I'm Invincible Stronghold Master

Chapter 169

Liu Huarong knew that even if ye Xuan was released, there would be no good results.

Sun Xinzheng himself gave the order to raise ye Xuanguan.

At that time, they must be separated, have differences, and even resent each other.

In this state, in sun Xinzheng\'s heart, I\'m afraid he will give up Ye Xuan slowly.

As for saying that sun Xinzheng will compensate Ye Xuan and let him become the helmsman again, Liu Huarong feels that this is unlikely.

After all, the repentance Pavilion is not a good place. Ye Xuan will not be happy if he has suffered such a great crime.

Sun Xinzheng naturally knows what the repentance Pavilion is like. In order to prevent Ye Xuan from retaliating against him in the future, he will never give ye Xuan the opportunity to be the helmsman.

It\'s like someone smoked your mouth. After that, no matter how he explained, I\'m afraid you will remember that this person once smoked your mouth. When you develop in the future, you will also remember that this person once smoked your mouth.

As for whether it will retaliate, no one dares to say.

Therefore, after understanding these problems, Liu Huarong resolutely joined Bai Jianmu\'s camp.

Originally, I thought all this was very stable, but unexpectedly, the third senior brother Zhang Lezhi suddenly put forward this question, which surprised Liu Huarong.

Liu Huarong is usually silent, but he is not a fool and understands the stakes.

If there is no master present at the moment, everything is easy to say. It doesn\'t matter what you say.

However, the master is sitting right in front of him. Once he is baffled by this problem, Zhang Lezhi will have the opportunity to reverse his offer. Not only that, but even ye Xuan will have the opportunity to reverse his offer. At that time, it will be really bad.

The second elder martial brother Tang Jian\'an replied that if the eldest martial brother might steal the drawings, he would completely offend the eldest martial brother.

If ye Xuan is also released, there will be ye Xuan, Zhang Lezhi and the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang in their camp. After being offended by Tang Jian\'an, they will certainly join Ye Xuan\'s camp. At that time, there will also be three of them.

Moreover, Mei Guangji, the seventh younger martial brother, has a good relationship with Ye Xuan. As long as ye Xuan is released, Liu Huarong can be sure that he will join his camp without hesitation.

At that time, ye Xuan\'s camp will have four people, but on his side, there are only three people, who are weaker than each other in strength.

Although they can also win over eighth martial Sister Li Xueyan, it\'s useless. Eighth martial sister is only a teenager. What\'s the use of winning over her? Even if they stand on the side of their camp, it won\'t play any role.

In the end, the strength of Ye Xuan\'s side will certainly surpass his own side. When competing for the position of helmsman, even if ye Xuan is not the helmsman, it is not good for Zhang Lezhi to become the helmsman.

I treat Zhang Lezhi and ye Xuan like this. After Zhang Lezhi becomes the helmsman, Liu Huarong can be sure that his fate will never be good.

At this moment, Liu Huarong is very clear. Now is the key time. All questions depend on the answer of the second senior brother Tang Jian\'an.

Just now, the second senior brother Tang Jian\'an\'s words really made Liu Huarong overjoyed and thought that things had taken a turn for the better.

Looking at the excited eldest martial brother LV Wenkang, Liu Huarong was relieved to know that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang would not stand on Ye Xuan\'s side.

Unfortunately, he was not happy for long, and the next thing gave him a headache.

Third senior brother Zhang Lezhi, ask Second Senior brother Tang Jian\'an to answer the question again.

There is no need to answer whether the drawing was stolen by the elder martial brother. Just answer whether the elder martial brother has the idea of stealing the drawing.

This kind of question is the most difficult to answer. Liu Huarong knows very well that this time, the second senior brother Tang Jian\'an encountered another problem.

It\'s impossible to answer like that just now.

Just now, the third senior brother Zhang Lezhi didn\'t restrict him. He can answer without offending both sides.

But now, Liu Huarong knows that Tang Jian\'an is really difficult to answer this time.

The eldest martial brother LV Wenkang has any idea of stealing the drawings. You don\'t have to listen to the answer of the second martial brother Tang Jian\'an. Liu Huarong already has the answer in his heart.

Yes, there must be. The eldest martial brother must have the idea of getting the drawing. There is no doubt about this, because this is the truth.

The eldest martial brother doesn\'t marry his wife and doesn\'t want his children in order to study mechanism technology. There\'s nothing that can attract his attention except mechanism technology.

And that precious drawing is the weakness of senior brother LV Wenkang. It can be said that it is also what he wants most.

As long as the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang gets the drawing, his strength will certainly advance by leaps and bounds.

In this state, anyone would say that the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang would definitely want to get the drawing.

Everyone can think of the answer to this question.

However, if the second senior brother Tang Jian\'an really answered that, it would be a big deal.

All the consequences will be carried out as expected. In the end, ye Xuan was released and formed a four person camp against his side.

At the thought of this result, Liu Huarong felt a headache. Now he regretted why he joined Bai Jianmu\'s camp.

If you choose a neutral attitude like younger martial brother No. 7 and younger martial sister No. 8, there will be no such trouble.

Even if you want to choose a camp, it\'s good to choose later. It\'s not too late to choose again when things are settled.

Liu Huarong thought again that he took the initiative to join Bai Jianmu\'s camp. He felt even more uncomfortable. He only wanted to smoke his mouth.

However, it\'s no use regretting any more. Things have come to this stage. With the Kung Fu of regret, it\'s better to think more about how to deal with Zhang Lezhi.

To get here, Liu Huarong began to think carefully about how to answer this question.

When Zhang Lezhi asked this question again, the eldest martial brother LV Wenkang\'s face suddenly changed. The original happy face turned pale again, and a heart was raised again.

LV Wenkang stared at Tang Jian\'an to see how he should answer this time.

Just now, Tang Jian\'an\'s answer, although the last turning point, rounded things back, indicating that he did not steal the drawings, but the previous half of the paragraph still proved that he had the idea of stealing.

As long as there is this idea, it is possible to implement it.

Everyone will think of this possibility.

LV Wenkang naturally knows how important Tang Jian\'an\'s answer is.

Now he just hopes that Tang Jianan can surprise himself as just now to prove his innocence.

However, under such circumstances, LV Wenkang also knows very well how difficult and almost impossible it is to achieve that level.

Although LV Wenkang knew how Tang Jian\'an would answer, in his heart, he still looked forward to Tang Jian\'an\'s surprise.