I Was Forced To Marry The Enemy

Chapter 72


I was happy to finally be home again after such a long day. Thanks to Mateo I\'d managed to escape those girls and surprisingly they hadn\'t made another attempt after that incident.

I was expecting Dante to pick me up today but instead was greeted by one of the drivers. I was surprised, for the way he acted earlier told me that he would try any and every method to get closer to me again.

For whatever reason, I didn\'t know. For he definitely never cared and still doesn\'t  care for me.

I spotted his sister Violetta near the kitchen, grabbing a snack to eat.

"Where\'s Dante?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Oh," she said, her eyes surprised to see me. "I\'m sorry. I\'m not used to having you around Kyomi, I was startled for a second." She apologized.

I smiled, Violetta was so much unlike her older brother.

Work related business? I tried to stay calm but it was hard too, considering everything I already knew about Dante\'s family business. Their work involved guns and dangerous weapons . . . Blood even.

"You don\'t have to worry. My brother can handle himself well, he\'ll be fine."

I flushed at her words. Was I that easy to read?

Was I really worried about Dante\'s safety?

The answer was right there in front of me, I was indeed worried.

Even though he\'d hurt me, I still cared for him and I didn\'t think that would ever stop.

Then, the sound of a Jeep in the driveway caught our attention. Not long after did the front door open, heavy footsteps could be heard from where we were.

My cheeks flushed as I spotted Dante, apparently no matter what he did my body would always react a certain way to his presence.

His eyes were troubled as he approached me. Before I had time to react he gently took my wrist in his hand and examined the skin there.

"What was that about?" Violetta asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I have absolutely no clue." I confessed.

She placed her cup onto the counter and ran after her brother. I considered going after him as well but reminded myself that he was no longer my concern.

A few minutes later she walked back in, her eyes worried. "He didn\'t tell me anything. Instead, he told me to let you know that he wouldn\'t be home tonight. Father sent them on some important work again."

I hated the way my heart ached at her words. Once again, I couldn\'t help but worry for him.

I guess this was one of those nights I\'d be sleeping by myself again.

I kept telling myself that this should be a good thing however I couldn\'t help but feel empty inside.

I hated this so much.


Dante and every single one of his brothers were already outside waiting for me after I\'d gotten dressed for school today.

Neither one of them answered.

"Get in,Kyomi." Dante said as he opened the Jeep door for me.

While his brothers got into their motorcycles.

I refused to move an inch, not until someone explained to me what was happening.

Dante approached me, his face hard and angry.

What was wrong with him this morning?

"Do you remember what happened yesterday when you refused to get in?" He asked, his lips just above my ear. My face reddened at his words, I crossed my arms over my ċhėst and stalked over to the Jeep. I was beginning to think there was no winning when it came to Dante. The man would use any means to get things done his way.

Once again, as soon as I was seated Dante reached over and placed the seatbelt over me. I watched as he closed the door and got in through the driver\'s side.

He remained quiet, refusing to speak. It was the first time I\'d ever seen Dante this angry, I thought that it was probably best that I left him alone this once. Soon enough I\'d see exactly why all of the brother were leaving together.

As we approached the school, a lot of girls were already gathering to the front. It was like they\'d already gotten news that all of the Clarke brothers would be here this morning.

As the Jeep came to a stop, Dante quickly got out and walked over to my side. He opened the door and unbuckled my seatbelt.

"I can do it myself . . . "

I gasped as he gripped my waist and placed me down on the ground. I was about to say something else when all of the brothers surrounded us.

"You ready?" Hugo asked him.

Dante nodded his head and took my hand in his. I couldn\'t do anything else but follow him through the thick crowd that had already gathered. I wasn\'t sure where they were heading but everyone already had their phones out filming and taking pictures of everything happening.

My eyes fell on Emily and the group of girls that had tried to take advantage of me yesterday.

Surely, that wasn\'t where Dante and his brothers were heading?

Oh God.

What were they planning on doing?

Emily\'s eyes were wide with fear as all of the brothers including Dante surrounded her and her group of friends.

"Did you or did you not try to take advantage of Kyomi yesterday?" Hugo asked, his gaze fierce and lethal.

"I-I," she stammered, her face going red.

"It seems as though people are fogetting what we do to others who try to hurt our family." He snapped. "Do we need to remind you?"

Emily was straight out trembling now and I actually was beginning to feel sorry for her. The looks on every single one of her friends faces mirrored that of her own.

"No, please. I didn\'t mean to do it." Emily cried.

"Apologize to her now." Dante ordered, his voice colder than ice.

"All of you as well." Evan added to Dante\'s words.

"We\'re sorry Kyomi." They apologized one by one.

"It\'s okay." I whispered, I didn\'t like this much attention. In fact, I felt like hiding under a rock.

Dante turned to the crowd next. "Let this be a lesson to all of you. If any of you ever try to harm my wife in any way, I\'ll personally see to it that you suffer and pay for your actions. She\'s part of our family now and no one messes with our family without any consequences for their actions." He warned.

Did Dante just call me his wife in front of the whole school?

Was he actually trying to protect me?