I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 48: name of naruto

"Asma! You\'re secretly smoking again! Get the **** out of here!"

"It\'s so annoying! What\'s the point of a man smoking a cigarette?"

"A man? How old are you? Immediately, immediately pinch out the cigarette! And the other cigarettes you hid? Hand them over!"

"No more! Just this one in my hand."

"You think I\'ll believe it?"

Crackling... crackling...

Then there was a burst of noise outside the house.

In the end, Asuma Sarutobi, who got both the stolen goods and the stolen goods, yelled "This master is not coming back" in heartache, and rushed out of the house with his head buried.

Lake Biwa outside couldn\'t stop her, and she could only point her finger at the house while she was still angry, and sternly said: "Sarutobi Hiruzen! Look at your good head!"

"Ahem! Lake Biwa, there are guests at home! That kid Jiraiya is here!"

Having said that, Hiruzaru Sarutobi subconsciously pinched the pipe out of his hand.

"Hmph! Let\'s talk first, let Zilai also stay for dinner later. This kid, every time he comes back, he doesn\'t know how to go through the door."

Lake Biwa didn\'t say anything more, and still gave Hiru Sarutobi a face cut.


Hirizhan, who re-lit his pipe, sighed deeply, and said to Zilaiye: "You have seen it, this retirement life is not as good as imagined."

Ji Lai also smiled awkwardly: "Asma has grown up, it\'s normal to be rebellious."

"It\'s okay if it\'s just a little rebellious. But this kid Asma..." Hiruzen Sarutobi shook his head and didn\'t continue.

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite.

It\'s not easy to say anything else.

Afterwards, after enjoying the sumptuous meal prepared by Lake Biwa and leaving Jiraiya, Hiruzaru Sarutobi finally asked, "When are you going to leave?"

He knew that his disciple was a restless person, and he didn\'t think about keeping him, after all, he didn\'t need him to be Hokage now.

Jilai also smiled and said: "After visiting Minato\'s family, I heard that Kushina is pregnant, so I have to take a look at my future disciples first. I think he will become great like his parents in the future." ninja."

"Minato and Kushina\'s child." Hiruzaru Sarutobi was also looking forward to it.

"Then, old man, I\'ll go." Jiraiya waved his hand and disappeared into the afterglow of the setting sun.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at his back and didn\'t move for a long time.


Opposite the house of Minato Kushina and his wife, in a hidden observation point.

Hatake Kakashi, with white hair on his head and a cat-face Anbu mask, stared carefully at the opposite house with a pair of eyes.

Living there is not only the target of his long mission, but also his teacher\'s wife.

‘Ms. Jiuxinna seems to be cooking more meals than usual today. Are you going to entertain some guests? \'

Through the small window of the kitchen, Kakashi could see that Kushina, who had red hair and had many more married wives than usual, was happily cooking while humming a ditty.

\'It seems that that person has a very high status in the mind of the teacher\'s wife. \'

Kakashi took out a pen and paper while thinking, and wrote it down.

After finishing all this quickly, he looked at the past again.

This time, his eyes were more directed at Jiu Xinnai\'s slightly raised belly.

Witnessing the birth of a new life from scratch was indeed an indescribable touch for him, who was caught in cold despair.

Time passed minute by minute.

Under Kakashi\'s observation, Kushina has already cooked a large table full of dishes.

At this moment, his teacher, Namikaze Minato, who had finished his day\'s work, returned home, apologizing repeatedly amidst Kushina\'s complaints, and helping him in the end without stopping.

After everything was ready, finally, the guest that the husband and wife were waiting for came to the door.

‘Jiraiya, one of the Konoha Sannin! \'

From another perspective, he is also his teacher.

Kakashi recorded it again, then stretched, ready to take a break.

With that person by his side, it doesn\'t matter if they, the protectors, are there or not.

Because the former is the greatest security guarantee.

at the same time.

The water gate couple\'s home.

Jilai, who had just opened the door and walked in, saw the large table of dishes following the tangy aroma, and said in surprise: "I heard that you always said that Kushina was a superb cook, but I just thought you were bragging, after all, the original No matter how you look at it, Blood Red Pepper doesn\'t look like a person who can cook. Looking at it now, it\'s my big mistake!"

"That\'s right! Kukuna is the perfect wife in my eyes. Of course, she will also be a very competent mother in the future." Namikaze Minato said proudly.

"Don\'t think that if you praise me so much, I will forgive the fact that you came back late. You clearly agreed to come back early to prepare dinner with me." Although Uzumaki Kukina heard the words, she still hummed softly. road.

"I can\'t help it. The fourth generation has too much work assigned today. I still asked Shika Kuta to help me share the burden, so I can rush back." Minato smiled wryly and scratched his head.

"It seems that Minato is very trusted by the fourth generation!" Not only did his most proud disciple not be suspected by Yunting because of the Hokage election, but he was still reused, and Zirai was also very happy.

He quickly helped out and said: "My stomach is croaking with hunger, come and eat, and I will also have a good experience of Jiu Xinnai\'s cooking skills?"

Seeing this, Kushina was indeed distracted, and immediately led Ji Laiye to comment on the various dishes she prepared.

"Teacher Jiraiya, try this dish quickly. I learned it from my neighbor\'s grandma for a long time."

"Mr. Jiraiya, try this soup again. I heard from Mikoto that this is the secret recipe of the Uchiha clan for thousands of years. It is because of my popularity that I can get this soup recipe."

"Teacher Jiraiya, and this dish, as a chef, I carefully prepared it, so I have to give it a good evaluation."

"Teacher Jiraiya..."


"Minato, you should eat more too!"


"Huh? Why don\'t you eat it? There are so many dishes left! Could it be that I didn\'t cook well? No? Then let me eat them all in one go!! Is it easy for my mother to work so hard to cook so many dishes? ??"

In the end ~www.novelhall.com~ Uzumaki Yukina, who has kept a gentle posture for a long time, after seeing that a large part of the results of her hard work has not been wiped out, finally exposed the essence of her little pepper, Dong Shi roared .

Seeing this, Minato and Jiraiya, who didn\'t dare to provoke his anger, also forced their stomachs to be full, and hurriedly continued to work.

It wasn\'t until the meal for at least eight people was finished that Jiu Xingna smiled and regained her gentle wife side.

Jiraiya glanced at Minato sympathetically, then leaned back on the chair like the latter, trying to digest his bursting stomach.

After a long time, after the two barely made it through, Zilai asked curiously:

"The name of the child, have you and your husband both decided on it?"

Hearing this, Minato and Kushina looked at each other and smiled, the former touched his wife\'s stomach tenderly and said:

"Of course! I really like the protagonist who never gives up in Jiraiya-sensei\'s "Strong Perseverance and Ninja". If my unborn child can become a ninja like this protagonist. So Jiraiya Teacher, can I borrow the name of the main character in this novel?"

Ji Lai was also taken aback: "Naruto..."

He was a little moved suddenly, but he still persuaded him in a hurry: "Is this really good? That\'s a name I came up with when I was eating ramen!"

"Naruto, that\'s a great name!" Before Minato could speak, Kushina smiled and nodded to Jiraiya.

Minato nodded with a bright smile on his face.

"Kushina... Minato..." Jiraiya whispered emotionally.

Then he looked at Kushina\'s stomach.

Therefore, this unborn child is Naruto.