry you?” James said, to which brother replied, “It’s okay. Eddie, don’t let go of my hand.”

“Yes, Al-niisama. I’ve calmed down now. Excuse me, everyone.”

“If there’s anything you’re interested in, don’t hesitate to speak up. It’d be boring if you kept it to yourself after looking forward to it for so long,” Brother Al said.

“Yes, Al-niisama. But I can’t eat that much, so…”

“Then let’s split it. We can try a variety of things that way,” James suggested.

“I-I’ll be embarrassed if Theo-san says anything,” I said.

“It’s okay. Even Theo knows that festivals are special,” Brother Al reassured me.

Then James smiled mischievously and said, “All right! You can try a bite of mine too.”

“Let’s all buy different things and Eddie can try them. Festivals are the only time you can do something like this. Come on, tell Dan-niisama, what do you want?”


“That’s right, Eddie. Everyone’s waiting. Come on.”

Is it okay? Can I say anything?


“Look, they’re waiting for you. Eddie.”


And so, we all enjoyed the stalls together.

The winter festival lasted for three days. On the first day, we saw snow sculptures and enjoyed the food stalls. On the second day, we watched a mythological play and went to the food stalls again for a little bit. The simmered meat was delicious, and even though one piece was enough to fill me up, I couldn’t resist.

And today was finally the last day. We’re going to check out the booths and shops in town. Since everyone had different goals, we walked around together for a little while and then split up. I thought we would need fewer guards, but in the end, my father, who is the lord, accompanied us, so we had more guards than I expected.

“It’s fun just watching the stalls!”

“Yeah, it is. So what do you want to buy, Eddie?”

“Souvenirs for Mother Patty, and maybe something for the baby too…”

“Buy something for yourself too. It’s your first festival. It’ll be a good memory.”

“Yes, Father. Are you done with your work today?”

“I’m fine. I know how much Eddie was looking forward to the stalls, so I’m glad I could come with you.”

Hehe, my father is calling me Eddie today. I like being called Edward, but it’s also nice to be called Eddie like everyone else.

Since my father is the lord, he’s very busy during the festival. He came to see the play based on yesterday’s mythology, but he couldn’t join us for anything else.

When I said, “It can’t be helped,” he looked really sad. So I added, “I’ll be happy if we can do something together tomorrow, even if it’s just a little,” and he looked happy and joined us in the afternoon after finishing his work.

“Oh, it’s pretty. How about this one?” I found a beautiful hair ornament in the shape of a flower. My mother’s hair was a soft creamy yellow and her eyes were pink amethyst. She was wearing a flower hair ornament when I first met her.

“These flowers are pretty like the color of mother’s eyes.”

“Oh, you’re right. It would definitely look good on her. Hmm, it would be nice if there were some blue-gray in it. Well, it’s okay since the base is gold.”

“Embedding small dewdrops like morning dew in the leaf motif might be good too.”

When Brother Al said that, Father nodded with satisfaction. “Oh, that’s a good idea. Can we do it right away?”

“I’ll ask the shop owner if there is a metal craftsmen here,” said the attendant, who quickly went to talk to the vendor.

“Um, Father? Can I add a little blue stone to this one that Eddie chose?”

“Yes, you may.”

“David-sama, if the stone is still on its small plinth small base, it can be easily embedded in the workshop behind the shop. Please just confirm the placement of the stone.”

“I’m going to check that out. Look at something else while I’m gone,” said Father as he went to the back of the shop.

I didn’t quite understand what was going on, but it seemed like it was settled. That’s good.

“Eddie, look at this treasure box with a bird pattern,” brother called me, showing the treasure box in his hands.

It was a beautiful box with a small bird holding a leaf in its mouth, as if it were flying.

“Wow, it’s cute! I can put the ribbon that Al-niisama gave me in there.”

“Fufufu, that’s right. Also, the leaf that the bird is holding is the same color as Eddie’s eyes.”

“That’s true! Oh, the bird’s eyes are blue, just like Al-niisama’s! This is it! I’ll choose this one for as a souvenir from the festival!” I exclaimed excitedly.

The leaf and the bird’s eyes were not painted on but rather small stones were mosaic-like arranged on the box, making it sparkle.

“Thank you for finding this for me, Al-niisama.”

“No problem. I’m glad you like it,” Brother Al replied.

“Um, Al-niisama, are you not buying anything?”

“Well, let’s see. I think I’ll look around a bit more,” Brother Al said, as I looked around to see what else was there.

Then, I heard Father calling out to us, “Eddie, come take a look.”

