I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 89: Will of Fire

Konoha Ninja School, above the playground.

The Chunin teacher in charge of the freshman class stared dumbfounded at the scorching scene of girls fighting in groups.

He was only distracted for a while, why did he suddenly become like this.

You must know that Hokage-sama is coming soon!

If he saw this scene, wouldn\'t he be too remiss as a teacher.

Thinking of this, Chunin teacher rushed over angrily and shouted: "Quiet! Quiet!"

For the gang of brats at the moment, the teacher who is still very unfamiliar still has a certain deterrent.

Soon, a group of quarreling girls stopped, and the booing boys around them also stopped talking.

"Everyone! Line up according to the previous formation! Hokage-sama will be here soon, do you want to be rude in front of this one?"

Chunin teacher panted and resettled a group of little ghosts as quickly as possible, only then did he notice Itachi who didn\'t know what to do next to him.

"You are... Uchiha Itachi, right? I\'m your homeroom teacher, come and stand up, Hokage-sama is coming to see you soon."

As a school teacher, I can naturally recognize every new student.

Chunin teacher who didn\'t know Itachi was the culprit of all this brought him to the team.

Witnessing everything just now, Itachi, who felt that the girls were too crazy, took the initiative to get into the team of all boys.

However, the boys in the team didn\'t like him showing off, so they stared at him unfriendlyly.

Seeing this, Itachi rolled his eyes vaguely.

Sure enough, this ninja school is nothing interesting.

However, Hokage-sama\'s speech can be expected.

Thinking of this, Itachi\'s eyes lit up.

As a fan, he was the one who looked forward to Yun Ting\'s speech the most.

Soon, order was restored on the ninja school playground.

At this time, Yun Ting, who had been prepared for a long time, appeared loudly.

I saw a tornado suddenly blowing on the stands in front of a group of little ghosts.

Accompanied by the dancing of the fallen leaves, Yun Ting, wearing the Naruto Yushen robe, appeared in front of everyone chicly, showing the most handsome smile and greeted the next Leek below... I was wrong, it was the next successors of Konoha :

"Hi everyone! I..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by screams of surprise from the little ghosts one after another.

For children who grew up under the influence of Konoha, Hokage has always been their most admired object.

In particular, the current Hokage is not a bad old man, but a young and handsome big brother, which is even more joyful.

No, the ones shouting the most at the moment are the group of little girls who were fighting for the Itachi before.

For them at this age, the more handsome guys, the better.

Itachi, who had been abandoned all of a sudden, didn\'t feel the slightest bit at this time. Like everyone else, after Yun Ting appeared on the stage, his little face was also very red with excitement.

Finally, under the support of a group of teachers, the scene finally quieted down.

Looking at the expectant and admiring eyes of a group of little ghosts, Yun Ting smiled gently and continued his speech.

There is a tradition in Ninja School, that is, no matter how busy the new students are at the beginning of school, Hokage will take time to meet and encourage the next generation of Konoha.

On the podium where Yun Ting was standing at this time, there used to be the Second Hokage, and the Third Hokage was here.

Among them, the number of third-generation purposes is the highest.

Because this man is a mad speaker, not only when he is a freshman, but also during his studies, he can be seen here to give speeches again and again from time to time, instilling the will of fire thought into the students.

At this moment, Yun Ting\'s speech not only encourages the freshmen to study hard and make progress every day, but of course it also has the meaning of talking about fire.

It\'s just that there are a lot of his private goods in it.

The will of fire mentioned by the third generation seems to be good, and self-sacrifice is required for the next generation, but after all, it only focuses on inheritance and continuation, and the content is too empty, and it is not a truly systematic ideological value.

World outlook, outlook on life, and values ​​are the key to shaping a person.

For future events, Yun Ting will naturally have to make changes.

And the first to accept this new trend of thought is naturally the freshmen of the ninja school who are still in a blank state.

Of course, these things are too esoteric for these children to understand.

Yun Ting only talked a little bit in this speech, as for more in-depth.

In the next six years, the ideological education books written by him will run through all the students in Ninja School.

I want to come to that time, they will become loyal supporters of the will of Yunting Xinhuo.

Soon, Yun Ting\'s speech came to an end:

"...So, students present, the ninjutsu knowledge you will learn in six years is not used as a cold weapon in the end. Ninjas are also human beings. The power you have is not In order to aggravate the violence, but to protect relatives and friends, to protect the village, to protect the vast number of people outside the world who have suffered unfair fate, to eliminate blood and madness, and to create a new world that is truly harmonious, peaceful and friendly, and everyone is equal. I believe that in the future, if everyone If we can do this, then the real peace in the ninja world may not be far away."

After talking and talking, it is still a bit beyond the outline.

When Yun Ting finished his speech, the teachers at the side seemed to understand something. They always felt that Hokage-sama\'s speech today was a little different from the past, but they couldn\'t understand the specifics.

These adults are like this, not to mention a bunch of little ghosts.

So, amidst the deliberate applause, Yun Ting smiled helplessly.

But soon, he found that his speech was not in vain.

Itachi\'s eyes became brighter and brighter after he listened carefully in the crowd.

Even when Yunting was about to leave, he deliberately ran up to the former, and asked with a very serious face: "Master Hokage, if everyone really wants to do what you said, will peace really come?"

For those with lofty ideals in the ninja world, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has undoubtedly been most concerned about the issue of peace for countless years.

As far back as a thousand years ago, Indra used strength to win peace and Asura used love to win peace, and now Madara created a Tsukiyomi world without war, Payne\'s so-called tail beast as a nuclear threat to seek peace and so on.

Regardless of the means used by these people, their starting point is for true peace.

Only those who have experienced endless wars will be more eager for peace.

For Itachi, Yun Ting didn\'t treat him as a child who didn\'t understand anything, but these explanations couldn\'t be done overnight.

So he patted the former on the shoulder, and replied seriously: "These alone are not enough. Thoughts can indeed influence some people, but they can\'t influence everyone, unless everyone is a saint. But ideas combined with a powerful system Guarantee will undoubtedly bring peace. You, Itachi, will learn these things in the ninja school thought class in the future. If you want to truly understand, you can’t do it overnight. Therefore, if there is anything you don’t understand in the future, you can always go to Come and ask me."

For Itachi, Yun Ting undoubtedly loves talents and hopes that the other party can help him in the future, which is why he just said this.

Itachi nodded emphatically when he heard the words, and for the first time had expectations for class.

So, after Yunting left and the ninja school officially started classes, and finished a brief self-introduction, Itachi ignored the rest and quickly pulled out a thick book from the textbooks distributed by the school.

——"Will of Fire Konoha 49th New Edition", author: Konoha Village Fourth Hokage Senju Yunting.

With an extremely serious look, Itachi flipped through the first page of the book.

Since then, a door to a new world has opened to him.