I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 44: go to the roots

Tsunade shook his head: "Compared to Konoha\'s rules and regulations, I am more free outside, and I am used to this kind of life... Besides, I have seen a lot of things after I go back, so it is inevitable that I will be in a bad mood."

She, who has witnessed the Senju Mori clan from prosperity to loneliness, doesn\'t like to see it and think about it.

Seeing Tsunade\'s resolute attitude, Yun Ting didn\'t persuade anymore, but explained: "By the way, I let some poor villagers of Konoha temporarily live in some houses in the Qianshou clan land, and I will tell you something."

"Empty is also empty, let them live." Tsunade said indifferently.

"That\'s fine, I\'ll leave first. The Wood Dungeon experiment needs to be prepared for a while, and I\'ll remind you when the time comes."


"Sometimes I still come back and have a look."

"......it is good."

"From now on, gamble less and drink less, at least set a good example for the little girl beside you."

"...When did you become such a mother-in-law! More annoying than a three-generation old man! If you say go, go quickly!"

"Okay! Don\'t forget the bet between us."


Yunting turned into a white smoke and disappeared from the wet bone forest.

Tsunade was taken aback.


What bet?

Oh, right.

She made a bet with Yun Ting before that the other party practiced fairy arts.

If the latter is successful, then she must promise the other party one thing unconditionally.

Before that, she was absolutely full of confidence in this matter.

But now, when she thinks that Yunting owns Mudun, and her grandfather who also owns Mudun has successfully practiced immortal arts, she panics instantly.

"Live!" Tsunade yelled immediately.

"Master Tsunade, do you have any orders?" The live slug who was on standby all day quickly appeared in front of Tsunade and asked for instructions.

Tsunade asked: "How is that boy Yun Ting practicing in immortal arts?"

The live slug replied with great satisfaction: "Very good! Master Yunting who possesses the wooden escape can offset the negative effects of the wet bone forest fairy art, and the cultivation progress is very fast."

Tsunade\'s face changed when he heard the words: "So, there is a high possibility that he will succeed in cultivating immortality?"

Live slug nodded: "Yes."

At this point in the conversation, Tsunade\'s face was darkened.

She knew that she was going to lose again every gamble this time.

"Live slug." She spoke again weakly.

"Here you are, Tsunade-sama." The live slug was still full of energy.

"You already knew that Yunting would escape from the wood."


"So when Yun Ting started to practice fairy art, you also expected that he would succeed?"

"It\'s just that the probability is very high, Master Tsunade. After all, even if there is a wood escape in the cultivation of immortal arts, there are still risks."

"Even so, why didn\'t you remind me of this?"

"You didn\'t ask, Tsunade-sama. In addition, Yunting-sama specifically stated not to expose his Mudun. So, I\'m sorry, Tsunade-sama."

The live slug who witnessed the bet between Yun Ting and Tsunade naturally knew how Tsunade felt at the moment.

Every time the other party loses everything and hides their debts here, they always have this kind of expression.

Only this time it\'s more prosperous.

In contrast, it can only express sorry.

Tsunade has no interest in communicating anymore.

She has habitually started thinking about running away.

After all, who knows what the kid will bring up at that time.

However, when she remembered that Yun Ting had just drawn him a big cake that she coveted, her thought of running away suddenly disappeared.

Tsunade looked down at the peak of the ninja world that he ruled the roost, his face was cloudy and cloudy.

Could it be... Are you really going to betray your hue?


Konoha Village, Hokage Office.

Since he agreed to the research on Tsunade Mutun\'s awakening, Yun Ting didn\'t delay, and started to carry it out soon after he came back.

For a research experiment, in addition to the research specimens, the most important thing is undoubtedly that the researchers still have funding.

In terms of personnel, Konoha does not lack such talents. As Hokage, Yunting can naturally be easily mobilized.

As for the funds, the Senshou Clan has sufficient funds. Although he said that he would not give Tsunade any money, he always left a large portion for the other party in his heart. Now it happens that part of it is put into research, and it can be regarded as making the best use of everything.

Having both in place means that experiments can start right away.

As it was related to Mu Dun, Yun Ting deliberately raised the level of secrecy of this experiment to top secret.

This also means that, except for the experimenters, the only person in Konoha who is Hokage is qualified to know the information of this research experiment.

After all, among the specimens studied, in addition to Konoha\'s very precious intercolumnar cells, there will also be blood cells from him and Tsunade.

In addition, as an unexpected person, a boy named "Jia" will also provide assistance.

Although the opponent is still under the control of the root, Yun Ting will immediately start to bring him out.

As a thousand hands of Mori, he is qualified to take back all things belonging to Wooden Dungeon.

By the way, you can also beat the roots hard.

The latter, as an existence free from the power of Hokage, has now formed a trend that cannot be lost under the indulgence of the three generations.

He will not tolerate such an uncontrolled organization continuing to grow.

Right now, I can\'t forcibly disband this huge underground organization without sufficient reasons.

However, some restrictive sanctions are still necessary.

Thinking of this, Yun Ting suddenly said: "Come here!"

"Master Naruto!" An Anbu ninja appeared ~www.novelhall.com~ half kneeling in the tunnel.

Yunting ordered: "Send all the materials on the root to me."

"Yes!" After the voice fell, Anbu Ninja disappeared again.

Although the root members will be planted with the seal of tongue disaster and eradication after joining the job, they cannot disclose the root situation to the outside world.

But the latter is a part of Konoha after all. Even if it has its own channels for the personnel, funds, equipment, etc. required for its development, it is still inseparable from the support of Konoha itself.

This also means that Konoha has always known the details of the roots.

This is also one of the three generations\' confidence to allow the roots to develop in addition to their personal feelings.

Of course, no matter how you understand it, there will always be places that are deliberately concealed by the roots and cannot be touched.

For example, the various taboo experiments carried out by Root and Orochimaru, such as Sharingan, such as Jia, and so on.

These people and things are buried deep in the ground and cannot see the sun.

However, once it is uncovered, it means that there is no refutation at all.

What Yunting has to do right now is to uncover the most certain thing.


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A series of black shadows quickly shuttled through the dense forest, startling the nearby wild beasts to flee in haste.

"How far is it?" The leader is wearing the Hokage Yushen robe, and it is the current Fourth Hokage Senju Yuntei.

"Hokage-sama, there are still about three kilometers to go." Beside him, an Anbu ninja dressed in black and wearing a cat face mask replied.

Yunting said: "I didn\'t expect Danzo to set the roots so far away, let\'s speed up!"

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison.

Immediately, the speed of the entire team increased sharply.