I Want to Be the King of Football

Chapter 891: Carrying a rifle into Manchester United

Sudong specially arranged the pre-season gathering on the day before the team training.

All the players were in attendance, including several players currently in the process of transferring, such as Jerome Boateng.

The German central defender is an all-rounder and has performed well in Manchester City. Guardiola is also quite favored by him. But the problem now is that after Harvey Martinez joins the team, his chances of playing in the team are bound to be further reduced, and Now the registration list for the first team of the team is limited, and the quota of foreign players is full.

At this time, Bayern Munich wanted to bring in Jerome Boateng, and Manchester City did not refuse to negotiate. They offered a price of 15 million pounds and are currently waiting for Bayern Munich’s response.

Although he was about to leave the team, Boateng still attended Su Dong\'s party.

This is not only because he is still a Manchester City player, but more importantly, his respect for Su Dong.

As he said in an interview with the German media not long ago, he really learned a lot in Manchester City this year by the side of Su Dong.

"I think he is a model for all professional players. I even think that he should be at the same level as Beckenbauer, Maradona and Pele. They are the best in history."

Jerome Boateng\'s fierce compliment is a wave of favor in front of Manchester City fans.

During the party, Su Dong also took the time to chat with him for a while, mainly talking about some things between Manchester City and Bayern, such as the differences between the two teams, and provided Boateng with a lot of suggestions to help him integrate into Bayern as soon as possible. .

"All in all, in a word, when you arrive at Bayern, if anyone in the locker room bullies you, report my name!" Su Dong smiled half-jokingly and half-seriously.

In terms of entertaining his teammates, Su Dong is still very willing to spend money.

Among the many world-renowned chefs, Su Dong himself was very surprised that the most popular one turned out to be a chef from Shanghai, China.

This is a friend of his future father-in-law, who has organized several state banquets for foreign heads of state, which is very famous in China.

This time Su Dong also used the relationship with his future father-in-law. In addition, Su Dong was in the UK and all invited foreign guests. Therefore, the chef also showed his true skills. All the ingredients are shipped from China by air. It is guaranteed. It is an authentic and top-notch Chinese food.

At the beginning, Su Dong and Wang Chuqing were still very worried. I wonder if the guests can get used to it, but unexpectedly, this has become the most popular chef at the banquet, especially some of his carefully crafted specifically to cater to the nutrition of the players. The dishes are very delicious and are welcomed by most players.

Although there are a small number of people who really don\'t like it because of taste, most players support it.

This even made Bergeristan asking Su Dong to see if he could introduce Chinese food in Manchester City restaurants.

The whole banquet was very lively and everyone was very happy.

At the end of the party, Manchester City’s Big Three and head coach Guardiola said a few words to the players, coaches, and employees. In general, they still encouraged the players, hoping to show better performance in the new season. Yunyun.

Finally, as the captain of the team and the host of the banquet tonight, Su Dong walked in front of everyone.

"Those motivating mobilizations, everyone has already said, and I will not repeat them."

"I know what everyone is thinking in their hearts, and I have heard everyone\'s voices. In the new season, I hope everyone can do their best and unite as one. I believe that with our strength, we will definitely be able to compete in the Champions League. Have something to do."

"Last season, we subverted the Premier League pattern, in the new season, we want to subvert the entire European football world!"

After speaking, Su Dong held up the boiling water glass in his hand.

Everyone on the scene also raised their wine glasses and clinked with Su Dong.

After sending away the last guest, Su Dong returned to the manor courtyard.

The scene has been cleaned up, and there will be someone coming to clean up the aftermath tomorrow, but it is quiet all of a sudden, but Su Dong seems to be still in the lively atmosphere that was full of voices just now.

He is actually not a person who likes this kind of occasion very much.

In this regard, he is very similar to Messi, but Ronnie, he will enjoy this kind of occasion very much.

Thinking of Ronnie, Su Dong really missed him a little bit.

Take out the cell phone and give him a call.

Although it was late at night, Ronnie was definitely not asleep yet.

Sure enough, as soon as the phone was connected, there was a deafening noise on the other side.

"Hey, buddy, wait for me for a while, I\'ll come out and tell you."

Ronnie on the phone called.

I only heard the sound getting smaller and smaller, and it gradually became quiet.

"Let\'s talk, what\'s the matter? I finally ran into two beauties." Ronnie was impatient on the phone.

Su Dong smiled bitterly, and wanted to remind his brother that you are someone who has a girlfriend, but when he thinks about the things he has done, he becomes accustomed to it.

Last year, he quietly tossed out a son, the most important thing was to satisfy his parents\' wishes, but after befriending Irina, he still didn\'t mind at all.

