I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

259-Tongs to hit again

Well, I\'m not going to eat just talking about it.

Because freshness is important for sashimi. I will eat sashimi as soon as possible.

I wonder if it\'s bluefin tuna as well as bluefin tuna. Some of them look like red tuna and some look like orange salmon.

I take a piece of every kind with tongs to check the taste of each one for now.

Then Eric, perhaps thinking of eating the sashimi while it\'s fresh, took it out from the other side with tongs.

You used the tongs at the same time at the party in King\'s Landing, didn\'t you?

Well, there\'s a lot of sashimi this time, and there\'s no way the tongs would clash with each other.

As I was thinking about that, as I was sharing the sashimi, I suddenly realized that there was only one piece of sashimi.

........what\'s this? It looks like it\'s just white meat, but it\'s so beautiful, so thin and shiny.

It\'s like the rainbow color on the underside of a shell.

My curiosity got the better of me, so I went to pick it up with tongs, but something knocked against my tongs.

I look down and see two tongs tangled together trying to catch the same sashimi.

Eric and my tongs had collided with each other again.

Why? Again.

I looked up in disgust and saw that Eric had the same bitter expression on his face.

As we froze with a subtle expression on our faces, for some reason everyone\'s gazes stabbed at us.

No, we know why the gazes are coming at us. They\'re probably wondering if we\'re going to fight with tongs again anyway.

.........Huh, as expected of me and Eric, we\'re not stupid enough to do the same thing.

I huffed out a breath and gave a generous smile.

Eric, what is this beautiful fish?

Yeah, that\'s the meat of a fish called a Kignath. You see, this one here is also the meat of a Kignath. And this one is the belly, so it\'s nice and fatty.

I ask, and Eric tries to blatantly divert the subject away from the rainbow-colored sashimi.

This is obviously suspicious.

\'Heh, I see. By the way, the rainbow-colored one over here is a Kignus too, right? Why is there only one of these?

Well, it\'s just, you know, that\'s the thing about...

I ask a direct question and Eric starts to stammer.

What\'s that? Eric. What is this all about?

"...a small portion from the rare Kignus. Pretty, but not as tasty as croaker.

When I was silently questioning her, Luna-san, who was watching me, muttered to me.

I see that it was a part of the body that was designed to look good. It\'s because cooking is said to be enjoyed by the eyes, right? I like this kind of pleasing to the eye.

I\'m sure you\'ll be able to find it. That\'s fine.

"...Eric\'s favorite, by the way.

\'I thought, I\'d like to try it...\'

\'No, no, no, no! The moment you found out that you were my favorite, you flipped me off!

Eric\'s expression twists into an amused grin as I grin and request it.

A part of the rare fish called Kignath that can only be taken from a small portion. And yet it\'s Eric\'s favorite.

It\'s not a particularly tasty part of the body, so if it\'s a friend, I\'d give this part away, but since I\'ve certified Eric as a bad friend since this evening, I won\'t hesitate.

For the most part, we\'re the ones being treated this time. It\'s not worth giving up to Eric, who can eat whenever he feels like it.

You\'ll have to give it to me, your guest, quietly.

When I say this without saying it aloud, Eric lets out an angry groan.


Eric, who was blushing, was staring at me for about five seconds, but he suddenly became calm and gave a spare smile.

I\'m sure you\'ll be able to find a way to make it work. I\'m sure you\'ll be able to find some fillets of Kignas on another plate. I\'ll give you that one.

In case you\'re wondering, it\'s a rare part of the body and I was curious about it, so I take the Kignas sashimi with an open mind.

Perhaps relieved that we weren\'t fighting with tongs, the piercing glances from everyone dissipated.

\'Sis, take the Kignus sashimi from that plate over there.


Eric says with a spare smile, but is quickly broken up by Luna\'s once and for all words.

\'\'Wha, what? I\'m pretty sure there were two slices on that plate over there!

That\'s a lot of detail. You\'ve been checking every single thing.

Oh, I ate it because it was so beautiful.

I\'m going to...

What did you say?

Eric was astonished to hear what sister Elinora and brother Silvio had to say.

The first spare expression is no longer anywhere to be found.

From the two of us who choose it at random, it\'s beautiful and that\'s why I naturally reached for it.

\'\'Oh, in the back........\'\'

\'What? Isn\'t this fish so beautiful?

It\'s true. Let\'s try it.

Eric looked further back, where Mother Erna and Father Nord were just sharing it.

As expected, I\'m not going to be able to aim for this one now.

Then all that\'s left is a slice in my plate....

The moment I thought that, Eric swung vigorously and grabbed a pair of tongs.

Is this bastard prepared to even duel with tongs again? If this was a place where it was just the two of us, I would feel free to get on and beat him up, but right now, each other\'s parents are watching over each other.

I don\'t want them to get mad at me for doing that again.

I didn\'t get in the tong game with Eric, but promptly stabbed the sashimi on a plate with a fork and threw it into my mouth to get things under control.

\'Ahh!\' But I chewed the Kignas sashimi without paying attention to it.

Hmmm, I enjoy the unique elasticity of the engawa-like texture, but the taste is.....

I enjoy the bite, but it\'s not as good as something like croaker.

Then don\'t eat it!

I made a subtle comment and Eric exclaimed with a frustrated look on his face.

Haha, seeing Eric look so frustrated might make it taste better than crowana.

Eric, I\'m sorry. Don\'t keep sulking.

I\'m not sulking.

That said, his eyebrows are furrowed more than usual, and many wrinkles have formed between his eyebrows.

He\'s always been the one with the muggy look on his face, but now he\'s clearly in a bad mood and looks sulky.

I don\'t feel so bad about eating the rare sashimi earlier, but it\'s hard to eat when you have a grumpy look on your face in front of you.

\'\'Well then, stop that grumpy face, please.

I\'ve always had this look.

Well, yeah.

I don\'t know why. I don\'t know why, but it makes me a little angry to hear you say that with your dead eyes.

Huh? What the hell is this guy? Is he picking a fight with me?

But if we talk back, the conversation will surely go sour again. I\'m an adult, so let\'s apologize honestly.

"I\'m sorry.

No need to apologize. Unlike you, I\'ll always have fresh fish to eat. Even though Kignus is a rare and favorite food, we\'ll be eating it again soon.

It\'s a pain in the ass. I was the one who came up with the idea, and now she\'s trying to mount me, even though I\'ve done a poor job of it.

But it\'s the same for me.......

I\'ve memorized most of the seas in Eric\'s territory, so I can always come here using spatial magic transfer. And if you store freshly-caught croaker in subspace, you\'ll always be able to eat delicious sashimi. The same is true for other fish and shellfish.

Huh? It\'s the same, or rather, it\'s in far better shape than Eric\'s.

The son of a lord who faces the sea, but the son of a lord who is surrounded by mountains is more extravagant.

I\'m beginning to feel sorry for Eric.

\'\'That\'s true. That\'s good to hear, Eric.\'

You! Why do you look at me like that? I don\'t know about you, but stop looking at me like that!

I chuckle and give him a counterpoint, but Eric says something like that.

Apparently, my sentiments have been faintly visible in his eyes.

\'Yes, I do. If you\'re sorry, give me that soy sauce you ate on the boat to make up for it. That\'s not too hard to forgive.

\'What? You told me there was no need to apologize. So I won\'t give it to you, okay?

Bastards! That\'s it!

When I told Eric once and for all that he was in love with me, he started yelling at me.

This guy would be easier to live with if he was a little more honest, too.