I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 326

Zhang Qiuming continued, "if you can\'t kill or capture the diamond monster when you see it, the diamond monster will immediately drill into the stone. At that time, you will never find him again.

Not only that, the attack power of the diamond monster is also very strong. There is a sharp corner in front of its forehead. This sharp corner is very hard. If you are hit by this sharp corner, even if your equipment is strong, it will be smashed.

Few people hunt diamond monsters, which also has a lot to do with it.

If a piece of equipment we have worked hard to get is easily damaged by diamonds, isn\'t it worth the loss? "

As soon as Zhang Qiuming\'s voice fell, the girl in yellow also sighed, "the main reason is that the number of diamond monsters is too small. You just said that you may not see its shadow for a month. It\'s still rare. It\'s also possible that you can\'t find its trace for a year. It\'s all possible."

After listening to their words, Zhang Meng nodded and understood why they couldn\'t find the diamond monster\'s skin.

Diamond monsters are rare. It\'s hard to see them even if you want to see them.

The diamond monster has strong defense. Even if you finally see its shadow, you can\'t hurt it.

However, as long as you can\'t hurt it, it will get into the stone in a very short time. At that time, it\'s almost impossible to see it again.

The attack power of the diamond monster is also amazing. Although the sharp corners on its forehead can not be invincible, the damage power is quite powerful. Ordinary armor is likely to become waste as long as it meets the sharp corners on its forehead.

Zhang Meng sighed to understand these reasons. Needless to say, others, even himself, may not want to hunt these diamond monsters after hearing that they are so difficult. It\'s not worth it.

Since the diamond monster was so difficult to hunt, Zhang Meng felt that he had little hope to find it again. Seeing that the sky was near noon, he turned his head and looked at the girl in yellow shirt, smiled and said.

"It\'s too urgent. We\'ve gone a lot. Why don\'t we find a place to eat first, have a little rest, and then think of a way."

Hearing the speech, the girl in yellow shirt nodded. Turning her head, she saw a guest coming to the restaurant not far away, so she stretched out her hand and pointed.

"Let\'s eat there."

Since the guest comes to the restaurant, which is called the restaurant, it can\'t be the first floor.

In order to be quiet, the party ordered good food, went directly to the second floor, found a window seat, divided into two tables and sat down.

Two subordinates of the girl in yellow shirt and four subordinates of Zhang Qiuming.

Zhang Meng, the girl in yellow shirt and Zhang Qiuming have a table for three.

As soon as the three of them sat down and Zhang Meng was about to speak, they heard a wild laugh from the stairs.

"As for people, I clearly saw the girl go to this restaurant. Why did she disappear?"

With this burst of laughter, a group of people came up from the stairs.

The leader was a young man in his 20s wearing a blue robe.

After the man came up, seven or eight strong Han people came up one after another from the stairs behind them.

The man in blue went up to the second floor, glanced slightly in the hall, and his eyes fell on the girl in yellow. Then he stepped forward quickly, came to the table of the three, and sat directly beside the girl in yellow without asking.

"Leng\'s little sister, brother, I saw you in the street just now. Just wanted to say hello to you, you entered the restaurant, which makes it easy for me to find."

The girl in yellow frowned and whispered, "Han Yuchao, are you busy?"

Han Yuchao laughed when he heard the speech. "Sister, isn\'t it a matter of looking for you?"

The girl in yellow shirt angrily said, "who is your sister? Get out of here."

In the face of the yelling of the girl in yellow shirt, Han Yuchao didn\'t care. After laughing a few times, he slowly said, "sister, why do you say that? We\'ll soon be a family. Don\'t you see it outside."

After listening to Han Yuchao\'s words, the girl in yellow shirt suddenly patted the table and said angrily, "Han Yuchao, you have made it clear to me what it means to be a family soon. Do I know you? Do we know each other very well? I tell you, you leave here quickly. Otherwise, don\'t blame Miss Ben for being rude."

Seeing this, Han Yuchao just touched his chin and said, "why not be a family? In a few days, our two sects will compete. Your Qiqiao gate will belong to our Tiangong gate. Won\'t we be a family then?"

After hearing Han Yuchao\'s words, the girl in yellow shirt got up in a hurry, picked up the tea bowl on the table and threw it at Han Yuchao.

The girl in yellow shirt and Han Yuchao were not far away. The teacup she threw out was also very fast. When she saw that the teacup was about to hit Han Yuchao\'s face, a hand suddenly appeared in front of him and grabbed the flying teacup.

This hand grabbed the cup, then slowly put it on the table, and then shrunk.

Seeing that the teacup she threw out was caught by someone, the girl in yellow shirt was stunned. After reacting, she went to get the teacup next to Zhang Meng, but Zhang Meng stopped her.

"If you have something to say, why get angry?"

After hearing Zhang Meng\'s words, Han Yuchao burst into laughter.

The man behind him, but he spent a lot of money and his father\'s relationship, so he invited an expert.

If such a master can\'t even catch a teacup, isn\'t that a joke.

Seeing Zhang Meng stop the girl in yellow shirt, Han Yuchao knew that they were afraid.

"Sister Liu, this little brother is right. We have something to say. Why get angry? Hahaha..."

The girl in yellow shirt was stopped by Zhang Meng, and her anger dissipated for a few minutes. She turned her head and looked at Han Yuchao and said coldly.

"Han Yuchao, we have nothing to say. Please leave here?"

Han Yuchao heard the speech and spread his hand. "Liu Mei, this is your mistake. This is a restaurant. I can sit wherever I like. No one can control it."

Seeing Han Yuchao making trouble, the girl in yellow shirt took a deep breath, turned to Zhang Meng and Zhang Qiuming and said, "let\'s change a table and let him eat here."

Before Zhang Meng answered this time, Han Yuchao slapped the table, "no one is allowed to leave, just eat on this table."

The girl in yellow sneered, turned and left. Unexpectedly, as soon as she turned around, a long sword stood in front of her.

"Young master Han didn\'t speak. No one is allowed to leave."

Zhang Meng could see clearly the person who said this. This person was the one who just caught the tea cup.

This man is in his twenties. Although he looks ok, his face is expressionless and cold.

The two subordinates of the girl in yellow shirt have come behind the girl in yellow shirt when they quarreled just now. At this moment, they don\'t hesitate to see this man\'s hand.