I, The New Hokage of Konoha

Chapter 22: orthodox

As the captain of the Konoha garrison, he has handled many cases. The experienced Uchiha Fugaku can naturally see that there are problems in the handling process and results of these four missing cases, and there may be a lot of tricks in them.

"I happened to meet the report of the four missing cases a few days ago after get off work. After some inquiries, I found out that they were not satisfied with the result. No one was alive or dead, and they didn\'t even want to know about the case. The details are not enough, and in the end we can only get a cold notice that the person is dead, the body cannot be found, and the murderer has bowed his head."

Yunting tapped his index finger on the table, looking at Uchiha Fugakumichi whose face changed slightly,

"There are some things that you want to come to, Captain Fuyue, I know very well. I will not pursue it within the security team. Captain Fuyue, you can handle it yourself. But! These four disappearance cases, I will hand them over to Captain Fuyue again from today. I hope The security team can take it seriously, and finally let the relatives of the missing case get a satisfactory result."

Seeing that Yunting did not go into the responsibilities of the security team, Uchiha Fugaku heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately assured: "Assure Mr. Fourth, the security team will go all out to deal with the four missing cases and solve them as quickly as possible. .”

"Okay, I\'ll wait." Yun Ting nodded and motioned for him to leave.

Outside the Hokage Building.

Uchiha Fugaku walked out of the door with a gloomy face.

Although Yun Ting said that he would not pursue it, these four cases of fraud still slapped the security team like a big slap, to be exact, the face of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha people are proud.

This pride is reflected in the garrison, manifested as strict law enforcement and merciless.

The villagers can say that they are indifferent, but they have never said that they are corrupt and cheat.

But today is undoubtedly an exception, and it is still in front of Hokage.

Uchiha Fugaku has decided that when he goes back, he will not only find Shuo Ke in the security team and deal with it severely, but also mobilize the power of the whole family to solve the four cases in the shortest possible time and find out the real culprit.

No matter what great status the latter has, in order to maintain the dignity and prestige of the Uchiha clan, the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu must also arrest him!


"The show is about to begin!"

In Hokage\'s office, Yun Ting sighed while looking at the scenery outside the window.

The culprit of the four disappearances in Konoha Village, judging from its means, is probably one of the Konoha Sannin, Orochimaru.

After the latter failed in the election for the Fourth Hokage, he devoted almost all his energy to the road of no return to taboo research.

In the original book, Orochimaru\'s defection should have been after the Nine-Tails Rebellion, and it was precisely because villagers and even ninjas in the village continued to disappear that he found out that he was conducting human body taboo experiments prohibited by Konoha, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi Take it personally and want to take it down.

It\'s a pity that the latter let go of Orochimaru temporarily.

What Yunting is doing now is to advance this event.

In his plan, the real target is not Orochimaru, but Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Just imagine, not to mention the defection of the disciples of the three generations of Hokage, the three generations obviously had the opportunity to catch him, but they were soft-hearted and let such a great harm who knew Konoha well escape from life. What a blow to his prestige.

And at that time, as the Fourth Hokage, I personally grabbed Orochimaru, and even Mu Dun, who was very symbolic to Konoha, was no longer hidden at that time, and was exposed to the outside.

One can imagine how shocked the people of Konoha Village will be.

In this way, as the prestige of the two Hokages ebbs and flows, wouldn\'t it be the easiest for Yunting to regain the power of Konoha.

Good steel should be used on the cutting edge.

Yunting hid Mu Dun for a long time, just to achieve a blockbuster effect at the most critical moment.

And the key to all this, Orochimaru is also very cooperative with him.

Although the other party is not as unscrupulous as arresting people like in the past, it is obviously starting this step now.

It may have just started, but the very caring Yunting has been paying attention to the situation of missing persons in the village.

As soon as he found something wrong, he immediately grabbed its small tail and was about to pull it out.

For this reason, he deliberately drew out the Uchiha Guard.

The latter will definitely do its best to investigate this matter for the sake of its own reputation.

I think with the power of the Uchiha clan, it is enough for Oshemaru and the roots that support his experiment to eat a pot.

Of course, for Yun Ting, Uchiha is just a bright side force used to attract the latter\'s attention.

In secret, he also specially dispatched members of the Shadow Guard to secretly investigate the secret base of Orochimaru.

Konoha Ninja is not allowed to leave the village without permission.

So Orochimaru\'s secret base can only be in the vast forest of Konoha Village.

With Hinata Tokuma\'s rolling eyes, finding a job will be much easier.

But just a pair of blank eyes is not enough.

Yun Ting specially wrote a letter for Tokuma to pass to the patriarch of the Hyuga Clan, Hyuga Hinata, hoping to get the other party\'s secret help.

He is not worried that the latter will leak this letter to the third generation.

The Hyuga clan has been able to stand tall in Konoha Village for many years, except for the strategic ability of white eyes, it also maintains aloof political neutrality.

After all, he is the Fourth Hokage, and Hinata will not unwisely offend one party for the sake of the other.

Of course, it\'s normal not to help in this case.

What surprised Yun Ting was that Hinata Hizuru actually replied that he really agreed to send ninjas from the clan to help.

This was a pleasant surprise.

In fact, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was not only surprised by Yun Ting, but also Hinata Nisai, who was his own younger brother, was also very puzzled by what his elder brother did.

He asked privately: "Master Patriarch, why do you want to help Fourth Generation Huo..."

When it came to the end, Riza suddenly paused and couldn\'t continue.

Why help the Fourth Hokage? As a member of Konoha Village, shouldn\'t this be the right thing to do, and why not.

It\'s just that the current situation is that the third generation is still in power, and the fourth generation will only have an empty name after all.

Wanting to come here, Nisashi reorganized the language, and when he was about to speak again, the contemporary patriarch of the Hyuga Clan, Hyuga Hizuru raised his hand to stop him, and said lightly:

"Nizai, I understand what you mean. But I want to ask you, who is Konoha\'s current leader?"

"It\'s the fourth generation, but..."

"Three generations have abdicated and the fourth generation has taken office. It\'s justified, isn\'t it?"

Speaking of this, Rizai seemed to understand something, and whispered: "Yes."

"The name of the fourth generation is justified, which means it is orthodox. Since the former invited him, Hinata, a member of Konoha, should contribute."

Speaking of this, Hyuga Hyuzu\'s eyes quickly became sharp and he looked at his own brother and said,

"Nichizai, you only need to remember that the Hyuga clan can continue to this day, and what they abide by is the orthodoxy. The main family protects Baiyan, and the branch family protects the orthodoxy of the main family! At the same time, we not only abide by our own orthodoxy, but also respect the orthodoxy of the outside world. Do you understand? ?”

"I understand!"

It turned out that the reason why my elder brother agreed to the four generations was because of the orthodoxy he had always respected as the creed. Instead of being driven by the interests that I guessed, I actively invest in the fourth generation.

Thinking of this, Nishizai clenched his fists in his sleeves.

So, does the branch family always have to be under the orthodoxy of the clan family?