I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

261-The splendor of the back shield

The next morning. Suddenly, I woke up to find myself in the middle of nowhere.

When I lifted my eyelids, I saw that the ceiling was different from the usual mansion.

Judging from the sunlight streaming in through the curtains, it was a little before the early morning.

I feel that it is too early to get up now, even if you start training early in the morning.

I thought I would sleep soundly because I was tired yesterday, but I seem to have woken up early because of the slightly different pillow and bedding.

It\'s a common phenomenon in travel destinations.

Fortunately, I\'m clearer in my head at the right time to wake up.

However, there is nothing to do even if I get up now.

Should I just lie around and enjoy the sleep?

As I was thinking about this, I suddenly heard footsteps coming from the corridor and there was a knock on my bedroom door.

\'\'Good morning, Alfried-sama. It\'s time to get up and-- hey! Why do you lock the door!

Oh, he says such a horrible word about waking up time that I couldn\'t help but lock myself in with a conditioned reflex psychic.

\'It\'s supposed to be an early time to get up,\'

\'Master Nord told me to wake you up early!

I say in a stern voice, and I hear Meena\'s impatient voice from behind the door.

\'You\'re Father Nord,\' she says. You don\'t trust me at all.

Even though you were planning to sleep soundly, I\'m up early like this.

"Yes, yes, I\'m awake, give my regards to Nord-Dad.

\'No. I\'ve been told to bring you to the big room!

I will not tolerate tardiness for the sake of joint training. I felt that kind of intention from my Nordic father.

\'\'Alfried-sama, this is someone\'s house, so as always--\'\'

\'Okay, okay, okay, okay. Wait for me to change now.

Before Meena can start saying something preachy, I unlock the door with a psychic in abandon.

\'Oh, what? You\'re more honest than ever today.

I got off the bed and Meena came out the door with a pouting face.

\'Normally you\'d be more pouting, wouldn\'t you? You\'re going to resist with magic, right?

You don\'t do that in someone\'s home.

I really don\'t want to have that kind of exchange in people\'s homes.

And more importantly, I got a lot of help from Nord-Dad yesterday. It\'s time to repay the debt and join in the fun.

\'\'If you can get up normally, then please get up normally in the mansion!

That\'s it. This is it. I mean, it\'s not very convincing when Meena, who\'s a maid and sleeps in a lot, says it.

\'Ugh! Sometimes! It\'s just sometimes!

Okay, okay, okay. Close the door while I get dressed.

After interrupting Meena, who still wanted to say something, the door closed quietly and Meena left.

But as we finished dressing and walked to the big room, Meena told me how she usually wakes up early and works hard.

I\'m sure she\'s under some kind of stress because she doesn\'t have the easy chatterboxes of Sarra and Mel.

Sensing this, I huffed and puffed as I went to the big room.

By the time I headed to the big room, the whole family was already there.

How can we all get up so early without an alarm clock?

\'Good morning,\'

Good morning,

Anyway, I go in after saying my morning greetings and everyone responds.

\'Al, your hair is bouncing around. Hurry up and fix your sleeping habits.

As I sat down on the couch at random, Mother Erna poked my finger at the spot where I had been sleeping.

I had to head to the sink, so I used the water magic method to float a small water ball. Then I turn the water to warm water to make it easier to fix my sleeping habits, and compactly apply it to the spot of my sleeping habits.

After wetting the location of the sleeping habit, I use wind magic to dry the wet hair.

\'Yeah, that probably fixed it.\'

You fixed your sleeping habits, but your hair is all messed up. You should have done that with your hands a little more.

Mom Erna says that, but she still manages to do my hair by hand.

Oh, usually I\'m the one who does her hair for her, so it\'s refreshing.

Ever since I came to Eric\'s house, you\'ve been a very strong mother," she says.

\'Oh? If you look closely, Elinora has a little bounce in the back of her head too. Elinora, you need to fix your sleeping habits too.

Well, it\'s not like my hair hides it, and I don\'t know about this.

Mother Erna warned her, but Sister Elinora seemed to be more focused on the final check of the wooden sword.

