I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 170

Everyone is looking at Tang Jian\'an nervously and wants to hear how he will answer, because his answer will also affect how others answer.

Although everyone\'s thoughts are different, at the moment, Tang Jian\'an is the most uncomfortable.

Tang Jian\'an almost wanted to blow his head and didn\'t think of how to answer, so as not to annoy the master and offend the eldest martial brother.

It\'s too difficult. At the moment, Tang Jian\'an wants to lie down and faint and stop answering this question.

Unfortunately, this is just imagination. Now he must face this problem and answer Zhang Lezhi\'s words, because sun Xinzheng is also staring at him.

Sun Xinzheng also knows that Tang Jian\'an is very embarrassed, but he really wants to know what the real situation of this matter is, because sun Xinzheng also wants to find the drawing as soon as possible.

That drawing is too important. If it is lost, sun Xinzheng will die.

The consequences of this matter are very serious.

Sun Xinzheng is not afraid that the master will punish him until the drawing is lost. Instead, he feels sorry for the master.

That drawing has almost surpassed this era, which makes sun Xinzheng feel relaxed and happy. He can hardly believe that there is such mechanism technology.

The master spent most of his life studying things, but he lost them.

This drawing doesn\'t look like money. If you lose it, you\'ll lose it. It doesn\'t matter.

However, this drawing is different. This drawing represents the highest level of mechanism technology. Master is also prepared to be regarded as the treasure of Tianji gate, which will be passed down from now on.

Not only that, to tell the truth, sun Xinzheng didn\'t think about passing this drawing to his disciples. Of course, it\'s not that sun Xinzheng wants to keep it, but because this drawing is too important. It\'s no exaggeration to say that this drawing is related to the future of Tianji gate.

This drawing may be passed on to the successor of the next helmsman when sun Xinzheng resigns as helmsman, but it will never be passed on to other disciples.

Because this kind of secret, the fewer people know, the better.

If it was an ordinary drawing, sun Xinzheng would have let everyone watch it together.

Especially the boss LV Wenkang, if it was an ordinary drawing, sun Xinzheng would have let him see it long ago.

However, this drawing is too important. In the face of this drawing, sun Xinzheng had to be careful and keep this secret.

Once the drawing is circulated, all the secrets will disappear. Moreover, as long as the person who wants to get the drawing and study the contents of the drawing thoroughly, the technology can definitely surpass the technology of Tianji gate.

At that time, what should Tianji gate do?

Now, the mechanism skill of Tianji gate is very powerful in Anwu state. It can be regarded as second to none. However, if someone who exceeds the mechanism skill of Tianji gate appears, what should Tianji gate do at that time.

Therefore, Sun Xin is very eager to find out the drawing.

Ye Xuan was his most trusted disciple and the successor of the next helmsman he was going to appoint. Nevertheless, ye Xuan was involved in the drawing event, and sun Xinzheng did not hesitate to put him in the repentance Pavilion.

At this time, sun Xinzheng would not be soft hearted and would catch the person by means of thunder to find the drawings.

However, after being locked up for so long, ye Xuan still didn\'t say the whereabouts of the drawing, which made sun Xinzheng a little confused.

The horror of the repentance Pavilion is naturally clear to sun Xinzheng, because he asked people to build the repentance Pavilion.

After so long in the repentance Pavilion, ye Xuan still didn\'t say the whereabouts of the drawing.

At this time, sun Xinzheng was really confused. He even wondered whether ye Xuan stole the drawing.

However, although he suspected that ye Xuan did not steal the drawings, there was no clue that others stole the drawings.

Because ye Xuan is the only one who knows where he put the drawings. He once led Ye Xuan to the place where he put the drawings.

At that time, sun Xinzheng thought that anyway, ye Xuan was about to become the successor of the next helmsman. Sooner or later, ye Xuan would know this secret room. It didn\'t matter if he brought him early.

It is for this reason that sun Xinzheng led Ye Xuan to the secret room.

However, the drawing was lost.

When he knew that the drawing was lost, sun Xinzheng was furious.

Of course, the first person he doubted was Ye Xuan, because ye Xuan knew where to put the drawings.

In addition, the other disciples didn\'t know where to put the drawings, so ye Xuan was locked up in the repentance Pavilion by the angry sun Xinzheng, and told him when to take out the drawings and when to let him leave. Otherwise, he would stay in it all his life.

Sun Xinzheng had a lot of consideration to put ye Xuanguan in the repentance Pavilion.

If ye XuanZhen is the one who stole the drawings, as long as ye Xuanguan is put into the repentance Pavilion, the secrets of the drawings will not flow out.

If ye Xuan never returns the drawing, sun Xinzheng is really going to lock him in the repentance Pavilion and never release him. Even if he can\'t find the drawing, the secret will not be known by outsiders.

However, Zhang Lezhi said that there were other possibilities. It was possible that the drawings were stolen by others, which made sun Xinzheng unable to sit still.

He thought Ye Xuan was the one who stole the drawings. As long as ye Xuan was shut up, the secret could not flow out.

However, if what Zhang Lezhi said is true, that is to say, the drawing is not in Ye Xuan\'s hand, but in someone else\'s hand. In this way, it is likely that the secret of the drawing has fallen out.

This is a big event, which is related to the future of Tianji gate.

Sun Xinzheng must be careful, so he asked all his disciples to get together to study whether there were other possibilities.

Therefore, at this party, we must tell the truth and say what we think, so that we can find the person who stole the drawings.

In order to find the person who stole the drawings, sun Xinzheng did not hesitate to do anything.

Just now, Tang Jian\'an didn\'t want to answer this question. Sun Xinzheng was very disgusted.

It can be said that if Tang Jian\'an continued not to want to answer, sun Xinzheng would definitely expel him from the school without hesitation.

However, even if Tang Jianan is expelled from the school, sun Xinzheng will not let him leave the Nanjun branch, but will lock him in the repentance Pavilion and will never let him leave the Nanjun branch, in case the secret of the drawing is known by outsiders.

Of course, after the drawings are found, sun Xinzheng may consider letting Tang Jian\'an leave.

Sun Xinzheng knows very well that if the drawing is not in Ye Xuan\'s hand, he must look for it as soon as possible, because the later the drawing is found, the more things will change and the greater the possibility of wandering out.