I Want to Live a Slow Life in the Countryside After Reincarnation

258-Freshly caught

After the toast is over, each person begins to eat as they moisten their mouths with drinks.

Salads and ahijos are served on each person\'s plate, but sashimi and salted fish are served on a large plate, so each person gets it on their own plate.

If it were a nobleman, it might be correct to tell a servant or other person to serve it to you, but doing so would take a lot of time and would feel awkward, so they probably don\'t dare to make you do it.

Apparently, the Sowlettes and the Silfords have a very similar mindset.

Well, it\'s easier for me to take it when I want and in whatever amount I want.

Even if it\'s graceful, I\'m glad I prefer to do the meals myself rather than be taken care of.

\'Sashimi, after all!

Yeah, me too! I couldn\'t eat it because I was too seasick to eat it, so it was bothering me!

Sister Elinora and Brother Silvio were probably curious about the sashimi, so they leaned forward as soon as possible and began to take the sashimi with tongs.

\'\'Well then, shall we start with the sashimi too?\'\'

\'Yes. Let\'s try it.

Perhaps intrigued by what they were seeing, Mother Erna and Father Nord each reached for a platter of tongs.

\'What shall we have? There are so many to choose from, it\'s hard to tell.

\'I think these croakers are the best to start with. It has no distinctive taste or texture, and it\'s delicious when eaten fresh.

Then I\'ll take Natasha\'s recommendation for the crowana.

I\'ll do the same.

If there were so many different types, there would be no reason to be troubled.

Mother Erna and Father Nord honestly take Natasha\'s recommendation, the crowana.

Yeah, that one certainly has little to no habits. The two of them, who are beginners at sashimi, will be able to eat it easily.

As Natasha says, the fresher the fish, the better it tastes. I\'ll get a piece of croaker sashimi as soon as I can.

\'Oh, wow! It\'s so sweet, the natural sweetness of the fish is amazing!

\'\'Well it\'s true. I\'ve eaten roasted fish from the sea before, but it tastes completely different.

You can eat them raw if you treat them right.

As they were taking the crowana from the sashimi platter with tongs, Brother Silvio shouted excitedly, and Father Nord let out an exclamation of admiration from Mother Erna.

Among other things, Brother Silvio and Father Nord both finished a piece of sashimi and then snacked on the next piece. And then they ate another piece at a fairly fast pace.

They must have liked it very much.

Originally, Brother Silvio and Father Nord are lightly seasoned people, preferring fish and other foods over meat.

From their point of view, this may be a happy encounter on par with Kagura\'s cuisine.

\'\'Are you okay? Do you have an aversion to the smell of fish?

\'I don\'t mind. Me and Silvio are rather fond of fish than meat, so we enjoy it very much.

When Father Nord replied to Natasha\'s words of concern with a smile, Brother Silvio nodded his head healthily as he chewed.

\'That\'s good to hear,\'

Brother Silvio\'s smiling gesture unintentionally causes Natasha to smile kindly.

When everyone else is eating, it makes me want to eat too.

While everyone is talking about the sashimi, I also snack on the sashimi that I took in my plate without putting anything on it.

Every time I bite into the sashimi thrown into my mouth, I can feel the rich sweetness from the meat...hmm? Something doesn\'t taste quite right, does it? The sweetness of the meat is lessened and the texture is softer.

It\'s just a minor difference, but I think it tastes better when eaten on board.

\'Mr. Alfried, Elinora, what\'s wrong with your difficult face? Perhaps the fish wasn\'t to your taste?

Apparently, it\'s not just me, but also Elinora\'s sister must have given me a subtle look. Natasha-san gives me a worried look.

It\'s too unbecoming of a member of society to make a subtle expression the moment you eat while being treated to dinner.

\'\'I, no, it\'s delicious!

Yes, it\'s very good.

At this, me and my sister Elinora smile, even though she\'s a bit flustered.

However, if you look at their previous expressions, it\'s clear that their smiles and words aren\'t a hundred percent true.

Natasha-san also knows this, so she has a puzzled expression on her face.

\'\'According to Eric and Luna, you should have been eating raw fish on board the ship with no problem...\'\'

Mr. Agal had a difficult time with this.

Aegal-san must have done some research before offering the food, but he must have been puzzled by the different reaction from his expectations.

However, that doesn\'t mean we all tasted better than the croaker on board. That is indeed too rude.

What am I going to do, the harmonious atmosphere has turned delicate because of the reaction of me and Elinora sister....

As I was impatiently wondering what to do with the somehow heavy air, Luna-san opened her mouth.

Because Elinora and Al-kun know the best taste of crowana.

\'Oh, yes! Hahaha, that\'s what happens when you know the best taste of crowana!

\'Oh, I must have missed that. If you eat that first time, the subtle changes in texture and taste will be disconcerting. You two have very keen taste buds, don\'t you?

Luna\'s words made Aegal and Natasha roll their eyes and laugh in agreement.

It seems that even in the Silford family the taste of freshly caught char is exceptional.

I wonder if the fish was that good?

That was something else.


Ugh, I could have eaten too if I hadn\'t gotten seasick.

Sister Elinora and I reply with a smile, and Brother Silvio grunts in disappointment.

Because out of all the people on the boat, Brother Silvio was the only one who didn\'t eat it.

\'\'Hmph, if it\'s that good, then I\'m interested in it.

\'Well then, would you like to go with Silvio-kun as an adult this time? The view of the ocean from the boat is great, too.

Oh, my God, do I really have to do this?

Yes, of course.


Brother Silvio is happy that Natasha has arranged for him to get on the boat again.

\'I\'m sure I\'ll get drunk again, though.

Next time I\'ll do my best not to get drunk!

Brother Silvio is teased by Sister Elinora and is enthusiastic about the next one.

As expected, it\'s a problem with the three semicircular canals, so it\'s going to be tough to stop getting drunk once or twice.

Regardless of whether Brother Silvio can make it back to land safely, let\'s pray that he can at least get to the sashimi.