I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 23: Itachi and Orochimaru

Yun Ting, who didn\'t know about the conversation between the brothers on the day\'s day, was in a good mood for the next period of time.

Three generations of Hokage didn\'t take the fact that he met Uchiha Fugaku and talked about the case in the village to his heart.

The crimes committed by Orochimaru are tracked by the two giants of Konoha, Uchiha and Hinata, and it is only a matter of time.

In addition, under the guidance of the living slug, the magic of immortality is progressing smoothly.

Everything is moving in a favorable direction.

As the planner, Yun Ting was a little idle.

He still wanders around the village after get off work, but on a wider scale than before.

He would still smile at the villagers he saw along the way, even if these people he had known for a long time no longer provided him with reputation points in a short time.

Unknowingly, he came to a quiet place.

Looking carefully, the Konoha Memorial Monument is in front of you.

Now that he came here, Yun Ting walked in, passed one tombstone after another, and looked at the names of the ninjas who sacrificed for Konoha densely on them, and his face became serious.

"Master Hokage."

At this moment, a childish-sounding male voice suddenly sounded beside him.

Yunting turned his head to look, and saw a little boy with the Uchiha clan emblem printed on his clothes, saluting him very politely.

"What\'s the name of the child from the Uchiha family? Why are you here alone?" Yun Ting stepped forward, patted the child\'s head kindly and asked.

"My name is Uchiha Itachi, and I\'m here to pay homage to the elders of the clan." The boy named Uchiha Itachi replied with a serious face.

"Uchiha... Itachi?" Yun Ting was taken aback, lowered his eyes to look carefully, although he didn\'t have the conspicuous decree lines when he grew up, but the facial features were indeed the same.

No wonder there was always a sense of familiarity when I saw it for the first time.

So, Yun Ting rubbed the head of Uchiha Itachi vigorously again, and he would never have the chance to touch it again.

"It\'s getting late, let\'s go back quickly, so as not to worry the adults." After being satisfied, Yun Ting said to Itachi with a smile.

The future Itachi may be a disaster to the Uchiha clan, but he is loyal to Konoha Village.

The **** decides the mind.

As Konoha Hokage, he naturally likes such a character very much.


After Uchiha Itachi said goodbye politely, he turned and walked home.

On the way, recalling Yun Ting\'s previous attitude towards him, he was cautious and thoughtful and thought in his heart: "People in the clan say that the Fourth Hokage has a big prejudice against the Uchiha clan, but now it seems that it is not very true. , it seems that the rumors cannot be taken seriously."

In front of the comfort monument, watching Itachi Uchiha\'s back go away, the smile on Yun Ting\'s face faded, and he said calmly:

"Come out, I didn\'t expect that one of the dignified three ninjas also likes to hide in the dark and peep."

At this time and here, one of the so-called Sannin can only be Orochimaru.

"I don\'t want to peep, it\'s just that the place I want to go is occupied by the first comer, just wait outside." In the woods beside him, Orochimaru\'s iconic hoarse voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, he came out calmly in a ninja uniform, looked at Yunting with snake-like golden vertical eyes, and said with a playful smile, "However, I saw an interesting scene. I didn\'t expect that Hokage-sama who was born in a thousand hands would No prejudice against Uchiha."

Yun Ting frowned slightly and said: "Prejudice? Mr. Orochimaru\'s words are wrong. Uchiha is also a member of Konoha. As Hokage, how can I be prejudiced, let alone in front of a child."

"It is in front of children that you put down your mask." Orochimaru said with great interest, "The second generation of Hokage that we once loved so much has a saying that the Uchiha is an evil family. He inherited his will and is now in high-level The students did not spare any effort to regard these words as sacred scriptures. Even my third-generation teacher who was "very kind" didn\'t think so in his heart. At that time, I did not expect that you, the fourth generation of the Thousand Hands Clan, would actually Something is different. Interesting, it seems that the wind in the future will not be static."

"Mr. Orochimaru thinks too much." Yun Ting, who didn\'t want to talk too much on this issue, replied lightly.

Then he looked at the other party again, and asked calmly: "What has Mr. Oshemaru been up to recently? I haven\'t seen you very much in the past few months."

Orochimaru smiled and said: "The development of ninjutsu, the in-depth study of Chakra, the mysteries of the soul, etc., are too many. It is normal that Master Hokage can\'t see me."

Yunting nodded: "Mr. Oshemaru\'s knowledge is indeed profound, and I admire it very much. But why do you have time today to comfort the monument?"

"I can\'t help it. I\'ve been hallucinating bugs buzzing around my ears recently. I come out to relax and come here to meet acquaintances. For example, my unlucky disciple." Orochimaru looked at Yunting with a half-smile and said.

After speaking, he came to the stele engraved with a thousand-handed rope tree, and put down the flowers he had prepared.

Yun Ting looked at the back of Orochimaru, a hidden sharpness flashed in his eyes.

This guy seems to have noticed something.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and the comfort monument seemed much colder than before.

Orochimaru, who had his back to Yunting, didn\'t care at all, he just looked at the tombstone of his former disciple, and said with emotion: "Human life is really fragile! Who would have thought that a few small detonating talismans would be enough to kill you?" Who would have thought that Ninja, who was once so proud, is now using his old palm to cling to the last power."

Yun Ting\'s eyes flashed, followed his meaning and said: "So..."

"So!" Orochimaru turned his head and looked back, his vertical pupils were full of fire and determination, "I will use the fastest speed to pursue the eternal possibility in a limited time!"

"In this way, the tragedy will never happen again!"


Sunset and Xishan.

At this time, only Yun Ting was left in front of the comfort monument.

He was thinking about what Orochimaru had said before.

It seems that the other party has noticed something is wrong, but he doesn\'t seem to care at all. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is very contradictory.

But after all, Yunting has the memory of his previous life. Combined with the fact that Orochimaru was rushed into the secret base by the third generation, it seemed not surprising at all, and he suddenly had an answer in his heart.

All along, I have neglected one point.

That is why, with Orochimaru\'s wisdom, he was so stupid as to arrest people for experiments in Konoha Village.

In the outside world, not to mention the country of fire, even outside Muye village, there are a lot of living people for him to experiment.

Even if you don\'t go out yourself, there are roots that can help.

The risk of exposure can be said to be very small.

But stealing people under Konoha\'s nose is really unwise no matter how you look at it.

Yunting once thought that Orochimaru was so focused on research that he lost his mind and acted recklessly.

But looking at it now, the other party is very sensible.

So, is there a possibility that Orochimaru deliberately wanted Sandai to find out, took this opportunity to cut off the fetters, and defected from Konoha.

After all, for an existence like him, Konoha\'s rules and regulations will only restrict his own development. Only by breaking free and jumping into a wider space, can he study everything unscrupulously, and within a limited time, become the controller of the truth and the ultimate individual as he expected.

At this moment, the more Yun Ting thought about it, the more he felt that his thinking was correct.

After all, Orochimaru has had feelings in Konoha for many years. Compared with cutting it off by himself, he is more inclined to use the hands of others to make it clean.

For this reason, he recklessly captured villagers in Muye Village and conducted human experiments, just to give others a handle.

Especially in combination with the memory of the original, I think so.

Now, this handle has fallen into Yun Ting\'s hands early.

That being the case, let him help the other party!