I Was Forced To Marry The Enemy

Chapter 71

"M-Mateo," Emily gasped. All of the girls were suddenly flushed, their faces one of shock and admiration.

They were clearly just as crazy about Mateo as they were about Dante.

"Why are you holding down Kyomi\'s hand?" he demanded as he took another step in our direction.

"I-I—," she stammered, most likely trying to come up with a lie.

"Let go of her." He ordered.

Her eyes widened but she immediately obeyed. I rubbed the spot she had been holding down, surely it would leave a mark.

"Why are all of you still here?" he asked, glaring at all of the girls. "Get out from my sight!"

I\'d never seen a group of girls scramble so quickly as they did now.

When we were alone he turned his attention to me. "Are you okay?" He asked.

I slowly nodded.

"If they harass you again don\'t hesitate to let me know."

I stared at him in confusion, "why did you help me?"

It was now his turn to look confused. "Why wouldn\'t I help you?" he asked. "Kyomi, you\'re family now. We always protect our family. All of us do, especially Dante."

I stiffened at the mention of the man whom I was supposed to refer to as my husband. It was just the cold dash of water I needed.

I couldn\'t get soft for this family after everything they\'d done, definitely not for one kind gesture.

But I also couldn\'t not thank him either. He did help me.

"Thank you."

Without another word he was already walking away. I couldn\'t understand Dante and his family. They did the worst thing possible to me, yet now they were trying to act like they cared.

What more could they be after? Now, I had no idea whom to trust and when.



"What\'s wrong?" Hugo asked, his eyes one of concern. "You haven\'t concentrated on any of our missions recently. You even almost gotten yourself shot earlier. Something is up with you and you need to sort it out before you get yourself killed one of these days."

I let out a deep breath. I hadn\'t been okay ever since Kyomi found out father had set this whole wedding up and that I was in on it. I tried to tell myself that maybe this was for the best, she had to find out either way. I also knew that I was already developing feelings for her, something I\'d promise myself never to do again after getting hurt by the first person I\'d cared about. So, I kept telling myself that I should just let her be.

She wanted me to leave her alone and that\'s what I should be doing. However, everytime I looked at her, there was this deep dėsɨrė inside of me to kiss her and hold her just like I\'d done in the past. I was craving Kyomi more than I\'d ever wanted any other woman in the past.

I didn\'t understand what it was about her but ever since I\'d gotten a taste I wanted more. Last night alone was torture sleeping in the same bed with her after seeing the lingerie she\'d had on.

Why did she even wear something like that? I\'d never seen her in clothing like that before and it took every thing in me not to grab her and have my way with her. But I knew that she wouldn\'t allow it after everything I\'d done, she didn\'t even want to look my way.

Hugo was right however, I had to get my act together especially considering the dangerous life that we lived. If my mind was continuously on Kyomi, I could put the life of my entire family and myself at risk.

The only problem was I had no idea how to move on from this. The only thing I could think about was somehow getting Kyomi to forgive me after everything.

"Dante?" Hugo called.

My gaze snapped to his, only then remembering that I hadn\'t answered him yet.

"It\'s just this whole thing with Kyomi," I confessed. "I didn\'t think marriage would start off like this for me . . . Never thought I\'d be married so young or that my wife would hate me."

A key spammed against the table and I looked up to find Mateo standing next to us. The look on his face was angry and he was most definitely not in a good mood.

"You as well?" Hugo asked. "Does everyone have a bad mood these days?"

"I\'m sure everyone is going to have a bad mood after they hear what I have to say." He mumbled.

My brows rose. "What exactly are you trying to tell us?" I asked, waiting impatiently for him to finish.

He blew out a deep breath. "Today while at school I noticed that some girls were following Kyomi," he started.

My body immediately stiffened at the mention of Kyomi. Now, I was more impatient than ever for him to continue.

"Turns out that girl who has always been obsessed with Dante decided to bully her with a group of her friends. Luckily I was there to stop them from actually doing her any harm."

All the blood drained out of my face at his words.

What the fuċk?

"What did you say?" I asked Mateo, my fists tightening at my sides.

"That girl Emily and her crazy followers tried to bully Kyomi in school earlier today." He repeated, for my sake.

What the hell were these girls thinking? What right did they think they had to bully my wife?

Hugo placed his hands on my shoulder to stop me from going anywhere, "I know you must be pissed. But let\'s not do anything irrational here. Emily\'s parents are allies with father. We will go there tomorrow and just intimidate her and her friends enough to ensure they never do something like that again."

However, I had to make sure they never EVER did something like this to Kyomi again.

I had to set everything straight before things got out of hand.

I\'d make sure that not only Emily and her group of friends be aware of Kyomi\'s status but every fuċkɨnġ student that went to our school!