We went over there, and with a smile, Father showed us the hairpin from earlier.

“Wow, it’s beautiful! This stone is the same color as Father’s eyes! I’m sure it will suit Mom Patty!”

There were beautiful blue stones scattered around the flower and leaf pattern, making it even more glittery than before!

“Well, please give this to Mother as a souvenir from Eddie,” he said.

“Is it alright?”

“Of course. Eddie picked it out, after all.”

When Father said that, I gently put the beautifully wrapped hairpin into the bag I was holding. I also bought a treasure chest I saw earlier and some stationery and envelopes with snow patterns and star-like fireworks designs as my own souvenirs. And I got a really warm-looking knitted hat too!

The knitted hat had two shades of blue that resembled Father’s and Brother’s eye colors, cream that matched Mother’s hair color, green like my eyes, and snow-white, all intricately woven together in a mysterious way. When I said, “It has everyone’s colors!” both Father and Brother smiled.

Since we don’t know the baby’s color yet, I bought a fluffy white lamb plushie, like snow. It’s so soft and cute. There are many sheep in Finley, so I hope it will protect the baby. My brother bought some picture books about a snow magician and said, “Let’s read them together.” I was incredibly happy because I really love it when he reads picture books to me.

“Well, see you tonight. Make sure to dress warmly, as it’s cold.”

“Yes, Father. Good luck with your work.”

Unfortunately, it was time for Father to return to work. The festival ends today, so he must be busy. After the closing announcement, beautiful fireworks will light up the sky, so we’re going out tonight as a special treat.

“Alright, let’s head to the meeting place with everyone.”

Once we meet up, we’d all return to the mansion together along the road where the Finley family’s large carriage can pass, have dinner, and head out to the night city.

It’s finally time for the glowing snow sculptures and fireworks to spill stars.

My first time in the city at night was so beautiful. The pure white snow statues were gently illuminated by the magical lamps that my brother told me about, floating in the night. But it wasn’t scary at all. How should I describe it? Uhm, awe-inspiring?

Yeah. Somehow, it felt reassuring to have them there, and a sense of gratitude naturally welled up in me.

“Even when they glow, they’re not scary at all. Grandis-sama has given us so much, like growing grains, vegetables, and fruits, and the food at the stalls was delicious.”

Of course, I’m grateful to the kingdom’s gods for protecting us all, but I’m especially thankful to Grandis-sama for protecting the Finley domain and providing us with so many delicious blessings.

I bowed once more to the snow statue of the kind-faced, bearded god and asked for his continued guidance before heading to the designated place in the square.

“Is there anything else we forgot to buy?”

“I’m fine. How about everyone else?”

“I think I got everything I was asked to get.”

“Yeah, me too.”

James now consistently refers to himself as “I”[1].

Still, it seems that both Martin and James had things they were asked to buy. I’m a bit curious.

“It seems like Eddy is curious about what we were asked to get.”


How on earth does Martin-kun know what I’m thinking?

“Hehehe, it’s because you’re so honest, Eddie-kun. It’s easy to tell. Finley is known for its livestock and wool products. My territory doesn’t get too cold, but thin, warm fabrics are popular. Just like that knitted hat you have there. You found a nice one.”

Upon hearing that from Martin-kun, I happily grinned from ear to ear.

“My father, mother, brother, and I all have our colors in this snow.”

Everyone smiled upon hearing that.

“I really like this. Want to try some?”

James-kun handed me a small object wrapped in golden paper. It’s small enough that it should be okay after dinner. What is it? As I wondered, James-kun unwrapped the gold paper and popped the contents into my mouth.

“It’s sweet! Huh? What is this? Delicious!”

“Caramelized walnuts and nuts.”

“It’s really tasty. It’s sweet, but there’s a slight bitterness too, like an adult flavor?”

In an instant, the four of them burst out laughing.

“Hahaha! That’s Eddy for you. You’re really great. Stay like this forever, okay?”

“Eh? Stay like this? Martin-sama, I’ll grow up, you know?”

No matter how much I dislike being the “villainous son,” I can’t stay a child forever, can I?

“Really, you’re such a wonderful little brother. I’m envious, Al.”

“This offbeat sense of humor is spot on.”

What happened to Martin-kun, James-kun, and Daniel-kun? At times like this, I rely on Al-niisama.


“What is it, Eddie?”

“I’m not offbeat, am I? I’m standing up straight, right?”

“It’s okay. You’re the same as always, my precious little brother.”

“Yes! Thank you!”

I did it! I’m his precious little brother. Ufufu.

[1] Informal ‘I’