I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 43: research experiment

"Back when Orochimaru defected, I got a piece of news while fighting him. That is, besides me, there is another person who can escape from wood."

Anyway, Orochimaru is dead, Yun Ting can arrange whatever he wants now, so that the information he said will not appear abrupt.

As he expected, Tsunade really didn\'t believe it: "Now there are only you and me left in the Thousand Hands Clan, how could there be Mu Dun?"

Yun Ting thought to himself that this would be too much to say, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Obito, Jue, and even Danzo, who are not from the Senju clan, would not believe it.

Of course, he still explained on the face: "The Mudun human experiment was an experiment secretly conducted by Orochimaru and Danzang. They selected a total of 60 children as experimental subjects and implanted them with intercolumn cells for cultivation. Withstand its power. Fifty-nine children among them died one after another. Originally, the last one would be given up by Orochimaru, but it was very surprising that he survived and inherited the power of Mu Dun. Now he is named Jia. root effect."

"Danzo! Orochimaru!" Tsunade, who knew clearly that Yunting would not make a lie, suddenly burst into anger.

Not only was he indignant at the former two for disregarding the lives of so many children, but also at the use of intercolumn cells. After all, these cells between the columns were undoubtedly extracted from the corpses between the columns.

"Oshemaru is dead. As for Danzo, after all, it is a dead man\'s words. Even if he is forced to ask him, he will put all the responsibility on Orochimaru. It will not be too late to clean him up in the future." Yun Ting comforted.

Tsunade calmed down, trusting that Yun Ting would not miss her words, she refocused on A: "So, a person who is not a thousand hands owns Mu Dun."

Yun Ting said: "Yes. But compared to the first generation, and me, the wooden escape cast by the young man named \'Jia\' can only be said to be a broken version, and its power is far inferior to the real Thousand Hands."

"Then you told me that there was a way before, because of this armor?" Tsunade asked.

Yun Ting nodded first, then shook his head and said: "A can inherit Wood Dun, no matter whether it is incomplete or not, it is obvious that there are factors in his body that can bear Wood Dun. But this is not enough. Mesenchymal cells, and most importantly, the most authoritative right now, myself who has awakened Mu Dun, the three are combined, after many experiments, there may be a slight possibility to inspire Mu Dun in you."

As soon as he heard about the experiment, Tsunade subconsciously thought of the Mutun human experiment that Yun Ting said, so he frowned and refused.

Yun Ting quickly explained: "Of course it\'s not a human experiment. After all, Tsunade, you are a person with a thousand hands. Although you haven\'t awakened Mu Dun, you still have Mu Dun\'s recessive gene in your blood. What you need to do now is not to find The right candidate is just to stimulate the wood escape gene in your body."

Yun Ting himself awakened Mu Dun, although it was helped by the system, but he also carefully observed the whole process.

The Wooden Dungeon he possessed was not created out of thin air, but the indescribable power of the system penetrated into the depths of his blood, awakening the extremely hidden Wooden Dungeon factor, which made him awaken successfully.

This is also very in line with the situation in the system where he is given a discount when exchanging wood escapes, just because he has the blood of wood escapes himself. And when you want to exchange for other blood inheritance limits, you must have the blood to which it belongs.

Thinking back like this, it gave him an idea.

That is, can Tsunade also awaken Mu Dun through a similar awakening method.

Without the help of the system, this will undoubtedly require a lot of experiments and superb biological technology.

It just so happens that Konoha is not lacking in all of these.

The technology tree of the world where Yunting is now is very distorted.

Obviously, many homes have refrigerators, stoves, and even televisions, and even people have the ability to build steel bridges across the sea, but many aspects are still at the level of the Middle Ages, and wars are still dominated by swords and cold weapons.

He was speechless after having experienced it himself.

In terms of biotechnology, except for people like Orochimaru, Konoha\'s level in this area can be said to be very strong. Even to a certain extent, compared with the biological level of the previous life, it has surpassed.

This is also the confidence that Yun Ting said to Tsunade.

Of course, the greatest confidence is his living example.

As he who failed to awaken Mutun at the beginning, but now he has truly awakened under the action of external forces, studying the characteristics of his blood cell tissue, speaking seriously, will be more helpful to Tsunade\'s awakening than A or even the interstitial cells.

After all, Madara, Obito, and Danzo can use Mudun, but they use Uchiha\'s power to suppress Hashirama cells. And what A gets is only the incomplete version of Mudun.

Tsunade would not take the above two paths, but took a completely different path based on the Yunting model, with the cells between the columns and the armor as a reference.

However, if you really want to do this, the amount of work will undoubtedly be huge.

Even after being busy for a long time, the research may fail and it may not be possible to continue. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

For this reason, Yun Ting specially reminded Tsunade, lest the other party be more hopeful and disappointed when the time comes.

The latter nodded indifferently.

For her, it is lucky to get it, and there is no loss if she doesn\'t get it, and there will be no regrets at that time.

"I didn\'t expect you to be so kind." After the plan was finalized, Tsunade looked at Yun Ting and said emotionally.

"It\'s an apology for concealing you before." Speaking of this, Yun Ting suddenly smiled and said: "Besides, you are my sister! Who will you help?"

Hearing this, Tsunade suddenly felt goose bumps all over his body.

In terms of seniority, she is of the same generation as Yun Ting, and it is not wrong for the latter to call her elder sister.

But the problem is this guy has never yelled that before.

Now that it came out suddenly, and with such an intimate tone, not only was she not happy at all, but she felt awkward no matter what she thought.

"Get out!" Tsunade, who instantly recovered the female tyrannosaurus, said with a look of disgust.

"Okay." Yun Ting chuckled.

This woman finally returned to normal. He was not used to the girlish sensibility before.

"So, when are you going to return to Konoha?" It was getting late, and finally Yun Ting asked.

Tsunade hesitated for a moment and said: "If the experiment needs my blood cells and the like, you can come to Shigulin to ask for them. I... don\'t want to go back for the time being."

"Why?" Yun Ting asked with a slight frown.

Today is different from the past, it is the era when he, a thousand-handed clansman, is in power.

Everything in the old era can no longer be reversed. Even if Tsunade still has something he doesn\'t like, he can definitely bring it up to him and let him deal with it. Why stay away for a long time.