I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

279-Magic training

Now, shall we begin to practice our magic?

As I finish my rice ball and lie down on the sheet, Mother Erna slowly stands up.

\'Err, are we going to start now?\'

\'Not anymore. I took more time off for the morning\'s fatigue.

I\'m making a big deal out of it, but it seems that Mother Erna is adamant.

\'Elinora, Luna, come back too,\'

Yes, sir.

Sister Elinora and Miss Luna, who were fighting swords on the sandy beach, also interrupted their striking practice to come back when Mother Erna called them back.

Brother Silvio, who was reading an unfamiliar book that he may have borrowed from the Silford family, also stopped reading, and Eric, who was sitting nearby, also stood up.

I stand up, regretting that the break is over, as I see that it\'s apparently really going to start.

When the kids are properly lined up and lined up, Mother Erna clears her throat, "Kohon.

\'\'Well then, now that it\'s noon, we\'ll start practicing magic as planned.

Nice to meet you.

Mother Erna raises her voice a little more sternly than usual, but when I see her gathering in the shade without even wearing shoes, I think it\'s very typical of Mother Erna.

That\'s right. If it\'s just to explain things to you, you can gather in the shade.

As expected of Erna-san, the way she pursues her desires and rationality is like a fine wizard itself.

\'I have a rough idea of Al, Elinora and Silvio\'s abilities, but I don\'t know what Luna-san and Eric-kun are capable of. I want to see what you two are capable of first, so can you circulate your body\'s magic power?

I understand.

First, they would see how smoothly the two of them circulate magic power and judge how skilled they are at controlling magic power.

Luna-san and Eric nodded at Mother Erna\'s words and closed their eyes.

I guess they are trying to shut out the information in their vision and focus their minds, but that\'s not a very practical method.

It\'s fine if you don\'t have any intention of using it in battle like I do, but common sense dictates that it\'s impossible to close your eyes and unify your mind in front of humans and demons.

What a thought, magic power gradually flowed from the center of their chests and flowed through their veins.

Luna-san\'s side is the smooth one, but Eric\'s is terrible. The magic power is also overflowing in vain, and there\'s no magic power circulating at all.

This alone shows how much power the two of them have through magic.

You\'ll be fine now. You can stop the circulation of magic power.

When Mother Erna says this, Luna-san and Eric exhale loudly to restore the circulation of magic power.

Luna-san is especially normal, but Eric is feeling a little tired because he\'s not used to it and there\'s some waste.

\'\'Well that\'s true. Normally I\'d like you to give advice and circulate magic power all day long, but it\'s a waste of time just to do that.

All day long...

When I heard Mom Erna\'s muttering, Eric looked away in disbelief.

It\'s a warm one, what a warm one, just for one day. Normally, you should be doing this all year long.

In my case, I did it thanks to the fact that I\'ve been conscious since I was a baby, or rather, the only thing I had to do in my spare time was to circulate my magic around and play with it.

\'\'I\'ll give you two a quick lesson on how to control magic power first. I\'m sure you\'ll be able to find out how to use your magic after that. I\'m sure you\'ll be able to find out more about it.

That\'s why when I listen to the practice content that Erna\'s mother instructs, they are divided into two groups: the practice group and the magic control group.

As for me, I think Elinora sister should join the control group, but I guess she wants to let them practice what she made them practice on the road.

\'Well, Al. Could you do me a favor?


Brother Silvio asked me to activate my earth magic.

By raising the sand about ten meters away, I create a single square target.

In its center, a wonderful circle was drawn by using the depression.

Yes, it\'s a beautiful circle.

I chuckle to myself at the sight of a beautiful target.

Yes, what we will do is a simple magic hit practice.

"Huh? Where are Al and your sister\'s targets?

I\'m going to make it now.

If it\'s this close, it\'s easier than putting the trash in the trash can in front of me.

And since Erna\'s mother knows about this, I\'ve been given a test.

I\'m told to hit the middle of a small target 30 meters away from me 50 times in a row.

That\'s why I make an additional target of the specified size 30 meters away from the person.

It would be about the size of a person\'s head. It looks like a small object when it\'s 30 meters away.

And I made additional targets for Elinora\'s sister using soil from the sea.

Why is my target only in the sea?

Of course it\'s because Elinora\'s sister is out of control and off.

It is annoying that every time a fireball lands on a sandy beach, the sand flies up.

On the other hand, in the ocean, it doesn\'t matter how many fireballs are launched. At best, the seawater will only become a splash in the distance. It\'s only natural to isolate Elinora sister.

\'\'Oh well, fire magic is dangerous. Right?

Brother Silvio also desperately tries to appease Sister Elinora, as if he understands the danger she is in.

\'\'Well I understand.

Then Sister Elinora walked to the edge of the waves with a complicated look on her face.

\'And yet Al\'s target is so far away. Mom said something reckless about hitting it fifty times in a row, is that okay?

It\'s not as bad as it sounds.

I don\'t know if it\'s testing my concentration, but this level is fine. When I was practicing, I was hitting smaller targets in succession to the point where two or three hundred was ineffective.

However, there\'s no need to ask them to raise the bar by saying that stupidly and honestly.

I think it\'s probably just a wait-and-see situation among Erna\'s moms, and I just need to show the results anyway.

I activate the water magic method and bring seawater from the sea.

On the shore of the waves, Elinora\'s sister, perhaps surprised by the seawater that suddenly gushed up, cried out, "Wow. It\'s kind of funny.

I turned the seawater into a water ball the same size as the circle on the target and sent it flying with a pop.

My water ball flew smoothly and landed on a target 30 meters away.

The target was wet only in the middle circle. After some time passed, though, it dripped downward.

\'\'Well it hit beautifully, but something about it doesn\'t feel right for practice.\'\'

\'What? But you flew the magic properly and got it right.

Well, yeah.

Even a water ball is a fine water magic method, so it\'s fine.

Even Ilya used it to fight Swordfang.

Then I\'ll do the same next time. Unlike Al, I\'ll only have to hit it ten times from this distance.

Brother Silvio\'s task is to hit the target ten times in a row. It\'s not specified that it\'s only in the middle like me. As long as you hit the target, you\'ll be fine.

Silvio looks at the target in front of him while breathing slowly.

Then, holding out his right arm, Brother Silvio chants.

"\'I seek, gathered from the atmosphere, the sharp blade of the wind.\'

As Brother Silvio spun the words of the chant, the air converged in front of his arms and was fired with great force.

It hit the target as it flew through the air with a shrill cry and was popped with a cracking sound.


A stunned voice leaked out of brother Silvio\'s mouth.

Thinking that it would be troublesome to make a target that would break immediately, I made it hard, but it looks like I overdid it a little too much.

The target in front of Silvio-san\'s brother has not a single scratch on it, even though it was hit by the wind blade.

\'\'Sorry, I may have made the target a little too hard.\'\'

\'Oh, yeah. Okay, I know I hit it right...

I reworked the target, just hard enough to make a scar.