I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 88: Itachi and Shisui

Leaving the land of the Uchiha clan, Itachi continued to head towards the ninja school.

What I saw along the way was much more lively than in the clan land before.

Among them, he also saw some children of his own age, accompanied by adults, heading in the same direction.

I think these people are also my future classmates.


Itachi shook his head in distress.

Given the choice, he would be very reluctant to attend a ninja school.

It seemed to him a complete waste of time.

In comparison, the efficiency of practicing alone is much higher.

"It\'s a pity that father won\'t agree!" Itachi sighed.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in front of him.

"Huh? Itachi, are you...going to school?"

A boy who was also wearing clothes with Uchiha Uchiha fans coming towards him hurriedly shouted after seeing Itachi and the schoolbag he was carrying.

Itachi raised his head, seeing the prominent round nose of the visitor, suppressed his depression, and greeted with a smile: "Brother Shishui, the ninja school starts today, I am old so I have to go to school."

The boy is none other than Shisui Uchiha, the genius of the Uchiha clan who has become famous recently.

Itachi knew that this clan brother had previously made a big splash on the battlefield of the Land of Water, and earned the reputation of "Stopping Water for an Instant", and even adjusted his threat to the highest level with Mist Ninja.

This is something that the high-level senior Qing of Mist Ninja briefly contacted the other party and evacuated immediately, and went back to do it himself.

It is precisely because of his daimyo on the battlefield of the country of water that Shisui was recently recalled by Konoha from the front line, and it is said that it will be of great use.

And he was able to get acquainted with Zhishui because of a practice.

Although the latter is powerful, he has a very gentle personality. During this period of time, he has selflessly handed over a lot of knowledge to him, which has benefited him a lot.

Therefore, Itachi worships Zhishui very much.

At this moment, listening to Itachi\'s answer, Shishui subconsciously rubbed the dumpling\'s nose and said, "I almost forgot that you are only at school age."

For Itachi, Shisui was shocked by the opponent\'s amazing throwing skills when he first met him, and he was even more surprised by his amazing learning speed when he practiced as a teacher and a friend afterwards.

So much so that he completely forgot that Itachi was only six years old and had just entered the ninja school.

"With your current strength, I\'m afraid...you won\'t learn much if you go to school?" Shisui originally wanted to say that it was a waste of time, but he thought it was a bit belittling the ninja school, so he changed his words.

For a person who was dragged into the battlefield by his father at the age of four, Itachi started ninja learning early on. Under the guidance of his family and the current Shisui, it can be said that he is much better than the school teachers.

He himself knew this, but he had no choice but to go.

In the end, Itachi could only shake his head helplessly.

Seeing this scene, Zhishui thought of something, his eyes lit up and said, "I have a way to get you out of school."

Itachi\'s eyes lit up, and he quickly asked, "Brother Zhishui, what can you do?"

"Shadow clone!"

"Shadow clone?"

"Yes. Itachi, you can let the shadow clone stay in the school, and you can go outside to practice alone. You must know that I used this trick to escape...cough cough, go outside to practice." Zhishui said, patted He patted Itachi on the shoulder and said, "It\'s late now, and it\'s the first day of school, Itachi, you should go to school first. After school, I\'ll meet you at the old place. Then I will teach you the technique of shadow avatar, so you can go to school like this and practice it by yourself. There is no delay."

"Mmm! Mmm! Thank you so much! Brother Zhishui." Itachi nodded excitedly.

Then, having solved the problem in his heart, he came to the ninja school in a good mood after saying goodbye to Shisui.

Today is the first day of school for new students at Ninja School.

Adhering to the fine tradition, the four generations of Hokage who are admired and admired by thousands of people will take time out of their busy schedules to give a speech in front of the new batch of Konoha seedlings.

When Itachi arrived, a group of children of the same age as him were already waiting on the playground.

And his appearance caused a lot of excitement on the playground.

It\'s not that he noticed the Uchiha clan emblem on his clothes, kids of this age seldom have this awareness.

Otherwise, there will not be a famous scene in the future where a group of ordinary children bully Hinata, the eldest daughter of the Hinata family, and laugh at her supercilious eyes, and finally be rescued by the hero Naruto.

If you were an adult, lend them ten guts to see if they dare to bully Hinata?

Itachi caused a sensation not because of anything else, but because of one word.


Inheriting the fine tradition of the Uchiha clan producing handsome men and beautiful women, Itachi was not only cute but also very handsome when he was a child.

Naturally, it caught the attention of many little girls on the playground.

Who made the little kids in Naruto mature prematurely?

Just like now, on the playground, a little girl with a golden ponytail and purple beard flowers embroidered on her clothes, obviously from the mountain clan, immediately announced loudly:

"I saw him first! It\'s mine!"

However, the other little girls beside her who were still sisters before showed their plastic friendship in an instant, and they were all dissatisfied:

"You said what you saw first was yours, and I said I saw it first!"

"Yes, yes! Why is this handsome guy yours?"

"I am the oldest~www.novelhall.com~ You should all give it to me!"

"I am the tallest, you should give it to me!"


So, before the person concerned could speak, the group of precocious girls who couldn\'t move their eyes when they saw a handsome guy, couldn\'t convince anyone, they all waved their fists in a rage.

On the side, Itachi stared dumbfounded at all this.

For the first time, I realized the fact that women are really troublesome.



In Hokage\'s office, the same crystal ball, the same voyeur, but Yunting, who has changed to a younger man, happened to see this scene on the crystal ball, and pointed out to Ritsuko with a smile:

"This little girl with blond hair and ponytail, Ritsuko, do you know her? She is indeed a girl from the mountain clan! Compared to you, Ritsuko, you are a bit out of place."

The family emblem of the Shanzhong Clan is the sage flower, and the flower language of the sage flower is positive love.

According to the rumors, the girls of this family are more bold and direct in love.

Just like the little girl in the mountains now, and also like Ino in the future.

Ritsuko Yamanaka didn\'t reply, but stared fixedly at the instigator of the chaos in the crystal ball, she was still the girl\'s aunt according to her seniority.

She decided that when she went back, she must sue the other party\'s parents and ask him to discipline her.

As soon as they met, they didn\'t even know their personality, so they couldn\'t wait to take an oath of sovereignty.

This is an astonishing degree of being a nympho!

"Don\'t take children\'s jokes too seriously."

Yun Ting, who saw it in his eyes, smiled and comforted him, then closed the crystal ball, got up, sorted his clothes, and was ready to go.

"It\'s time to meet our Konoha future flowers."