I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

267-Aegal's advice

After me and Luna\'s fight was over, then Eric and his brother Silvio, and then Elinora\'s sister and Luna, and so on.

Out of all of them, Elinora\'s sister was the strongest. Then Luna, Silvio, Eric and I. It was just as we expected.

First of all, Elinora\'s sister was overwhelmingly strong. Even Luna-san, who was ranked second, had her sword flung off when they met for a few rounds.

It\'s a good thing that you\'re able to get the most out of your time with the help of a good friend.

But that\'s just one part of being strong and not seeing the unreasonableness of it. It will be a little later when she learns that.

Next, Eric and Brother Silvio. The two of them fought a really competitive battle, but Eric\'s swordsmanship couldn\'t break through Brother Silvio\'s defense, and in the end, he was successfully defeated by a special Silvio Bash.

When I say that Eric was beaten back then, I can still laugh just thinking about it.

\'You, what are you laughing at me for?

\'No, I remember when Brother Silvio beat me up.

\'Ugh! Lord Silvio\'s defenses are extraordinary! What was that defense? I don\'t feel like we\'re going to win no matter where we attack!

Eric said as he stepped on the ground as if he was disappointed that he had lost to brother Silvio.

Haha, it was funny to say that Eric was in a hurry at that time.

As I\'m laughing at Eric, he looks at me and gives me a nasty smile.

\'\'You can laugh at people too? You\'ve always said that you\'d be willing to show Mistress Elinora a pint of wine when you f*ck her.


I bit my teeth involuntarily when Eric said that.

It was an all-out competition, so I was going to have a fight with my sister Elinora, just in case.

At that time, I had made the mistake of saying out loud that I would hold one cup of wine with the sole intention of not losing to Eric.

Elinora\'s sister, who had heard this, had nastily exerted herself more than usual.

As it turned out, I only ended up with one pint, just like Eric.

By the time I thought we had struck each other, the heavens and earth had been turned upside down.

\'So you\'re saying that you were caught off guard knowing your own sister\'s power?

Yes, yes, but not so much.

What? Is that an unseemly excuse?

Because in the first place, it\'s impossible for me to measure or bring out the true strength of Elinora\'s sister.

...for sure.

Eric, who was making fun of me, gets a mysterious look on his face because he heard the most important words.

The difference in ability is so great that me, brother Silvio, Eric, and others are still easily defeated even after being held back. It\'s impossible to get them to get serious with that.

The strange thing is that although we are always together, I have no idea what Elinora\'s sister\'s true abilities are.

I can barely guess if it\'s Luna-san, and the ones who have a complete grasp of it would be Lumumba, Nord Dad and Erna Mom. But I can\'t expect to get a correct response from those guys, though, since they\'re outsiders.

I\'m not sure if I\'m right or not. Mister Nord and I will give you some advice! Gather round!

While Eric and I were pondering with a mysterious look on our faces, Mr. Eggal called out.

In response to his voice, everyone who had been taking a break on their own gathered at Aegal-san and Nord Dad\'s place. I tried to walk slowly, but everyone else ran, forcing me to match them.

\'\'Well, let\'s start with Alfried-kun, who has a lot of issues to deal with,\'\'

According to Aegal\'s words, it was decided that I would be the first to be hung up on.

So you\'re going to be bullied by the one who hasn\'t become the least.

\'\'From what I\'ve heard from Nord-dono, Alfried-kun is better at magic, isn\'t he?

\'\'Yes. So I don\'t think of it as a matter of knocking the opponent out with the sword, but rather as a way to survive by avoiding the opponent\'s attacks as much as possible.

Developing my own style. This is something I can slurp out since I\'ve been told by Nord Dad that it\'s a sour thing to say.

To begin with, I\'m a wizard, not a sword-slaying style like Elinora\'s sister. It\'s a good idea to have a good idea of what you\'re looking for.

For example, I don\'t have time to chant on the spur of the moment, or I\'ve run out of magic power.

But years of magical training have made even that impossible, so what\'s the point of doing a sword? The question came up, "What\'s the reason for this?", but it\'s supposed to be for health reasons without thinking too much about it.

