I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 981: Fight around

"Hold him!"

"Hold him!"


Orders flew out one by one, and the demons and orcs moved towards the south for a long time to kill.

And these people who are distributing orders let them procrastinate at all costs.

It is enough to show how hard they are this time.

At the same time, after distributing the order, they all rushed towards the reporting place, so that the people who were left in that space could not help but feel better.

"White Fox, did he fight like that?"

At this moment, Hai Yuan couldn\'t help but frown when he heard the message about Mu Bai.

After all, this was different from what they had decided before. At that time, he told Mu Bai that after entering, try to keep a low-key first, and wait until they meet before making plans.

But he didn\'t expect that Mu Bai would have killed them before they joined together.

Even the degree of killing is not lower than them.

"Yes, it may be because of this heritage."

Hearing what he said, a woman named Mu Jin next to Haiyuan was the first genius of the Mu family. She was very powerful with the magical powers of the Mu family.

At this time, she waved her hand: "Let\'s not talk about this. Now according to the intelligence, the Orcs and Demons have received instructions and all rush towards the white fox."

"What shall we do now?"

How to do?


To be honest, Mu Bai caught him by surprise by this method, but he couldn\'t make a move.

After suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Haiyuan thought for a while, then made up his mind: "Go, we must go. We are not very far from the north. I think I can take this opportunity to be a roadblocker!"


Hearing that a hint of interest flashed in Mu Jin\'s eyes, he looked at Haiyuan with a sudden realization: "You mean to stand in the way?"

"Yes, if we rush over now, we will only fight with them. But if you really want to, once you encounter a race that has friendship with our human race, you must gather together."

"When the time comes, plus the fox clan, the number will definitely be more than 20%."

"What\'s more, once the major forces converge, the situation in Yuanzhidi will be clear at this time, and it is far from chaos."

Having said that, Hai Yuan took out the crystal that Mu Bai had given him before and said to it: "Bai Fox, how are you doing now, can you hold on?"


On the other side of the crystal, Mu Bai\'s voice came out, and at the same time he heard him add: "Brother Haiyuan, don\'t come to help me, if you really want to help, be a stumbling block."

"Hey, he actually thought of it."

Hearing Mu Bai\'s words, the hibiscus on the other end of the crystal couldn\'t help being surprised.

She knew the name White Fox, but what she had always heard was about his talent and strength, but rarely heard about his command.

Hearing this now, Mu Jin was really surprised.

Because she knew how powerful Hai Yuan\'s strategy was, and Bai Fox and Hai Yuan thought the same, which suffices to show that the two are the same.

It\'s all dirty...

For these tricks, the unified name is the heart.

"I think so."

At this moment, when he heard Mu Bai\'s words, Hai Yuan over there was also surprised. He didn\'t expect Mu Bai to be the same as he thought, so he immediately answered him.

Then he thought of something general: "If this is the case, I want to know how long you can hold on to Baihu."

"After all, their goal is you."

"Persevere till the end..."

When Mu Bai over there heard Hai Yuan\'s words, he was silent for a while, and finally he must say: "It is okay to block Mamen and the others outside, and to fight to the end."


What a mad man!

Hearing what he said at this time, Haiyuan and the two were shocked, but they quickly reacted, only to see Haiyuan\'s voice solemnly: "White Fox, what I said is serious,"

"Well, don\'t worry, I know it in my heart."

Hearing what Hai Yuan said, Mu Bai said with confidence again.

If it was before, he really didn\'t dare to say that.

But after he awakened the last Wushuang, his durability was invincible. As long as he didn\'t meet someone stronger than him, basically no one could beat him.

Even if there are too many people!


Haiyuan and Mu Jin here, after hearing Mu Bai\'s vowed words, glanced at each other, and then nodded at the same time.

"Then we understand, we will get in touch then."


"There should be no problem with the white fox."

At this moment, Hai Yuan said in a uneasy direction with the crystal, taking a long breath.

"I don\'t understand him, but no one will make fun of his life, right?"

Without answering Haiyuan directly, Mujin just told her feelings from the side, but she also had no confidence in her words.

Manpower is exhausted.

What\'s more, Mu Bai was surrounded by so many people. If they were surrounded, it might be able to last a while, but it would not last long.

Because it consumes too much.

However, they were worried, they quickly arranged the team, and then notified people of all races along the way to gather in the north.

Suddenly, the place where they stayed became less crowded.

Just as they set off, Mu Bai on the other side put down the crystal at this time.

Suddenly turned around to avoid a demon\'s big knife, and then killed it with a counter-attack. The slow and quiet appearance caused many people who came to him to tremble.

Sure enough, strong.

"I mean there have been more people coming here, and they are still very difficult to deal with. It turns out that the demons have started to act."

Ignoring the battle here, Mu Bai easily beheaded a few more people who had come up, and at the same time looked at the crowd coming up around him, and rushed with them again.

Suddenly, the names of several people fell.

However, during this period, he encountered the information that Hongyu recruited.

Because of the relationship between the two races, Mu Bai also gave him a copy of his crystal when he came in.

Originally, he didn\'t intend that the other party would contact him, but he did not expect to come to him.

After thinking about this for a while, Mu Bai told him the method used by Hai Yuan.

When Hongyu heard this news, he was immediately astonished. He didn\'t expect that the white fox was so bold and dare to play like this.

But he also thought about it. In the end, after discussing it, he agreed with Mu Bai and Hai Yuan to keep a good position.

It has to be said that the method used by the three of them is a very common method of attacking aid.

Only this time, there was only one person, and at best, some scattered people went to help.

But it can also be said that one person surrounds a group of people, while Haiyuan and Hongyu are playing aids. In an instant, the entire battlefield of Time Yuan land slowly wants to gather in the north.

It seems that the final battle is about to take place.

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