I Want to Be the King of Football

Chapter 892: The man who dared to reject the White House

On the opening day of Manchester City\'s summer training camp, Su Dong came to Carrington very early.

The new training base in Manchester city centre has been opened, but the time to settle in is still far away.

As the captain of the team, there are many things that need to be dealt with, including helping new players to integrate into the team.

At yesterday\'s party, Su Dong has introduced new aid for the old players, but this is only the beginning, and there is still a lot of work to be done next, especially the management of the dressing room.

There is another very important thing on the first day of the training camp, and that is the physical examination.

This is actually the most troublesome thing for all teams and all head coaches.

After a season, players need time to relax. This is understandable, but if you relax too much, it is quite troublesome. Especially some players are not self-disciplined and their weight soars immediately. Seriously, it will even affect the game and the game. state.

Therefore, the physical examination on each opening day is extremely important.

Su Dong is the last thing to worry about, because even during the holidays, he still insists on training every day.

Although he has been traveling around the country during this period, and sometimes even lived in a homestay in a remote country, this does not prevent him from persisting in training, such as running on mountain roads for a period of time.

After persisting for a long time, his physical condition has been maintained quite well.

But the next summer training camp is the real trouble.

"There was a period of time last season when his condition declined significantly. After research and discussion, we decided to adjust the training items and plans, especially during the summer training period, which is extremely important."

Nuno Cruz is the head of Su Dong’s personal coaching team and a colleague of Su Dong’s partner for many years. He has monitored Su Dong’s body, condition and court performance for a long time, and gathered a complete set of data. research.

He has always believed that through these data it is possible to understand the player\'s athletic performance.

The facts have also proved that in the current European football, more and more teams have begun to pay attention to this aspect, and many universities are also investing in research and teaching. For example, Loughborough University has opened up a speciality in sports analysis.

Guardiola\'s team, including Torrent, everyone respects Nuno Cruz\'s professionalism.

After all, Su Dong\'s performance over the years is obvious to all. Nuno Cruise can almost be said to have driven the rise of a sports science field by himself, and this has made him highly respected by the professional circles.

When Nuno Cruz, Vito Scala and others communicated with the Manchester City coaching staff and studied the summer training plan, Su Dong has completed the physical examination process of the coaching staff and came to the conclusion that he is very healthy.

All indicators are very good and very satisfying.

"Needless to say, I guess you haven\'t really relaxed this summer." Nuno Cruise felt helpless when he got the report.

When encountering a boss like Su Dong, he didn\'t know if it was lucky or unlucky.

Fortunately, Su Dong was always able to execute his plan perfectly, but unfortunately, when he encountered such a player, it would be difficult for him to work hard.

This is not the feeling of Nuno Cruise alone, but the feeling of the personal coaching team and even many players in the Manchester City team.

He is like a whip, constantly licking everyone around him, so that everyone is like him, working hard to move forward, not daring to slack, this is also how many players will perform when they play next to Su Dong. One of the reasons for being better.

"I\'m going to be twenty-seven years old soon. I think we still need to control our weight properly and adjust our playing style." Nuno Cruise persuaded.

"During the rest period, I took the time to go to Milan, visited a lot of leaders in the Milan laboratory, and learned a lot about their research results, including some of Shevchenko and Kaka\'s situation in Milan. It deserves our vigilance."

Shevchenko and Kaka are both at a sensitive age. Because of the injury and the transfer, their careers have plummeted. This is actually worth studying and Su Dong\'s vigilance, because this is not an exception.

Studies have shown that after the age of twenty-six, the players\' bodies begin to go downhill.

In other words, the player\'s body reaches its peak at the age of twenty-six, and it will be difficult to maintain this peak afterwards. The only difference is the speed of the decline.

During this period of time, players must also adjust their playing style according to their physical conditions.

Manchester City is based on Su Dong as the core to build the team, this summer signings highlighted this point.

Aguero\'s arrival is to relieve Su Dong\'s pressure on the game, so that he will not play in some unnecessary games.

The arrival of Hazard and Douglas Costa was to improve the sidelines and also to relieve Su Dong\'s pressure.

Head coach Guardiola is actively adjusting tactics and wants to adopt a three-four-three tactic. The purpose is to reduce the pressure of the center forward and allow the wingers and midfielders to take on more tasks.

The task of Su Dong is to maintain good health, complete the transition smoothly, and prolong his career.

In the words of Begiristan, Manchester City signed Su Dong at a sky-high price, not just for two or three years, but hope Su Dong can play in Manchester City until 35 years old, and even play directly until retirement.