\'\'.........Hmmm, I could see that too when I saw it. However, as Luna says, it\'s still a shame. That kind of flexible thinking and pacing is not something that can be done easily. My body caught up with those movements, and there was only one thing I could do.

If I had a skill that I was good at, I would be able to reach a higher level of competence.

In other words, you have to train your body\'s basic skills to be able to move better. You need to find something that works for your opponent.

Like Eric\'s thrusts, one thing that sticks out is that one thing that puts pressure on your opponent.

"...that\'s flexible thinking.

Eric muttered with a complicated look on his face, as if he didn\'t like my little tricks.

\'\'Eric\'s way of thinking is too hard. That\'s why your sword streaks are so stiff and easily read. You need to be a little more flexible in your thinking and do things you don\'t like about your opponent. That way your sword will be as broad as Luna\'s.

Well Eric is too serious.

As expected of only relatives, the two of them are merciless against Eric.

It is true that Eric\'s sword is sharp, fast and firm, but it doesn\'t feel that scary. The reason for this is because he shoots a clean sword like a type.

Unleashing a streamlined sword technique is also effective, but it\'s easy to be read when you do it to an opponent who knows it.

\'\'Gugnu, you want me to emulate this guy?\'\'

\'I didn\'t say that much, but you should think about what they don\'t like a bit more. Just changing the feint or the rhythm can be effective enough.

I see.

When Aegal-san mentioned the specific things he didn\'t like, Eric nodded calmly, as if he was satisfied.

\'\'........More than the original, Eric can\'t imitate Al-kun.

Luna, is that a compliment to me? Or is he undermining his character? I\'m just wondering.

\'\'You\'re next, Silvio-kun. You\'ll be defending with shields and swords, aiming for the moment your opponent collapses, or aiming for the counter.\'\'

Yes, I do.

"In defense, you should be able to use your shield a little better. For example, you could slide your opponent\'s sword through your shield and get in the pocket yourself. I\'ll teach you a bit of knightly shielding skills later.

Yes, please!

Even Brother Silvio, who is not good at attacking, will be able to attack easily if he learns and uses it.

What a disgusting offensive and defensive move.

What a disgusting offensive and defensive move. I feel like my chances of winning against brother Silvio are getting slower and slower.

\'\'Also, I\'m going to teach you again how to move efficiently in the sand, so Alfried-kun and Silvio-kun come to me.


I thought he was going to be a bit more nitpicky, but it was put together nicely.

Thanks to Eric\'s interruption on the way, I think his pointing out to me has eased up a lot. I\'ll give him a little thanks.

I\'m sure you\'ll be able to find a solution to this problem. It\'s a good thing that you\'re not the only one who can do this. You are too slow to make a move on Silvio and Alfried. If you find that your usual moves don\'t work, improvise a number of patterns, change them up and be flexible.


\'Especially Silvio-kun and Alfried-kun\'s style, which is your weakness, so it\'s how you can neutralize that quickly. Gain more and more experience.


That means that me and Brother Silvio will be made to deal with Luna-san with a bang from now on? Oh, I don\'t like it.

As I was thinking this, Aegal-san turned to sister Elinora, as if her advice to Luna-san was over.

\'\'And lastly, Miss Elinora, but it\'s no longer up to me...\'\'

Please advise!

Mr. Agal must have been about to say that he no longer had anything to say.

However, she was wonderfully interrupted by the energetic voice of Sister Elinora, who bowed her head.


Aegal-san gives her a pained look, but sister Elinora doesn\'t notice it and looks at her expectantly.

It\'s a look that she\'s surely listening to the advice she\'s received so far and hoping that she\'ll get some good advice for herself as well.

When you get a straight gaze like that, it\'s an adult who feels the need to live up to your expectations.

Aegar-san\'s gaze turns a little to the right and left, and after thinking about it, she squeezes out a single word.

\'\'That\'s right. You are practicing on the sand. When you can afford it, how about trying out different body techniques? The sand cushions the sand when it\'s thrown over here, unlike most places.

\'\'Right. Today I\'m going to try out different body arts, not just swords!

That was the moment we decided we were going to roll around in the sand for the rest of the day.