I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

262-Bustle on the beach

Well, let\'s get to the training grounds.

\'Huh? Aren\'t we supposed to practice in the courtyard?

Eric\'s dialogue while in the courtyard makes me feel uncomfortable.

When I look around, there is a courtyard that is larger than my house.

They are used for practice, or perhaps the soft earth is spread out and is sufficient as a practice place.

There is no need to look for other places, it is close, and this place is fine, isn\'t it?

We practice on the beach today because we have to practice at the beach. Because the sand on the beach is good for training the lower body.

As I was pondering these questions, Mr. Agal said from behind me.

\'I see. \'I see.\'

I told you last night. We\'re rehearsing at the beach today.

It was.

That\'s the problem with Nord\'s dad, he can\'t remember the little things he says when I\'m spaced out or relaxed.

He can\'t remember every detail of what we said in a conversation when I\'m not thinking straight.

"So, today we\'re heading to the same beach as yesterday.


I\'m convinced that the training location is the beach, and I follow Eric and Luna as they walk in front of me.

As I\'m heading towards the beach on the same path outside the mansion as yesterday, I pass a person who looks like a villager.

\'\'Hm? Oddly enough, there\'s a lot of people here today, huh? Even the fishermen, harpooners, etc., seem to be heading for the beach; was there something drifting about?

Do you have something that flows through you sometimes?

Father Nord asks a question to Aegal, who tilts his head.

It\'s rare, but there are times when a merchant ship\'s cargo or the corpse of a giant monster drifts in. If it\'s a merchant ship\'s cargo, you can retrieve it, and if you know the owner, you can return what you can keep. If it is the corpse of a monster, you can dismantle it and recover the materials. If it is a huge demon, the village is rich in goods, and if it is a fish, everyone can eat its meat, so depending on what it is, there will be a lot of festivities.

I see. You can only have fun in a village that\'s so close to the sea.

Yeah, if that\'s what all this noise is about, there must have been a medium-sized fish in the water!

Maybe she imagined it from the activity of the people, or maybe it was Aegal-san\'s good-natured smile.

But from us who were playing on the beach yesterday, I can\'t help but imagine something different.

........Maybe the sandcastle misfillito that Eric and I created is attracting attention.

I can\'t help but feel that way.

I wonder if Sister Elinora and Luna are also imagining this, and they are silently looking at me and Eric.

Their gazes are painful.

While I can\'t help but look away, Eric secretly asks me.

\'Hey, Alfried. The sandcastle you built yesterday will fall down in half a day, won\'t it?

What? I\'ve compressed and hardened it with my magic, so you said it wouldn\'t break with a slight shock. If you don\'t try to break it, you can keep it up to three months lightly.

Hey! You\'re kidding me! I\'ve never heard of a thing that big lasting three months!

I answered once and for all, and Eric said that and held his head up.

I wish he had told me long ago that if it was no good, it was no good.

Then I would have shown it to Tornel\'s friends and then crushed it at the right time.

\'But, well, it\'s okay, isn\'t it?\'


Every villager who has lived by the beach has made a piece of art out of the sand. In other words, the villagers who live in this village are artists who have grown up making things out of sand. That kind of thing is commonplace, right?

"...do you think that\'s what you see in this bunch of people?

I\'m sorry, I knew it was indeed different. I was just trying to escape reality.

When I saw the villagers walking to the beach, I understood that it was indeed out of curiosity. I did, but I wanted to think of it as a slight possibility.

\'Well, it won\'t do any real harm, and it should be fine. It\'s only a little disturbing since it\'s so close to the rest stop.

You\'re right. It\'s not like we did anything wrong.

It\'s just that we got carried away playing in the sand. I\'m sure Mr. Eggal and Nord Dad would laugh at the sight of a smiling child\'s playground.

\'\'Rather, maybe that sand castle will be our new resting place.

Don\'t be silly.

As we lightened our hearts and exchanged light words with each other, we gradually came to the side of the beach.

Then, the sandcastle that Eric and I built yesterday was visible.

I\'m going to be able to say that I\'m not going to be able to do anything about it. A misphilite castle made of sand on the beach...?

Mr. Aegal let out a few words as soon as he looked up at the sand castle.

It\'s wonderfully detailed and precise. It\'s not only made of sand, but also decorated with materials that are unique to the sea, and it expresses the nature of the sea.

Father Nord praises his own son\'s work, albeit unknowingly.

Brother Silvio, who knows everything, laughs and sister Elinora hides her face and laughs.

Luna\'s face is expressionless, and Eric looks a little happy to be praised because he was involved in creating it.

I feel like it\'s been a long time since I\'ve been praised by Nord Dad in this kind of hobbyistic direction.

Whenever I make a comic or a table tennis match or my own home, my dad always looks at me with a complicated expression on his face.

Do you think it\'s a specialty of this village?

\'No, no. I saw them yesterday, but there were no such fine buildings on our beach.

\'What? Is that so?

He looks at us, and then he looks back at me, and at the same time I turn my head away in a really natural motion.

At the same time, I turn my face away from him in a very natural motion.

But around me are Silvio, who is smiling, and Elinora, who is holding back a smile.

Father Nord noticed something unusual and began to look at me and the sand castle in turn.


What is it? Father Nord?

Why do my family members only call people names when they blame them?

For those of us who remember, those two words filled with feelings are incredibly scary. You can\'t help but imagine what they\'re going to say.

\'You know something about that, don\'t you?\'

The Castle of Misphilito, made of sand. I know because I saw it in King\'s Landing.

\'That\'s not what I\'m asking. Didn\'t Al use earth magic to build buildings during his travels?

I\'ll play along and answer him, but Father Nord won\'t let me go.

Dad Nord smiles kindly, but radiates some pressure.

\'Yeah, I was making it,\'

Is Al in this building too?

Yeah, Eric and his friends in the village made it up.

Hey, you! Don\'t drag me down with you! Because all I did was decorate it!

I confessed quietly, and Dad Nord let out a deep sigh and Eric shuffled out from beside me.

\'What?\' We all made that one together, didn\'t we?

Yes, but don\'t talk to me in your own way!

It\'s not like we didn\'t work together. A guy who cares about the details.

\'What?\' Are you saying that Eric and Mr. Alfried made that thing? A sand castle that big?

Yeah, he made it with earth magic.

Well, I made most of it out of earth magic.

When Eric and I answer honestly, Mr. Eagal gives me a puzzled look.

Can I, a small child, use magic to build such a large sand castle? I guess I\'m not so sure.

\'\'I\'m sorry that my son is causing trouble. Alfried is very good at magic, so he can make that much with earth magic.

\'Oh, that fits into the category of being good at that! I thought he was a dazed child, but after all, he\'s the child of Lord Nord and Lord Erna...!

What did Mr. Aegal think of me earlier? I\'d like to hear a little more about that part.

\'I suppose I could have you break it right away but you could, couldn\'t you? Al


\'No, no, no, it\'s a shame to destroy such a magnificent castle of sand! I\'d like to take a closer look at it later, and if you don\'t mind, let me just leave it there!

Yes. Yes, of course.

I was relieved to hear Mr. Aegal\'s good mood and replied.

Well, I\'m glad that Aegal-san is a big person with a great understanding of art.

I thought I would be scolded for making something like that without permission, but I don\'t think there\'s any need to be scolded for this reaction.

Yes, happy birthday to you.

...Al, didn\'t I tell you to call me properly when I made that thing?

I\'m sorry.

This was not the case.