I Want to Be the King of Football

Chapter 923: What is creativity?

The first stop of the three-day [Sudong-Golden Globe Tour] World Tour was a great success. It even appeared on important pages of major domestic authoritative media and portal websites, attracting strong attention from domestic and foreign fans.

Many netizens have already started to consult, which cities will be exhibited in China next?

The Capital Station is also increasingly attracting the enthusiasm of fans.

On the day of the tour, Su Dong interacted with the fans very late. The next morning, he took time to participate in the recording of an interview show on the National Television Station. The recording site received many inquiries from the media and fans.

The topics that fans and most media reporters pay attention to are not sharp. They are all related to Su Dong, or related to domestic football. Su Dong has already dealt with it easily, and you don\'t need to think about answering.

At his level, he knows exactly how he should answer to satisfy everyone and avoid sensitive restricted areas.

But there are also some media reporters who have nothing to look for. For example, a media reporter asked Su Dong, why should he serve as the global spokesperson for a domestic operator and fully promote the establishment of a 3G network?

"Mr. Su, you have always been in Europe. I believe you should be very clear that the auction fee for 3G network licenses in Europe is very high. So far, many established telecommunications companies have suffered a lot of energy, such as British Telecom, according to British [Economist] statistics. , The global 3G investment will reach 300 billion U.S. dollars, and all telecommunications companies are heavily in debt, and it is impossible to achieve profitability."

This reporter introduced a lot of background, and then returned to the question that many people in China are most concerned about, that is, is it necessary to invest so much money for the so-called 3G?

In addition to faster Internet speed, what other use does it have?

He even went online and asked Su Dong, why should he accept this endorsement contract?

"You\'re helping the bad guys, do you know? Are you worthy of the fans who support you?"

The atmosphere of the recording scene became very weird. Obviously, the national TV station and everyone on the scene did not expect that this reporter would suddenly go crazy. Even after he had asked the questions, he was mentally prepared to be kicked out of the scene.

Su Dong stretched out his hand to stop the staff who were going to rush, and signaled that the live broadcaster could cope with it and the recording did not need to be stopped, and then smiled and asked the reporter to sit down.

The British media is known as the ancestor of the paparazzi. Although Su Dong has only been in the Premier League for more than a year, he knows too much about the urination of these media reporters. When it comes to playing tricks, this reporter who aims to "speak surprisingly" is obviously too far-fetched. A little bit, the methods are slightly immature.

If he was driven out now, wouldn\'t it be a further boost to his arrogance?

Next, he will definitely play up his role that was maliciously suppressed and insulted by Su Dong, and even tied Su Dong on this.

These are the tricks that the paparazzi have tried.

When the atmosphere on the scene calmed down, everyone immediately refocused their attention on Su Dong.

Even the host secretly squeezed a cold sweat for Su Dong.

This matter can be big or small, and the answer is good, of course it is good, but if the answer is not good or not ideal, not only Su Dong will suffer losses, but even the operators named by the reporter will also be affected.

I have to say that this reporter\'s intentions are really ruthless.

Be sure to check back and see who brought this reporter over.

The director also winked at Su Dong frequently, indicating that he was relieved, it was impossible, and he would cut off this paragraph when he turned around.

However, Su Dong looked at the reporter with confidence, and believed that he had left behind, maybe he was recording.

But he didn\'t panic either. In the past few years, what big storms has he not experienced?

Don\'t panic about this little thing.

He stood up with the microphone, and slowly came to the guests on the scene, especially in front of the reporter. He said a few jokes very clearly and eased the atmosphere.

"First of all, I must admit that for 2G and 3G, like most people present and most non-practitioners, I don’t know much about it professionally. I only know that 3G is more advanced and faster. Of course, I have more investment. , But it’s not for me to judge whether it’s a waste of money or not. I’m not good at doing this. I’m just a football player.”

"But as a player, I think I can take some things in my professional field for everyone to listen to."

There was a round of applause at the scene, but Su Dong waved his hand to calm down.

"We all know that many fans and many media are emphasizing football business and creativity. They will feel that certain players play very creatively, and the team led by such and such head coach play very creatively. , There will always be some subtle cooperation, unexpected on-the-spot performance..."

"So, what is creativity?

Su Dong\'s question silenced everyone on the scene.

What is creativity?

Who can say it clearly and explain it clearly?

"I personally think that trial and error is an important part of creativity, because innovation and creation is taking a risk. A pass with a low success rate is creativity. Failure to pass is a mistake. If it is not passed, it is a mistake. This is an adventure!"

