I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 982: Mammon's Darkness Chen Cang

Because of Mu Bai\'s plan, Shiyuan Land immediately disrupted everyone\'s plans.

Especially the people of the Demon Race and the Orc Race, they didn\'t even do it when they got a few centimeters, but directly killed the place where Mu Bai was.

And Hai Yuan and the others, as they had discussed before, they gathered a lot of people along the way, and they were stuck in front of Mu Bai.

"There are more and more demons and orcs coming now. It seems that Mamen and Yinuo should be coming soon."

At this time, after just beheading a member of the Demon Race, Hai Yuan looked at the people who were cleaning up the mess, and said solemnly.

He has been here for a long time, and then, as discussed before, led everyone to block here.

Taking advantage of this time, he has already killed many people.

Especially the people of the two families of Warcraft, he beheaded a lot of them.

Now he is waiting for Mamen and others who will come over later.

You know, he sent someone to inquire, and the heavyweights are all in the next wave.

The same is true for Hongyu on the other side. After resisting the new wave of monsters, beasts and other aliens, he held his breath and waited for their main force to arrive.

After not knowing how long, Hongyu, who was closing her eyes and rested, suddenly felt a wave of star power in front of him, and immediately opened his eyes and looked forward.


"Shoo!" "Shoo!" "Shoo!"

As soon as his words fell, all the masters of the fox clan flew by his side, guarding the front.

"Boss, this white fox, really worth it?"

At this moment, looking at the dense crowds of people in front of him, one of the foxes turned his head to ask him, his voice filled with puzzlement.

After all, in his opinion, the white fox is very talented.

But the two sides are not in the same race, at most they are allies now.

But it’s not worth doing it for an ally...

"Ha ha!"

Wen Yan Hongyu laughed, did not directly answer this person\'s words, but suddenly remembered a conversation before coming in.

"There is only one white fox in the world... he is as important as a race!"

After speaking, Hongyu\'s eyes flashed sharply: "I know the doubts in your hearts, but this is not the time to talk about it."


Hearing his words, several people around were surprised. Even Guan Qinglian, who had met Mu Bai, was all surprised at this time. After all, these words were really scary.

Fortunately, they were all sensible. After receiving this small hint, they stopped their minds, and then together with Hongyu, guarded the opposite.

"Shoo!" "Shoo!" "Shoo!"...

After a while, the group of alien races appeared in front of them.

But after seeing these people, Hongyu\'s brows suddenly frowned, and then he contacted Haiyuan on the other end.

"Haiyuan, are there any figures like Mamen, Yinuo and others in your place?"


Just as he finished speaking, Haiyuan immediately wrote back, saying that he hadn\'t encountered it.

"Could it be..."

Hearing that the other party did not meet these few people, they suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts.


Thinking of this, the two cried out at the same time, then put down the crystals in their hands, ordered from the opponent, and then rushed with their own.

They were in such a state that everyone saw it, and they couldn\'t help but feel shocked.

Because they know that things are getting bigger...


On the other side, after killing and entangled the Demon Clan at this time, Mu Bai flickered away from the ground where he was standing just now and appeared dozens of meters away.

At the same time, an explosion sounded from where he was standing just now.

I saw a troll clan with a giant hammer in his hand. The attack happened to fall on that place.

"How many times have been, don\'t engage in sneak attacks, you will not succeed!"

Seeing this scene, Mu Bai glanced at the troll clan, and the next moment he saw his figure flickering, the Hell was drawn out, and the person was cut into two directly.

Such a relaxed look, he has not known how many times he has done this in the past few days.



But at this moment, a huge gun shadow burst out of the air, and a demon shadow that rose to the sky suddenly appeared.

And Mu Bai was bombarded by the gun shadow just now, raising the sky with smoke and dust, and the surrounding ground also shattered.

"Hehe, I really am here."

This demon shadow stepped out of the space, with a pair of dark wings spread behind his back. He was the Mamen of the Celestial Demon Race.

"It\'s not too late, I have to say that Mamen, your plan is really good. I think Haiyuan and the others have not reacted yet."

"Haha, blame them for underestimating our determination to kill the white fox."

What followed was Yinuo. As the leader of the Earth Demon Clan, he would naturally come over with Mamen to find the trouble of the White Fox at this time.

However, I have to say that the two of them used their own people as bait to attract the attention of Haiyuan and Hongyu who were blocking the road.

But at the same time, it can be seen how much Mu Bai is attached to them in their hearts.

So many people in the clan are the elites in the clan, saying that they abandon the old.

I just wanted to kill him, Mu Bai!

"Two people, it\'s not the time to talk, you must know that the white fox hasn\'t been killed yet."

"Yeah, thanks to Brother Mammon this time, he unites us together."

At this moment, a few more figures walked out. They headed by the two of them were the magic of the Snake Witch and the Scarlet Snake Ghost.

The two of them are the leaders of the orcs.

And following the voices of these two people, the people behind them all agreed,

At the same time, their expressions were very excited, after all, they were hunting, but the human white fox.

Killed, worth a lot of money.

"White Fox, be careful, we didn\'t see Mamen and the others."

When everyone above appeared one by one, the crystal that Mu Bai was holding also heard Hai Yuan\'s anxious voice.


Mu Bai coughed out a mouthful of blood, and then said into the crystal: "Well, I know, I\'m fine, now I have evacuated there, and I will talk to you later."

After talking, Mu Bai put the crystal away, and then looked at the people above through the smoke, with a dignified look in his eyes.

"So many people come over, I really can\'t stand my white fox."

"But don\'t you guys want to be so relaxed!"

Using time to quickly repair his injuries, Mu Bai immediately used all his martial skills, and flew up to the sky with one step and then one by one.

At the same time, he leaped all his sword skills at once, as if he was venting the anger that Mamen had just shot him.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"...

Then I saw the sky full of sword shadows attacking, causing a burst of explosion in the air, and then several figures flew out of the explosion smoke.

And there were one or two people who seemed to be embarrassed. Obviously they didn\'t expect that Mu Bai\'s outburst and counterattack would come so quickly.

As if not worried about their crowds.

Is this white fox not afraid of death?

For a while, many people thought this way.

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