Even though she\'s hiding behind a ponytail, that sleeping habit would still be noticeable if she moved a little.

When I\'m dumbfounded by Elinora sister as usual, Erna mom moves her chin in a jerk and delivers a message with her gaze.

The current situation and the way she\'s looking at you may suggest that she wants you to "do it". Considering the little bit of anger in her eyes, I guess it\'s like a moxie.

If I\'m executed, of course I\'m the one who will suffer retribution, but right now I have a huge backing.

So there\'s nothing to fear. I\'ll let you do what you want.

I use the water magic method to create a small water ball just as I did before. Normally, when you are in the habit of sleeping, you adjust the temperature to about human skin, but this time the purpose is to do moxibustion, so you use ice magic to make it cold.

Once I made it cold, just on the edge of freezing temperature, I applied it roughly to the back of Elinora sister\'s sleeping habit on the back of her head.

\'\'Hee! Cold!

Normally she would hit him gently so the water wouldn\'t scatter, but this time she hit him roughly and it was not only on the back of his head, but around his neck as well.

Sister Elinora let out a short scream and raised her shoulders vigorously.

\'Hey Al!\'

Come on, come on, let\'s get back to bed.

Sister Elinora tries to get around the culprit and scream in anger, but Mother Erna, who has my back, will protect me.

She understands that Mother Erna sent me to do this, and she adjusts her sleeping habits with her hands, looking dissatisfied.

Oh, how wonderful it is to be protected by your backers.

It would be wonderful if it was always like this.

However, I\'m afraid of getting back at them later, so I use my wind magic to help Elinora sister by letting the wind flow through her.

Now the aftercare is complete. You\'ve made a statement of intent that you had no choice but to do it because Mother Erna told you to.


Well, we\'ll have a light breakfast and then we\'ll have a joint practice today. I want you to get your practice equipment ready while you can.

Yes, sir.

You\'re not going to be able to do that.

After having the same breakfast as last night - fish, a little meat and bread - we put on our training clothes and went outside the house.

We were waiting for Eric, Luna and Egal in their training clothes.

It\'s a good idea to have the same kind of leather armor to cover the minimum amount of breastplate, arm area, and knee area as we did.

It\'s a good thing that you\'re not going to be able to shine even if you wear a practice uniform.

Shut up. Leave me alone!

Unlike me, who seems to be somewhat worn by my training clothes, Eric\'s training clothes look surprisingly good.

The problem that the glove is tied tightly now, and is appealing to the public for the sake of it.

I don\'t want to talk about the problem of clothes that look good when worn normally not looking good, because I\'m concerned about it.

\'\'Luna still has the least amount of armor as usual, right?

Are you sure that\'s all the armor you need?

Elinora sister with an impressed tone and Silvio brother who raises a worried voice.

Compared to Eric and Aegal-san, Luna-san\'s armor seems to be much thinner.

She is wearing something like an inner layer that sticks to her skin, and she\'s even wearing something apologetically thin

It is.

That\'s okay. I\'m not going to be able to tell you what to do. Silvio-kun, when you are in a conflict, you don\'t have to be shy about throwing yourself into it.

I see. It makes sense if you\'re moving with speed in mind. The point is, it\'s probably an attack or an evasion, even if you abandon your defense.

Either way, it\'s not an option that can be taken unless something is outstanding.

\'Yes, but if it hits you...\'

It\'ll be fine. Silvio\'s strength isn\'t enough to hit Luna.

Brother Silvio timidly raised his voice of concern, but Sister Elinora quickly cut him off.

\'\'Haha, yes.\'\'

Brother Silvio couldn\'t help but laugh at this.

She\'s an Elinora sister who never underestimates or overestimates her opponent. Perhaps what she is saying is true.

Eric whispers to me while looking at Elinora sister.

\'\'Well Miss Elinora, you say things as clearly as my sister, don\'t you?

Well, I guess that\'s why you guys are so good together.

So that\'s it.

It\'s one thing to be able to say what you think to each other clearly, so you don\'t have to be weirdly reserved.

However, I think it\'s out of character for the average aristocratic lady.