I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

300-The reason why Dragon Slayer is popular

Oh, Elinora. That pendant looks good on you.

Yes, it\'s very beautiful.

Yeah? Thank you.

Perhaps noticing that Sister Elinora had put the pendant on, Mother Erna and Father Nord came over and complimented her verbally.

\'If you like it, why don\'t you buy it?\'

Oh, you sure?

\'Elinora rarely buys ornaments, either. I\'d rather have a few more of these things.

\'Yes. I think it\'s better that way.

It\'s true that Elinora sister probably has less clothes and ornaments than the average noblewoman. Even the dresses are only about two or three, and even those are really just the bare minimum of what we have.

However, with such a beautiful pendant, it can be used at a party. And since Elinora\'s sister showed an interest in this kind of thing, she probably wanted to buy it for you.

I\'m sure you\'ll be able to help me. Thank you!

Sister Elinora thanked them both and came back this way with Tornel and Quina.

\'\'So, I\'d like to buy this, can you sell it to me?

\'Yes, yes, I\'d like to say of course, but...\'

Quina replied happily to her sister Elinora\'s question, but she and Tornell look delicate.

\'\'What is it?\'\'

Well, I don\'t know the price.

\'Is it because you don\'t know how much the original material, the tusk, is worth?\'

Yes, I do.

When I ask her that, Quina nods with a divine expression.

\'It\'s such a beautiful thing. It\'s hard to imagine it being cheap.\'

Eric is right. I don\'t think something as clear and beautiful as this could be done with a copper or silver coin. I mean, if you include the cost of Quina\'s design and materials, the pendant alone is worth enough to make the gold coins fly.

\'\'Don\'t your father and mother know what kind of demon this is?\'\'

When sister Elinora asks, Father Nord and Mother Erna come over and observe the fang itself.

\'Hmm, I\'m sure they\'re demon fangs, but I don\'t know what kind of demon they are either.

\'\'Sea demons are more mysterious than land demons, and there are many more undiscovered individuals.

Apparently, Nord Dad and Erna Mom, who have had numerous adventures, don\'t understand it either. Well, most people don\'t go out to sea unless they have so much to do, much less want to deal with demons in the sea, which is more dangerous than the ground.

Maybe Tory, or a member of the Silver Wind, or Douglas, who does business on ships, would know.

\'How much is it worth, in the shopkeeper\'s opinion?\'

\'Hmmm, that\'s a tough one. It\'s something I\'ve never seen before, for some reason...

Father Nord asks, and Tornell\'s father comes over and gives him a difficult look.

However, it\'s hard for us to judge the price too if the shop owner doesn\'t decide on a price.

\'\'If we\'re going to evaluate this material for its beauty, I\'d say ten gold coins or so...\'\'

Tornel\'s father, who presented it with a fearful expression on his face while looking at Father Nord\'s face.

It was easy to see that he would be estimating that amount quite low out of concern for us.

And you can\'t blow a high price on a nobleman from outside.

\'\'No, they would do more. Because demon materials are reasonably priced just because they\'re rare.\'\'

\'\'Right. I can\'t judge exactly, but maybe this one fang alone could be worth about three hundred gold coins.

"Three hundred gold pieces?

The words that Mother Erna said startled everyone except Aegal-san and Natasha-san here.

\'\'Oh, it\'s only natural that a rare demon material would be worth that much, right? On the flip side, it\'s not that hard to find.

\'\'And excuse me, but if it\'s about as much as the fangs of the dragons the two of you defeated, how much is the amount of money...?\'\'

Eric asks under his breath when he hears Mom Erna\'s words.

I was just curious about that too. How much was the dragon\'s fang, which is a legendary class, worth?

I noticed that all the eyes of all the people in the store were on the two of them.

And then, with an uncomfortable shrug of his shoulders, Nord Dad

\'\'When I had it redeemed, it was about three black gold coins for one tusk, I think?

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

Everyone in the store marveled at the price.

A single dragon tusk was worth thirty million. A lot of people would be dreaming and becoming adventurers.

They\'re going to go from people who thought they\'d rather go and snap one off or something like that to people who won\'t return. By mistake, I wouldn\'t risk my life to become an adventurer like that.

It\'s much easier to earn an easy rent income by building a house with earth magic, or transporting and reselling foodstuffs with transition magic.

\'\'However, it seems like it was very hard to put a price on it since there was little precedent in the Misfirito Kingdom.

That\'s right. You can\'t put a price on a dragon\'s fang all of a sudden. The man in charge of setting the price.

I\'m not sure that\'s even the right price.

\'That price for just one fang means you can keep playing for generations to come.

Hm? Don\'t you know that?

What. You can afford to live without my reversies and other income. As I muttered to myself while thinking about this, Eric raised his eyebrows and said.


\'This is after Master Nord and Lady Erna slayed the dragon.


Hearing Eric\'s words, me, Sister Elinora, and Meena crowded in with vigor.

Are you saying that all this dragon slayer talk didn\'t end with Father Nord and Mother Erna becoming nobles?

\'\'The two of you offered most of the dragon materials to the king for the restoration of King\'s Landing. It is because of such heroic activities that the Dragonslayer\'s fame in King\'s Landing is so enduringly popular among the people.

Hearing Eric\'s words, we immediately look at Dad Nord and Mother Erna.

They looked away, a little embarrassed, and did nothing in denial.

Great. My father and mother are the heroes of the story, huh? It\'s no wonder that they are so popular in the capital. I\'d be a fan too if they did that.

I have a book in my library, by the way, that contains all the episodes that are not depicted in the play "King\'s Landing.

You can borrow it later.

I asked surreptitiously, and Luna-san nodded her head.

\'Now we can find out more about Dad Nord and Mother Erna\'s past.

\'Well, that\'s not the point, it\'s the price of the pendant.

Father Nord coughs, looking embarrassed, trying to get back on topic.

\'\'Shopkeeper, how about forty gold coins or so for now?\'\'

\'Forty gold coins! No, is that okay? Maybe it\'s something less costly somewhere else?

That\'s okay. We judged the pendant and gave it a price. I won\'t complain if the cost is low. If it turns out to be of higher value, then we will pay more.

\'Yes, sir! Thank you! Kuina, Quina, show him the box and how to care for the pendant!

Uh, yeah, okay!

Trunel\'s dad instructed, and Quina nodded and brought a clean box case from the back shelf.

\'Great. You two have sold a lot of the work you\'ve made.\'

"Oh, oh. I can\'t believe that a pendant made by me and Quina would cost that much...

Yeah, yeah. I\'m very happy too...

When I called out to her, Tornel was stunned and let out his thoughts, and Quina grinned happily.

Then Quina brings out a care cloth and a small bottle of liquid.

Probably, it\'s a care tool to keep the pendant clean.

\'\'Eh, Elinora-sama, may I explain the care of the pendant to you?\'\'

\'Wait a minute. I\'m not sure I\'ll be able to understand it on my own, so Al and Meena can ask them, too.

Quina asked, and sister Elinora turned to me, holding her still with her hand.

I couldn\'t help but be dumbfounded by those words, me and Mother Erna.