I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 49: Kakashi and Uchiha (Part 1)

The warmth of Minato\'s family continues.

Kakashi, who was in charge of secret protection, also had time to change shifts.

After looking at the teacher\'s house for the last time, he changed shifts with the people who came to hand over, and then led his team back.

Anbu base.

After working for half a day, Kakashi took off his mask and was about to change his clothes to leave when his immediate superior, a captain of the dark department, came over and handed him a document and said, "Kakashi, you The team is about to welcome a newcomer, this is the other party\'s profile, as the team leader, you should familiarize yourself with it."

"Yes." Kakashi took the file.

"By the way, this newcomer was personally assigned by Hokage-sama to your team, so Kakashi, you have a heavy responsibility, and you don\'t have to live up to Hokage-sama\'s expectations."


After the conversation, the captain of the dark department turned and left.

Kakashi looked at the document in his hand, feeling very puzzled.

‘A person personally appointed by Hokage-sama? \'

He curiously opened the file and checked the newcomer\'s profile line by line.

"My name is...Yamato, can I join Anbe at such a young age? Hey, Mutun! No wonder..."

Even with Kakashi\'s heart, he couldn\'t help being shocked after reading Yamato\'s information.

At the same time, it is also very surprising that the Fourth Hokage entrusted such an important figure to him to lead.

He didn\'t expect the former to trust him so much.

And all he can do is to repay this trust with all his strength.

Destroying the documents in his hand, Kakashi, who continued to change into casual clothes, fastened his forehead slantedly, pulled his mask on and walked out of the Anbu base.

It was already evening, and Konoha Street was still bustling with activity.

He is used to ordering food outside, and he plans to go to the familiar Yile Ramen Restaurant to have a full meal first.

The rich meals prepared by Mrs. Jiu Xinnai also aroused his greed.

Walking through the crowd, listening to the hustle and bustle around him, Kakashi, who passed through many shops, stopped for a while in front of a bookstore called Shueido. After finding out that there were no new books of the kind he liked, he could only regret Shaking his head, he continued on.

Not long after, Kakashi noticed a group of members of the Konoha Guard coming forward, and subconsciously pulled the ninja forehead that covered his left eye.

Although his Sharingan was given by his close friend Obito before his death, which was also recognized by the three Hokages and even the Uchiha patriarch, but this does not mean that the matter is over.

For many radical and proud Uchiha people, no matter what the reason is, the Sharingan belonging to Uchiha in their opinion must not be leaked to outsiders.

For this reason, Kakashi fought against the Uchiha people who came to find fault several times in private.

So much so that he now has a headache when he sees the Uchiha Uchiha fan logo.

He doesn\'t really care about Sharingan.

But as Obito\'s gift to him before his death, he must keep walking with his heart.

Therefore, he will never back down.

As the most prosperous area in Konoha, the commercial street is crowded with people. Naturally, the Konoha Guard patrols to maintain law and order are indispensable.

At this time, not only Kakashi saw the members of the guard, but the Uchihas also noticed Kakashi.

But to the former\'s surprise, these people glanced at him blankly at most, and then passed by with shoulders shoulders.


Kakashi was a little puzzled.

After all, according to usual experience, although these people don\'t know how to do anything here, cynicism is still indispensable.

Today it is so simple to let go, I really don\'t understand.

However, he couldn\'t figure it out, but the people of the Uchiha clan understood it very well.

Because of Yunting\'s awakening of Mu Dun, these extremely proud Uchihas subconsciously thought of Senju Hashirama, and then thought of their ancestor Uchiha Madara who was defeated by Hashirama.

Regarding Mu Dun, if anyone outside the Qianshou clan impressed him the most, it would undoubtedly be them who had been enemies for thousands of years.

It is precisely because of the understanding that when the news of Yunting was disseminated, the martial arts faction that had just risen in Uchiha immediately suppressed it.

Bloodless revolution?

Not even a pair of kaleidoscopes, how to fight against Mu Dun.

In addition, because the head of the own family stood at the fourth generation\'s position early, Yun Ting did not forget his contribution, and he did not look at Uchiha with colored eyes like the disciples of the second generation of Hokage.

Under the influence of various factors, the relationship between the Uchiha clan and the high-level Konoha unexpectedly eased down.

Now, in the face of the olive branch thrown by Yuntei of the fourth generation, Uchiha is also willing to accept it.

In addition, in order to show sincerity, the latter is also willing to take an amicable attitude to show ease.

This includes no longer targeting Kakashi.

It also includes the issue of the guard itself.

This is why Kakashi saw that the members of the security team did not dare to be as arrogant as before.


Yun Ting did not forget that when he first came to visit the villagers, many villagers complained to him about the excessive enforcement of the police.

During this period of time, he specifically mentioned this matter to Uchiha Fugaku.

Aside from the era of the first generation of Hokage, now is definitely the time when politics is the most relaxed for the Uchiha clan~www.novelhall.com~ In order to cherish this hard-won political environment, to maintain the relationship with the fourth generation of Me Yunting, and also to To improve Uchiha\'s reputation in the village, Uchiha Fugaku listened carefully to Yunting\'s garrison issues and really carried out improvement work.

During this period, he also rarely suppressed some stubborn and stubborn elders in the clan.

With such extensive reforms, the atmosphere of the guard has improved a lot.

Even Uchiha\'s reputation in the village is better than before.

Yunting, who saw it in his eyes, naturally paid back, and directly offered a position as a shadow guard to the Uchiha clan.

As a result, a group of Uchiha elders who were still angry before were happy.

You know, that\'s the position of the Shadow Guard!

As Hokage\'s most trusted existence, its status can be imagined.

In the eyes of the Uchiha clan who don\'t even have an Anbu ninja, this is definitely a step up to the sky.

For this reason, the Uchiha executives have held several meetings at the Nanga Shrine recently, and the shrine was almost demolished in order to compete for the spot of the Shadow Guard.

Perhaps it is difficult for outsiders to understand why the dignified Uchiha values ​​a spot in the Shadow Guard so much.

It\'s easy to explain with an analogy.

That is Yunting\'s previous life\'s foot basin country, although it is an economic giant, but has always been a political dwarf, so it is very persistent in the pursuit of the latter.

The Uchiha clan can also be said to be military giants and political dwarfs.

Even if the upward door of the latter is only slightly opened to them, they will sneak in without hesitation.

Therefore, since the guards and the like need to be improved, let\'s improve thoroughly.