I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 325

Hearing this sound, Zhang Meng quickly looked up and saw an 18-year-old girl in light yellow clothes standing in the door, sneering at herself.

Before Zhang Meng answered, several gatekeepers came forward to salute.

"See you, miss."

The girl in yellow shirt said to several people in some displeasure, "you don\'t keep here well. Why do you talk to outsiders?"

One of our men hurriedly said, "Miss, this childe wants to make equipment here. After hearing what happened in our school, he asked for help. My subordinates explained to him."

Hearing the speech, the girl in yellow turned to look at Zhang Meng. After looking up and down, she asked, "can you make equipment?"

Hearing the question of the girl in yellow, Zhang shook his head, "No."

The girl in yellow shirt said strangely, "since you can\'t make equipment, how can you help us?"

Zhang Meng smiled. "There are many ways to help. For example, spiritual support is also a kind of help!"

Hearing the speech, the girl in yellow shirt was stunned for a while and asked in some amazement, "do you want to support us in spirit?"

Zhang shook his head. "Of course, it\'s impossible to support you only in spirit. If you agree to a condition, I may support you in other aspects."

Hearing the speech, the girl in yellow asked suspiciously, "how do you support us in other aspects?"

Zhang Meng said, "I haven\'t thought of it yet."

The girl in yellow waved her hand, "well, wait until you think of it."

Speaking of this, the girl in yellow turned her head and looked at the gatekeepers. "I\'ll go to the city and you\'ll take good care of it."

After saying that, the girl in yellow waved to the two men behind her, "let\'s go."

After saying these words, the girl in yellow shirt turned and was about to leave. Seeing that they didn\'t let themselves in, Zhang Meng hurriedly stopped the girl in yellow shirt and said with a smile.

"Since the girl is going to the city and we can\'t get in, can we go to the city with her?"

The girl in yellow shirt pondered slightly and shook her head. "It\'s not far from the city. You go straight along this road. It won\'t take long to get to the city."

Zhang Meng smelled the speech and said with a smile, "in fact, I thought of finding someone at Qiqiao gate to make a black feather cloak for me. However, it\'s too unfortunate that such a big event has happened here.

So I want to make a company with the girl. I also want to know the details of this matter and see if it can help. You can send someone to make a black feather cloak for me as soon as possible. "

"Black feather cloak?"

When the girl in yellow heard the speech, her eyes suddenly brightened, "do you have the feathers of the nightmare eagle?"

Zhang Meng nodded. "Yes, there are many more. That\'s why I want you to send someone to help me make a black feather cloak."

The girl in yellow looked at the speech again, "do you really have the feathers of the nightmare eagle?"

Zhang Meng nodded again.

The girl in yellow just waved her hand, "well, let\'s go now."

The party left the gate of Qiqiao gate and walked along a road in front of the gate towards Nanjun city.

It\'s not far from Nanjun city. Standing in front of Qiqiao gate, you can actually see the tall city wall of Nanjun city. Therefore, they don\'t need to ride a horse or take a car to go to Nanjun city. It\'s much more convenient to go on foot.

Not far away, Zhang Meng quickly stepped forward and walked side by side with the girl in yellow shirt, "girl, are you sure of the competition with tiangongmen this time?"

The girl in yellow shook her head. "It\'s hard to say. If we can find the diamond monster\'s skin, we still have a glimmer of hope. However, we haven\'t found the diamond monster\'s skin for so long."

Zhang Meng asked, "why do you have to find the diamond monster\'s skin to have a chance to win?"

After pondering for a while, the girl in yellow shirt said slowly, "the diamond monster lives on the stone mountain 300 miles away in the south. Because they drill in the stone for many years, their defense is also quite amazing. Ordinary swords can\'t play a role for them. If they use its skin to make equipment, their defense must be very strong."

Speaking of this, the girl in yellow suddenly sighed, "but I went to the city every day, but I didn\'t find the strange diamond skin."

After listening to the girl in yellow, Zhang Meng nodded.

The main defense for making leather armor depends on the material itself.

If the material for making leather armor is not good, even if you have great skills, it is impossible to increase the defense of this leather armor.

Thinking of this, Zhang Meng asked with some doubts, "do you have no other way except to find the diamond monster\'s skin?"

The girl in yellow shook her head, "now we have found a piece of wilderness bear skin. My mother is considering whether there is any other way to increase the defense of this leather armor."

While they were talking, they had entered Nanjun city.

The inside of the city is quite different from the outside. Just entering the city, the number of pedestrians on the road suddenly increased several times, and all kinds of noisy voices also sounded in Zhang Meng\'s ears.

After a short walk in the street, the girl in yellow led them into an alley.

At the end of the alley, there was an equipment store, and the girl in yellow shirt went straight to the equipment store.

As soon as they entered the store, Zhang Meng saw the girl in yellow hurried to the counter, asked in front of the counter, and came back with a disappointed face.

Zhang Meng hurried forward and asked, "no?"

The girl in yellow shook her head, "No."

In this way, the girl in yellow led the people to several equipment stores, but she still got nothing.

Looking at the yellow girl with a sad face, Zhang Meng couldn\'t help asking, "Hey, why haven\'t we found diamond strange skin for so long?"

This time, without waiting for the girl in yellow shirt to answer, Zhang Qiuming, who has been behind without talking, quickly came to Zhang Meng and whispered.

"Brother Meng, you don\'t know. The diamond monster has nothing to use except skin. In addition, the diamond monster stays in the stone every day and refuses to come out. Even if it\'s not easy to find them, how can we catch them.

Hunting a diamond monster, his skin can sell about a thousand gold coins.

However, the diamond monster only haunts the stone mountain. Even if you arrive at the stone mountain, you may not see the shadow of the diamond monster for a month.

But if you spend this month hunting wild bears, you must make more money than this.

So, slowly, not many people are willing to hunt diamond monsters. "

At this point, Zhang Qiuming paused before continuing.

"In addition, there is another biggest problem. The defense of the diamond monster is quite amazing. No matter it\'s a knife, a palm or a chop, it won\'t do much damage to it. As long as you don\'t hit him, you\'ll kill him when he gets into the stone."