"Some head coaches and some players don’t like to take risks by nature, so they will say, don’t pass, but some head coaches and players like this kind of adventure, so they will choose to pass. Among the players who like to take risks, there are extremely A small number of people are superior, and they can minimize risks, such as David Silva, Iniesta, Harvey and so on."

"We like creativity, so we have to accept that it is a kind of adventure and the pleasing to the eyes that it succeeds in. At the same time, we must also accept the losses it brings after failure. There is nothing in this world that is only good. Lost, isn\'t it?"

Su Dong said it simple and clear, and everyone could hear it clearly.

Even many experienced people have begun to understand what Su Dong wants to say.

"This principle on the football field is also feasible in our real society."

"We advocate innovation, and we study high technology, which is like creativity on the football field. If it is a backward stage, we can learn from others, but if we catch up with our competitors, there is no learning or copying. Do? You can only rely on yourself to innovate, create and develop."

"I am not a professional, but I feel that every innovative scientific research project is like a pass on the football field. If we want to see the benefits of its success, we must first be able to accept its failure. The loss caused, because no one can guarantee that every pass will successfully reach the destination."

"For the same reason, no one can guarantee that every high-tech project will achieve the expected results, so we must learn to accept passing errors and also learn to accept innovation failures."

There was another round of warm applause at the scene. Even the host, the director and the staff on the scene all applauded. The reporter was ashamed and annoyed. If he hadn\'t been stared at by the staff, he would have escaped long ago. It\'s on the scene.

He didn\'t expect that Su Dong\'s words would be the same as when he kicked the ball, he couldn\'t help it!

"Whether 3G will become an epoch-making project and industry, we don’t know. Maybe it’s just faster than 2G, maybe it will expand into other derivative projects and industries. I can’t even imagine what 4G and 5G will look like in the future. , But I know that if we don’t pass the ball, we will never be able to lead our opponents."

"Even if we failed this time after passing out, we suffered a loss, as long as it does not cause us to lose the game, then we still have another pass, and we still have a chance to pass again. There will always be another pass. Pass the ball to the feet of the teammates, and then form an assist and score a goal."

"This is my answer to you!"

After speaking, Su Dong turned and walked back to his seat.

The whole shooting scene once again rang out with warm applause, and everyone applauded Su Dong\'s remarks one after another.

Su Dong knew for a long time that whether the country should promote the construction of 3G networks on a large scale is particularly controversial between the Internet and the private sector. It is difficult to say who is right and who is wrong, and he is not a professional.

But he felt that, in any case, it is always a good thing to bravely take this step and catch up with his competitors.

If you fail, as long as you don\'t die, you still have a chance to fight again.

If you are always so fearful and afraid to take this step, and only dare to follow others, then it will always be a step for posterity. What kind of innovation and creation is this talking about?

"What you said just now was so good that the other party was speechless, great!"

After recording the program, when Su Dong communicated privately with the person in charge of the program group, the other party was obviously relieved, saying that this wonderful reply would definitely be cut in by him, without missing a word, so as not to be taken out of context.

"No, for his question, I am really unprofessional. I only talk about football. I am only good at talking about football." Su Dong smiled.

After the other party was taken aback for a while, he immediately understood Su Dong\'s meaning, haha ​​laughed, and nodded to say that he understood.

He can see that Su Dong is also a master of pretending to be confused.

The program team invited Su Dong to stay for dinner, but Su Dong politely declined.

The entertainment industry and the film and television industry are too dangerous. Su Dong still feels that he should return to his own Mars as soon as possible. This will be safer, and he does have an appointment tonight.

As soon as Su Dong said that he had an appointment, the other party suddenly realized it. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Have you an appointment with President Wang for dinner? I understand, I understand!" The other party laughed pointedly.

If he was able to make an interview with Su Dong, he still went through Wang Qingquan\'s path. Otherwise, how many media and TV stations have wanted to make an interview with Su Dong over the years, and how many of them might have been invited?

Especially when he returned to China this time, Su Dong originally planned to travel at public expense, and took a few days off by the way, so he didn\'t want to be disturbed.

Su Dong didn\'t explain much, and after bidding farewell to everyone on the scene, he left the shooting scene directly.

Wang Chuqing has been waiting at the shooting scene, but did not show up.

After the two met, she drove Su Dong to leave and went directly to the hotel agreed upon by the parents of both parties.

At this time, Su Dong\'s parents, who came over from their hometown, and Wang Chuqing\'s parents had chatted all afternoon.

The four elders sighed repeatedly, and finally they were looking forward to it!