I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation


\'Tornel. Don\'t get too carried away and be rude, okay?


Tornel\'s dad moved away after telling Tornel that.

He seemed to be convinced by the fact that Mother Elna and Natasha had told him it wasn\'t a problem, so he decided to watch for the moment.

\'So what are the recommendations that Tornel has caught?\'

It\'s from a sea monster. It\'s beautiful.

"From a sea monster? Is it really that great?

The Elinora sister approached me, probably curious to hear that it was caught from a sea monster.

\'\'Oh, it\'s so beautiful--\'\'

When Tornel was approached, he froze as he tried to explain, turning around as quickly as he could.

Tornel\'s cheeks flushed wonderfully and his eyes became fuzzy, as if he was floating in the heat.

I\'ve seen this state before somewhere. Specifically, it\'s the kind of eyes that Thor has when he looks at his sister Elinora.

Her eyebrows furrow at the interrupted explanation, and sister Elinora asks back.

\'Awfully beautiful what?\'

She\'s a very beautiful woman.


I almost held my head in my hands as sister Elinora nodded her head.

Why is it that Thor, Eric, Tornel, and I are surrounded by people who are challenger in love? It\'s a hassle.

"Oh, um, I\'ve heard the name--

Tornell, get over here!

Before I can say anything weird, I take Tornell and leave sister Elinora with me.

\'Ew? What\'s the matter, Master Alfried?

\'I\'ll tell you one thing: don\'t be sister Elinora. She\'s not a woman you can handle.

What, Lady Elinora? Who is that beautiful woman? That\'s a nice name....

Sheesh. My intention to persuade this guy brilliantly seems to have lit a bit of a fire in reverse.

Tornel muttered as if he was rambling, "Elinora-sama........

\'\'I wouldn\'t recommend Elinora-sister because even though she looks good, she\'s not good inside, right?

"...Sister? ...Right! So, if me and Lady Elinora marry, Lady Alfried will be your brother-in-law!

When I try to explain to him how bad the Elinora sister is inside, Tornel huffs and pulls out something stupid as he comes to himself.

Doesn\'t he realize that I\'m going to be a nobleman before I become my brother-in-law? No. Wouldn\'t you have come up with such an idea if you had the right perception of it?

\'I won\'t say anything bad, so don\'t do it, sister Elinora.


\'Sister Elinora is beautiful, but she\'s no good at cooking or anything. She is beautiful, but she doesn\'t clean well and she doesn\'t do the laundry. She\'s beautiful, but she\'s not interested in dressing up, she\'s not very feminine, she\'s crass, she\'s a pain in the ass, and she\'s not the kind of woman Tornell wants to be.

"Hey, hey, Alfried.

As I\'m trying to convince my sister Elinora by listing all the things that are wrong with her, Eric comes over and pokes me in the shoulder.

\'What is it, Eric? You\'re a tornel--

When I turned around, sister Elinora was just standing beside Eric.

When did she come over here? I didn\'t notice her at all.

I tried to evacuate for now, but Elinora sister\'s right arm reached out and grabbed my head.

\'\'Well Al, it\'s not like you can offset it by saying beautiful, beautiful, beautiful?

I\'ve taken three precautions in case she asks me, but the flattery doesn\'t seem to work.

My head screams as my sister Elinora\'s fingers tighten and I scream my head off.

\'\'Oh, it hurts! Sister Elinora! My fingers are stuck in it!

\'Turns out, she\'s not exactly the woman I was expecting...\'

Without a doubt, I was able to convince Tornel by myself.

After the sequence of events that led to Tornel falling in love with and questioning his sister Elinora, we went to Tornel\'s pride and joy once again.

\'This is it!\'

Tornel takes out a wooden box that was stored in the store\'s chest of drawers and opens the lid.

There is a single, crystal-clear blue tusk and a small pendant next to it. The blue tusks are so clean and so clear that it\'s hard to believe they\'re the tusks of an ordinary creature, and even the silk cotton of the buffer material can be seen through them.

\'\'It\'s beautiful. Are they the fangs of a sea-dwelling demon?\'\'

\'Oh, yes! I harpooned him and killed him!

"Don\'t lie to me, big brother. You just picked it up in the ocean by accident.

Tornel was proud of his chest, but he was instantly broken up by his sister, Quina.

\'\'Yeah, I remember that.\'\'

This guy is a convicted criminal. No wonder the kids at the riverside were so suspicious of him.

"I don\'t care if Tornel did it or not, what kind of monster is this?

\'\'I don\'t know. The sea demons are summarized in the books in the mansion, but I don\'t think I\'ve ever seen a demon with such beautiful fangs.

Tornell doesn\'t seem to know, and I asked Eric about it, but he doesn\'t seem to know.

There are a lot of creatures in the sea, and it\'s not as easy to check them out as it is on the ground.

\'You haven\'t seen them either, Elinora sister, have you?

\'Yes. I remember a lot of ground demons, but not as far as the ocean.

Elinora sister, who is interested in combat, has a good memory when it comes to it. However, although she\'s good at remembering, she doesn\'t actively research like brother Silvio does.

\'Luna-san too?\'

I\'ve never seen fangs of this color before.

Apparently, even Luna doesn\'t know that.

\'\'Is the pendant you have next to you made from this fang?

Oh, yeah! They shaved off the top part of the tusk and Quina fitted it in there.

Eric asks, and Tornel says confidently, and Quina looks a little embarrassed.

Embedded in the middle of the pendant is a crystal-clear blue gemstone of sorts. As Tornell says, it looks like it\'s been worked on and embedded in a fang.

Of course, it\'s beautiful in its own right, but it\'s an amazing design that makes the most of it. The silver base has very fluid lines and shapes, and the mysterious, translucent blue color matches it.

If either the material or the design was missing, the result would not have been as good as it was.

\'I see, it\'s very well made,\' I can see why Tornell would be so proud to recommend it.

Yeah, that\'s what Tornell and Quina did together.


\'Oh, thank you. ...I\'m glad.

When Eric and I complimented him, Tornel smiled confidently and Quina smiled happily.

\'Hey, can I try this on?\'

Elinora sister is not interested in fashion, but this beautiful pendant may have sparked her interest, but she said something unexpected.

\'\'...Elinora, do you like this?\'\'

Yeah, I\'d like to try it on. Can I wear it? Or do you think you could wear it because it\'s important to you?

\'No, no! Then I\'ll put it on and you can sit in the chair over here.

Sister Elinora asked, and Quina shook her head and happily suggested a chair in the store.

As Sister Elinora sat there, Quina turned around and put on the pendant she had just put on.

\'It\'s done.\'

When Quina finished putting the pendant on, she slowly pulled away and picked up the hand mirror.

Sister Elinora checked the pendant she was given and herself in the mirror and turned back to me.

\'\'What do you think?\'\'

The figure is Sister Elinora with her auburn hair in a ponytail. It\'s not a stylish shirt, vest and shorts that are easy to move around in.

However, the silver chain and the clear blue pendant peeking out from the neck makes Elinora sister look s*xy somehow.

\'\'........the color of Elinora\'s hair and the pendant emphasize the color of her hair and it looks good on her.

Eric and Tornell nodded at Luna\'s exact words.

\'Where\'s Al?\'

You look good.

It was frustrating to say to the somewhat smug Elinora sister, but there was nothing else that could come out of it but these words.