I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

266-Words like the old man says

Luna and Mr. Alfried are next.

After the fight with Eric, I was sitting down on the sand to rest when Aegal raised her voice.

Oh dear, it\'s already time to go.

As I was feeling a bit bored with the idea of fighting a strong man, Eric came over with a smirk.

\'Hey, loser. Next time you\'ll be with your sister.

Shut up. I know.

Ever since he won his match with me earlier, he\'s been calling me this.

I don\'t really care if I win or lose in practice, but it still pisses me off when Eric calls me out like this.

This is something I should have played around with after I won with the tongs.

Now, how many cups do you think you\'ll need?

As I stand up, using the wooden sword as support, Eric tells me to challenge me.

\'At least I don\'t think I\'m going to lose in one round like Eric.

Oh, that\'s...

What\'s that? Maybe you\'ve let your guard down?


The fact that he was stuck for a reply means that somewhere in the back of his mind, he must have underestimated the Elinora sister.

\'Eric is an idiot for underestimating her when she\'s someone I\'ve been told is strong beforehand.

Oh, shut up! Get out of here! You, you bastard, should be beaten by your sister in one round!

I say it like I\'m blatantly ridiculing him and Eric blushes.

Haha, seeing Eric\'s exasperated look makes me feel a little less pent up.

\'Al, I don\'t think you\'re going to win, but good luck with that.

As I walk with a somewhat sunny feeling, sister Elinora says something I don\'t know if she\'s cheering me on.

I know I can\'t beat Luna-san, who is stronger than Eric, right? But if you\'re going to support her, I hope you\'ll leave that out of it, even if you know it.

I\'m sure Luna-san isn\'t stronger than Elinora\'s sister, but there\'s no doubt that she\'s much stronger than me.

I suppose the reason why my footsteps towards the predetermined position feel heavy is other than the factor that this is a sandy ground.

When I reached the prescribed position, Luna-san was already holding her wooden sword with a serious expression on her face.

After seeing the fight just now, you should know that I\'m the weakest among these members, but you don\'t show the slightest lick.

\'\'Please be gentle with me.\'\'

Hmmm, I\'m ready. But if you don\'t cut corners--?

The moment Luna-san nodded, I closed the distance in one fell swoop and swung down.

I released it with the least amount of movement possible, but Luna-san reacted and prevented it even though she was late.

Ouch........if possible I would have decided with this blow!

That\'s not fair.

\'What? But Mr. Luna said I could have it anytime.

\'Well I see. I certainly said it.

When I say that, Luna-san gives me a satisfied look.

Unlike the nagging Eric, Luna-san seems to be more tolerant about these things.

\'\'No, it\'s true, but...\'\'

But Aegal-san, who plays the role of judge, seems to be a bit more subtle.

\'\'Well in Al\'s case, I think it\'s better to beat his guts back than his sword, don\'t you think?

It might be a bit awful, no matter how much it\'s meant to make up for the difference in ability.

The words I hear from the outside world scare me.

It can\'t be helped. From my point of view, I\'m not very good with the sword, so I have no choice but to win by making up for the difference in ability this way. Well, it\'s only natural since I\'ve never really put much serious effort into my sword efforts.

I try to push Luna-san, who is defending herself with the wooden sword, with force as it is, but it doesn\'t come true, and is swept away with simple force.

I hate this little body right now.

\'\'........If you let Al-kun do what he wants, you will receive a painful attack. So, I\'m going to launch it from here.

As I was stepping backwards, stepping on a tatara in the sand, Luna kicked the ground and closed the distance between us.

The sandy ground is uneven and easy to lose your footing in, but the speed does not make you feel that.

A short wooden sword, adjusted to be easy to wield, strikes at me.

Probably, it\'s a mistake to receive Luna\'s first attack. Once I receive it and stop, there\'s a chance that I\'ll be moved around in all directions and receive a series of blows just like Silvio-san\'s brother did.

Here it would be better to strike at each other and then quickly move away, blocking the opponent\'s freely moving course and taking your time.

You duck Luna-san\'s diagonal swing down by deflecting your body.

Then the wooden sword that cut through the sky spins around and a sharp thrust like a sickle is released.

I read that my first move wasn\'t a real blow, so I duck it by backstepping.

As Luna-san packs it in again, I give her a threatening cleave, and she fails to measure her timing and stops.

That\'s when I attacked and moved away. Anyway, I was conscious of not creating an opening, and ducked the attacks from Luna-san in the same way as before.

\'\'........Mmmm, it\'s hard to do.

You can hear such a voice blurting out from Luna\'s mouth as they were exchanging attacks between single shots.

Doing something your opponent doesn\'t like is effective in every game.

I can say that I\'m fighting well right now. But this is more of a stalling tactic, or just a survival tactic, and you can\'t win.

My opponent has effective attacks, but I don\'t have any. If there\'s a silver lining, it\'s that it\'s only a deception.

This tactic is working now, but it\'s only a matter of time before Luna-san adapts to it as well.

If this continues, we will definitely lose.

\'\'I\'ll........push through.

I heard such a muttering suddenly as we were exchanging blows, swapping places as we spun around to avoid being hit by Luna-san in rapid succession.

Then Luna\'s movement rapidly accelerated, and she came at me with a force that almost hit me.

I duck the first swing as much as possible and unleash a cut-off in order to avoid letting her close the gap between us.

However, Luna-san has assessed it to the limit and wiggled her flexible body to get through.

Hee! This guy\'s a snake!

I lowered my head to rely on my intuition while screaming in my mind. Then I hear something pass over my head with a buzz.

Maybe Luna-san is above my head right now.

I thrust up the wooden sword I\'m holding in reliance on such an expectation, and a hand was placed on my back with a ton.

Luna-san then used the energy to stand up for my thrust and rolled forward brilliantly.

My best thrust is ducked beautifully.

The moment I thought it was bad, Luna-san had already landed and was slashing at me.

Oh, shit!

That\'s enough!

The voice of surrender and the voice of the referee rose simultaneously.

Then, the swinging down that was coming towards us stopped near my shoulder with a snap.

That\'s dangerous. If it was struck with that kind of force, it would have been quite painful, even though it was wearing leather armor.

I\'ve been skimmed countless times in practice, but for some reason I can\'t trust this one.

It\'s because I\'ve been secretly hit by Elinora\'s sister for many years while she called it a stopwatch.

Of course, it\'s only a knuckle-dragging tease, but that\'s why I\'ve lost faith in the skid.

Anyway, I\'m glad that we were able to finish without getting hurt this time.

Exhaling a breath of relief, Luna-san says a pout as she is brushing the sand from her body.

\'\'Well I understand a little bit how Elinora blurts out that Al-kun is too good to be true.

What\'s too good to be true?

Sometimes Elinora sister says that to me, but I don\'t remember her saying what exactly is too good to be true.

\'\'........Al-kun\'s strategy and ability to measure timing with his brain is outstanding. However, the basics of the essential swordsmanship is lousy. You don\'t have much physical strength, so the power you can exert at a moment\'s notice is also limited.

What do you mean?

...your body is not responding to the movement.

Luna says clearly.

I didn\'t expect to be told such words at the age of seven years of physical age.

\'\'.........I see.\'\'

Considering my mental age, that line is accurate, but it\'s complicated to hear it from a man of seven years of physical age and full of energy.