However, this is actually quite normal.

Professional players, especially those at the level of Su Dong and Ronnie, would be endlessly motivated every day during the non-competition period. Male hormones are overflowing, and Ye Yushu is not a problem.

And everyone knows that Ronnie has always been very relaxed in this regard, unlike Su Dong’s temperance, coupled with his fame and status, he basically has no shortage of women no matter where he goes. There will even be a lot of women who take the initiative to send them to the door.

Remember when Barcelona went to Japan to play games?

Ronaldinho and others secretly rushed to the nightclub. After the local women heard the news early, they all went to the nightclub to watch. Some European and American beauties even flew over and blocked them in the nightclub.


Everyone knows, I\'m on the side and become famous overnight!

When Su Dong called Ronnie, it was not a good thing that he intended to disturb him, but he really missed him a little bit.

Ronnie hadn\'t seen Su Dong for a long time, and the two had chatted a lot.

The topic gradually returned to the two beauties.

"I found that your players from Manchester United have this great and fine tradition." Su Dong laughed.

In recent days, in addition to transfers in European football, the most popular topic is that Giggs\'s affair with Miss Wales was exposed, followed by the exposure of Ferdinand\'s derailment.

Now it was lively.

If it is said that such things as beautiful women are bad, not long ago, the former captain of Manchester United, Steve Bruce, also broke the news, saying that Paul Ince and Ferguson fell out, and he broke into directly with a rifle. He went to Ferguson\'s office and asked Ferguson not to scold him any more and must let him play the game.

This is really exciting!

I\'ve seen players scold or even fight with the head coach to overthrow the head coach, but I haven\'t seen anyone rushing into the head coach\'s office with a gun. Paul Ince has once again become popular because of this news.

Manchester United\'s dressing room is really exciting.

In the past, Ferguson only covered the sky with his hands. In addition, he has a very good relationship with the media. A lot of news can be suppressed. Now, everyone knows that Ferguson is about to retire. The news was gradually revealed in the news.

From Rooney to Giggs to Ferdinand, there should be many more next, but I don’t know who is next?

"You, how strange it is to be rare!" Ronnie on the phone said in a disdainful tone, "If you really want to listen to gossip, if you have time to invite me to dinner later, I can scare you to death."

Speaking of the last, Ronnie himself sighed, "We all know that the locker rooms of professional teams have a lot of mess, but the English team has a lot of mess, and some things can shatter your three views. ."

If it was before Terry\'s wife, Su Dong would not believe it, but now, he really believes.

After talking on the phone for more than half an hour, Ronnie finally "abandoned" Su Dong and went to find his beauty.

For professional players, as long as the performance on the court is good, the off-field lace news will not affect the player\'s image at all, and will even further enhance the player\'s reputation.

To put it simply, as long as you play the ball well, your love will waver.

After hanging up Ronnie\'s phone, Su Dong let out a long sigh, and gently reached out and patted the kneaded hands on his shoulders. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

When he was talking on the phone, Wang Chuqing stood silently behind him, massaging his shoulders.

"Actually, if I can, I really don\'t want to be the captain. I have to worry about too much." Su Dong smiled bitterly.

After all, he is not a person of Ronnie\'s character, and he doesn\'t like to worry about these things.

"I understand." Wang Chuqing said softly behind him, "but there is no way. With the current situation of Manchester City, you are not appropriate, who else can be?"

This is also true.

In addition to Su Dong, who can live in Manchester City\'s locker room?

More importantly, it is with great difficulty that Manchester City is now on the right track and is beginning to usher in a period of rapid development. If Su Dong insists on refusing to be the captain, it will cause problems in the dressing room and affect the team\'s performance. This is not the case. What Su Dong would like to see.

Therefore, he can only bite the bullet and continue to be the captain.

Fortunately, almost everyone thought he did a good job.

Whether it\'s Manchester City\'s senior management, coaching staff, the outside media, or the players in the locker room, they all feel that he, the captain, did a good job, which is also very gratifying to Su Dong.

As the saying goes, the greater the power, the greater the responsibility.

You\'re welcome, the current status of Su Dong in Manchester City can be said to be second only to the Big Three. Even coach Guardiola may not be able to hold him down, but he has always had a good relationship with Guardiola. Cooperate seamlessly.

But while gaining power and aloof status, Soviet Union and Eastern Europe must also assume corresponding responsibilities.

That is to lead this Manchester City in the direction they are looking forward to.

Especially after experiencing the success of last season, this season, whether it is Sudong or others, hope that Manchester City can go further and have something to do in the Champions League.