Su Dong has an advantage, that is, he respects professionals.

He believed in Nuno Cruise\'s professionalism.

Other players also came to Carrington one after another.

As the captain, Su Dong, together with the members of the coaching staff, arranged for the players to go to the medical room for physical examinations one after another.

This is actually a relatively simple test. If a player is found to have any injury or other problems, he will be further checked in detail, or he will go directly to the hospital for more in-depth tests.

Through the medical examination of the team doctor, the physical condition of all players is basically clear at a glance.

Like Marcelo, he was obviously indulged during this time and he was a little overweight.

What\'s even more funny is that this guy and David Luiz were so good at mixing oil. During the America\'s Cup, the two even made an appointment to do their hair together, all of which became explosive.

Now I feel happy.

Nima, seeing these two big bangs, Manchester City is madly happy, okay?

But these two cute guys are still happy, they seem to be very proud of their explosive heads.

Su Dong can only say: "I respect your unique personality!"

The coaching staff pays particular attention to the physical condition of several new aids.

Although they had performed detailed medical examinations before signing, they now join the team for training, and they must also master some of their physical conditions, whether it is Aguero, Hazard, Douglas Costa, or Harvey Martine Sri Lanka, the physical condition is pretty good.

Among them, Douglas Costa\'s body is really thin, which may affect his performance in the new season, so the coaching staff is also quite worried about this, hoping that he can strengthen his physical training.

As for Aguero, regardless of his size, his physical fitness is quite good.

On the first day of the training camp, adjustments and recovery training are the main focus.

In the afternoon, Su Dong asked the team for leave, personally sent his fiancée to Oxford, and returned by plane.

In the evening, he and everyone took a special plane from Manchester Airport to Los Angeles in the United States.

Manchester City\'s summer training camp was arranged in Los Angeles.

The reason for the arrangement in the United States is mainly because Manchester City was invited to participate in a warm-up match called the World Football Challenge.

This event was organized by a company called RS in the United States. It was held for the first time in 2009. At that time, AC Milan, Chelsea and Inter Milan, as well as the Mexican American team were invited. Four teams participated in the round-robin tournament, which was a great success. .

The success of 2009 has allowed everyone to see the potential of the North American football market. In addition, over the years, the major European giants have successively traveled to North America to tap the North American market, making the major sponsors also very optimistic about this event.

Therefore, after the suspension of the 2010 World Cup, the second World Football Challenge began this year.

The difference from the first edition is that this year’s challenge has been fully upgraded. The participating teams have increased from four to thirteen, including European giants and strong teams such as Manchester United, Real Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Manchester City, and Juventus. There are also teams from the United States, as well as teams from Mexico.

The game takes the form of Europe vs. North American teams. Except for Sporting Lisbon, which participates in exhibition matches, the remaining twelve teams fight each other. Each team plays three games. The final ranking is based on points, and the same point is the goal difference. To judge the ranking. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

The reason why European teams are willing to participate in this event is actually very simple, that is, the prize money is generous, and the value of the sweet pastry of North America, everyone wants to get a share of the North American market.

Manchester City’s North American training camp has attracted the attention of the American media, especially the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, which has aroused the pursuit of the American media.

It is not uncommon for the American media to favor Su Dong, because Su Dong has always been one of the most well-known sports stars in the United States, especially after signing an American sports brand, his popularity has increased.

In 2009, when the President of the United States visited Sudong’s motherland, he mentioned that his daughter liked Sudong very much, but he could not arrange them to meet Sudong.

And this year, the President of the United States received a No. 9 jersey when he met with the American Major League Championship team. Some media broke the news that this was specifically requested by the President of the United States because it was the jersey number of Su Dong.

"Getting this jersey means that I am at the same level as Su Dong."

Just a few days ago, during the warm-up period of the World Football Challenge, a White House spokesperson revealed in an interview with the media that the president and his family welcomed outstanding football players like Su Dong to visit the White House.

This undoubtedly aroused strong media attention.

When Manchester City arrived in Los Angeles, many media were also asking Su Dong about this matter, asking him if he would take the time to go to the White House, but Su Dong said that he was very sorry because his schedule in the United States was full.

The team will train in the United States for a few days. After three warm-up matches, the team will set off to return to Europe, which can be said to be non-stop.

This quickly made Su Dong become a prominent figure in the American media.

The New York Times calls him: a man who dares to reject the White House!

This not only did not damage the image of Su Dong, but also made his position in the eyes of the American people even higher.