I Want to Be the King of Football

Chapter 922: Sudong Golden Globe Tour

A one-to-zero victory over Inter Milan gave Manchester City a two-game winning streak. At the same time, it also grabbed a strong position in the qualifying competition in Group A, because it defeated Inter Milan’s Villarreal in the first round and in the second round. Lost away to Dortmund.

Klopp\'s team played the sturdiness of the Hornets on their home court and defended their home court with a two-to-zero victory.

After the two rounds of the group stage, the results surprised everyone, and Inter Milan actually ended up with a two-game losing streak.

The Italian media was wailing.

As early as last season\'s Champions League, everyone felt the decline of Inter Milan. Maicon was down by Gareth Bergan. Although it was due to tactics and circumstances, it actually became a symbol.

Especially in the past few years, with the rise of Juventus and the revival of AC Milan, Inter Milan has gradually passed its peak period and is beginning to decline. In fact, the boss Moratti does not have much money to continue to invest.

So it has evolved into what it is now, and even just played a few games this season and changed the head coach.

Ranieri is nicknamed Tinker, his ability is beyond doubt, but I am afraid that the director is not good at Inter Milan\'s script this season.

As for Manchester City, it goes without saying that they once again won praise, especially Su Dong, who scored the only goal.

Even Ranieri said at the press conference after the game, "Su Dong has stolen the victory we are determined to win."

The implication seems to be saying that if Sudong did not score, Inter Milan might actually score.

But anyway, everything is over.

After playing Inter Milan, Manchester City returned to the Premier League and ushered in the seventh round of the game.

Still away, north to challenge the violent Ben.

Blackburn and Manchester City are deeply entangled with each other, but this time Guardiola did not arrange for the players such as Sutton to start, but a substantial rotation. After all, they just smashed Inter Milan in the UEFA Champions League and they are traveling a long distance to Italy. The consumption is huge.

More importantly, after the seventh round, the players will return to Qin Wang, ushering in the national team game.

Courtois continued to replace Joe Hart in the starting lineup.

Unlike the previous script, Manchester City performed very steadily this time.

In the first half, the two sides shook hands zero to zero.

Blackburn, currently in the relegation zone, is very tenacious at home, trying to draw Manchester City.

Manchester City still adopts their best pass-and-control play, consuming with their opponents unhurriedly, and seeing when they exhaust their opponents\' physical fitness, it becomes a situation of taking and grabbing.

Sure enough, in the second half, Blackburn couldn\'t keep up with Manchester City\'s rhythm before 60 minutes.

First, Douglas Costa scored the first Premier League goal since joining Manchester City, setting the first record for Manchester City.

Three minutes later, Hazard assisted Aguero to score. Following that, David Silva and Hazard completed an exquisite two-for-one match on the left side of the front of the penalty zone. Hazard calmly pushed and scored. Another win for Manchester City, three to zero.

Finally, in the 87th minute, with a corner kick, David Silva accurately sent into the penalty area, and Harvey Martinez scored with a header, which was also his first Premier League goal in Manchester City.

Four to zero, Manchester City completed an away carnage.

What\'s interesting is that Courtois\'s record of not conceding a goal in the Premier League continues.

And because Manchester City played very smoothly in the second half, Su Dong sat on the bench for ninety minutes, but did not get a chance to play, so that Guardiola opened Su Dong’s at the press conference after the game. joke.

"After returning to Manchester, I have to hurry up and treat him to a meal because I cost him a considerable amount of appearance fees."

The implication is that Su Dong entered the bench, but did not even appear.

Su Dong responded in an interview with the media after the game, saying that Guardiola owed a lot, some of which had even forgotten.

"I know that in the Manchester City locker room, he always said the same and believed in his words, but frankly speaking, his credit value is declining in my place. I guess it won\'t be long before he will be included on my list of dishonesty."

The two exchanged fire in the air, but it made people see the deep friendship between them.

Guardiola is the head coach and the head coach that Su Dong strongly supports, and Su Dong is the core head guard that Guardiola relies on most. The two have fought side by side for more than a year and forged a deep friendship.

At least, many of Su Dong\'s technical and tactical ideas are deeply influenced by Guardiola.

From Benitez to Heynckes to now Guardiola, there are also famous coaches like Cruyff, Van Gaal, Ferguson, Wenger, Ancelotti, and even Mourinho. , Su Dong did not contact and talk with them less.

In this way, he is perfecting his tactical thinking and football concept step by step.

Especially after taking the captain of Manchester City, he came into contact with many other than football, the administration of the team, and the management of the locker room, all of which made him more and more important, and he was no longer just a football player.



In recent years, as Su Dong’s position in the world football is getting higher and higher, and his performance in European football is getting better and better, there are more and more brands tied to him, including not only those international brands, but also There are also well-known domestic brands.

