I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 190

At the moment, of course, the most difficult person is Zhang Lezhi.

He knows the difficulty of answering this question, and he knows that no matter how he answers, he will fall into Liu Huarong\'s trap.

In the face of this situation, how should he answer?

When Tang Jian\'an faced this situation, Bai Jianmu helped him, but he had to fight alone and no one helped him.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lezhi regretted why he was involved in this situation.

However, Zhang Lezhi could only sigh with a faint sigh when he thought about it. If he didn\'t do so, I\'m afraid Bai Jianmu started dating himself in order to clear the obstacles. Unlike now, it just took a little longer. The outcome must be the same.

Seeing that Zhang Lezhi didn\'t answer his questions for a long time, Liu Huarong sneered in his heart. Then he opened his mouth and urged, "Third Elder martial brother, since you are sure that ye Xuan is not the one who stole the drawings, why don\'t you dare guarantee for him?"

Speaking of this, Liu Huarong\'s tone stopped for a moment. He turned his head and looked at Bai Jianmu, but he saw that Bai Jianmu was also looking at himself, his eyes full of appreciation.

Seeing this scene, Liu Huarong was even more proud. He turned his head and looked at Zhang Lezhi and asked again.

"Third senior brother, if you dare not promise for ye Xuan, why on earth did you do today?

Do you have any unspeakable difficulties? Or do you know who stole the drawings? "

After listening to Liu Huarong\'s words, Zhang Lezhi weighed it in his heart, looked up at Liu Huarong and said slowly.

"Younger martial brother Liu, since you have asked this question, you must already know the answer. Let me ask you, do you think ye Xuan is the person who stole the drawings?"

After hearing Zhang Lezhi\'s question, Liu Huarong just sneered, "third senior brother, do you still need to answer this question?"

Speaking of this, Liu Huarong stopped his tone and continued.

"However, since the third senior brother wants to know, it doesn\'t hurt if I say it.

Only Ye Xuan knows where the master put the drawing. Apart from ye Xuan, I really can\'t think of anything else to steal this drawing. "

Liu Huarong stopped here. Seeing that Zhang Lezhi wanted to defend, he waved his hand and continued.

"Third senior brother, I know what you\'re going to say. You have to say that ye Xuan is not like that. He won\'t steal the drawings.

However, third senior brother, think about it. Ye Xuan knows where the master puts the drawings and has been to the place where the drawings are put alone. In the face of such a precious baby, ye Xuan can be indifferent twice at a time, but with more times, will he have other ideas? "

Liu Huarong\'s words didn\'t go on, but everyone present already understood.

After listening to Liu Huarong\'s words, Zhang Lezhi burst into a cold sweat on his forehead.

So precious drawings are in front of us, just once or twice. It\'s hard to say whether we will have the idea of taking them as our own for a long time.

The key is, if such a precious thing is placed in front of you and you can get it easily, will you be moved?

No one can guarantee that even if Zhang Lezhi trusts Ye Xuan again, he can\'t guarantee, because even he can\'t guarantee whether he will do that when he faces that situation.

After listening to Liu Huarong\'s words, Bai Jianmu secretly praised him. Liu Huarong is definitely a talent. I don\'t know what I think in his mind. He can come up with such an idea.

After hearing Liu Huarong\'s analysis, Bai Jianmu\'s confidence suddenly increased. His original uneasy mood also became confident.

As long as ye Xuan doesn\'t let go and is trying to get rid of Zhang Lezhi, everything will be perfect. He can successfully become the helmsman. His family can also successfully become the five elders of the Bai family in Nanjun. At this moment, Bai Jianmu feels that he has almost become very stable.

Tang Jian\'an was even more overjoyed. He didn\'t want to face Zhang Lezhi\'s problems again, but if Liu Huarong could defeat Zhang Lezhi this time, he would no longer have to face the difficult questions.

Tang Jian\'an was frightened when he thought of the embarrassing situation just now. These two times, if Bai Jianmu and Liu Huarong didn\'t help him out, he might have been really planted in this problem.

However, now, although Liu Huarong\'s analysis can not achieve the final victory, it is almost impossible for ye Xuan to be released.

As long as ye Xuan became the person who stole the drawings, he naturally didn\'t have to face Zhang Lezhi\'s problem. Thinking of this, Tang Jian\'an only felt relaxed.

Since there was no burden in his heart, Tang Jian\'an began to wonder how to increase the weight of Liu Huarong\'s words. If allowed, ye Xuan was the person who stole the drawings and Zhang Lezhi was his accomplice. If things go on like this, it would be really perfect.

Seeing that Zhang Lezhi didn\'t answer Liu Huarong\'s question, Tang Jian\'an decided to urge him to end the debate as soon as possible, because as long as Zhang Lezhi answered, no matter which answer, it would be bad for him.

Tang Jian\'an glanced at Bai Jianmu, but saw the light flashing in Bai Jianmu\'s eyes. He knew that he was also thinking about it and was ready to defeat Zhang Lezhi this time.

Tang Jian\'an looked at Bai Jianmu and Liu Huarong. He was secretly glad that he had chosen the camp. Otherwise, it would be difficult to go in the future.

Thinking of this, Tang Jian\'an looked at Zhang Lezhi and said with a smile, "third younger martial brother, do you think younger martial brother Liu is wrong?

In the face of such precious drawings, I think everyone will be moved. "

At this point, Tang Jian\'an\'s tone stopped. He smiled bitterly and shook his head. Then he said slowly.

"I think, in the face of such precious drawings, even you and I will be very excited!"

Although Zhang Lezhi doesn\'t like to hear Tang Jianan\'s words, he has to admit that Tang Jianan is right.

In front of such precious drawings, how many people can be indifferent. Moreover, no one knows what they will do in front of drawings that can improve their strength.

However, even if Zhang Lezhi understands this, he really can\'t answer.

Zhang Lezhi thought for a moment, looked at Liu Huarong in front of him, sighed and said slowly, "I don\'t know what you said, and I can\'t guarantee whether ye Xuan will be moved when he sees such precious drawings."

After hearing Zhang Lezhi\'s words, Liu Huarong sneered in his heart. Zhang Lezhi\'s answer was expected, because in addition to this answer, even if Zhang Lezhi wanted to answer anything else, he had no way to say other people\'s answers.