Coupled with sponsors at all levels such as the Premier League, the Champions League and Manchester City, Su Dong has more and more interests involved.

Fortunately, Su Dong had a long-term vision. From the time when he negotiated sponsorship with some brands, Wang Chuqing personally drafted some special terms. Over the years, every contract signed by Su Dong has special terms, including not allowing them. The brand appears to hurt the feelings of the Chinese people, otherwise, Su Dong has the right to terminate the contract early, or even claim compensation.

In the beginning, many brands were quite controversial, but as some international brands acquiesced and signed, gradually they all followed suit.

Su Dong has also signed a number of very famous domestic brands and companies. Compared with foreign brands, Su Dong clearly told Ma Dawei that the price for domestic brands is much lower than that of foreign brands, especially some who are ambitions to open up overseas markets. Well-known domestic brands, this also makes Sudong even more well-known.

With more and more brands on their bodies, sponsors have begun to not only be satisfied with traditional endorsements and promotion methods, they hope to find higher-level cooperation.

【Sudong·Golden Globe Tour】The world tour exhibition came into being.

This is led by Su Dong’s commercial team, and joined some interested sponsors to carry out touring exhibitions all over the world, and first of all, in China, because the original plan was jointly formulated by Ma Dawei and several domestic heavyweight companies. What is finalized is that several major cities in China and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and other important Asian cities are also actively contacting, and the possibility of making a trip is very high.

The core of the tour is Su Dong. In addition to showing the major awards and championship trophies that Su Dong has won since becoming a professional player, there are also his growing up story and his own experience in Europe, including his career. Every major event and thrilling flash moment that happened.

There will be a lot of secrets revealed for the first time, as well as Su Dong\'s most valued collections.

Both the Premier League and Manchester City are committed to developing the Asian market. After learning of this news, they are very interested. Not only are they officially supporting and cooperating, but also the official sponsors, live broadcasters and Manchester City sponsors of the Premier League have also participated in it. .

The first tour was arranged in Shanghai City, where Su Dong lived when he returned to China, and the venue was arranged at the Shanghai City Stadium, which can accommodate 80,000 people. The second stop was in the capital, and the location can accommodate more than a dozen. The Bird\'s Nest Stadium for 10,000 people.

In the past period of time, the investment of the organizers, sponsors and all parties’ resources has quickly triggered fierce effects at home and abroad. According to Su Dong’s requirements, several domestic tours are all free. Su Dong’s official fans in China The club can first apply for tickets through the fan club channel.

Although it is provided free of charge, each tour only lasts for three days. The organizer also strictly controls the number of participants. In addition to fans at the official fan club, other fans in China are also very enthusiastic to apply. It can be said that a ticket is hard to find.

The organizers and major sponsors have also made their own unique plans, combined with their own corporate products and concepts, to provide all participating fans and media reporters with a variety of experiences and services. For example, some companies have specially designed a player channel. , To simulate the feeling of players walking through the player channel.

From the realistic surroundings to the loud sounds of the scene, everyone passing through this passage can feel an immersive experience, as if they are transformed into players and are about to step onto the court.

Another company used its own most advanced 3D projection technology to provide a football feast for all fans who came to the scene, as if they were standing in the field, watching all the wonderful moments of Su Dong\'s career so far.

And the most important thing is that on the third day of the tour, the organizer meticulously created a theme event called Golden Globe Tour Carnival Night, which not only invited the CEO of the Premier League and representatives of live broadcasters in Asia and China. , And Manchester City CEO Soriano and Technical Director Begiristan attended.

A lot of representatives of sponsors were also invited to the scene, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com and they prepared a carnival for all the 80,000 fans in the stands and all participating in the event, pushing the atmosphere of the scene to the high dynasty.

When all the lights on the scene focused on the player\'s passage, when Su Dong took his fiancée Wang Chuqing\'s hand and suddenly appeared in the stadium and slowly walked out of the player\'s passage, all the fans and media reporters on the scene were almost in madness.

They hadn\'t received any notice beforehand, and they didn\'t know that Su Dong would suddenly appear.

The atmosphere of the whole stadium has become quite hot, even crazy.

Su Dong also met the requirements of all fans on the scene in accordance with the program arranged by the organizer, which made all fans on the scene very satisfied, especially when he expressed his testimony, thanked all domestic fans for their support for him over the years, one by one. When the area bowed to thank you, the atmosphere on the scene became extremely moving.

Fan representatives spoke at the scene, hoping that Su Dong could play for another ten years.

At that time, Su Dong was thirty-seven years old.

But Su Dong still promised very seriously: "I will continue to play until I can\'t play!"