I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 965: Arrival, quota allocation


Hearing Haiyuan\'s words, Na Yinuo gave a cold snort and did not take it.

Apart from the influence of the clan relationship, their relationship was also very bad in private, so Yinuo naturally did not answer the provocative words.

He was afraid that he could not help directing things, after all, his Yinuo was not an easy master.

Seeing him like this, Haiyuan knew that he would not accept his words, so he didn\'t say anything. He just had to hold on to it, and there was no need to press on step by step.

Upon seeing this, Hongyu on the other side was also relieved.

Because if the two really fight, he, the principal, will definitely have to adjust.

Moreover, it is also an ally with the human race. Don\'t say anything at that time, just this ally, should you help or not?

The next few people didn\'t speak any more, they all sat in their respective seats and chatted.

After more than a day\'s waiting, all the talents came together.

In fact, this is not to blame other people for tossing, but this desert of ten thousand races is already big, and all races are not gathered together.

This is the same as the former Forest of Ten Thousand Races, and it is also divided into different regions.

There are a total of 20 regions in the desert of ten thousand races, which is four regions larger than the forest of ten thousand races, that is, about four galaxies, which encompasses thousands of races.

The ones who want to go in are the races stationed here.

It takes time for everyone to be notified.

It is also fortunate that there are people on the Fox Clan who have supernatural powers, and the notification time is relatively fast, but it took three days to prepare.

It is mainly a notice from one race to one race, and it takes time to grind.

"Well, you guys, I think you all know what the purpose of our coming here this time is."

At this moment, seeing everyone arriving, Hongyu immediately got up and said to everyone, at the same time his gaze swept towards everyone, and didn\'t stop until Mu Bai was here.

"This time, for the land of Shiyuan, we specially invited White Fox. Everyone should know who he is."

When he said this, everyone followed his introduction and looked at the man with the fox face.

Sitting in the very center of all positions, even Hongyu, the host, just sat aside as a foil for him.

Although there was a bit of distraction, everyone did not feel wrong.

The main reason is that this time the land of Shiyuan is opened, and it must be the white fox.

Touching the audience\'s gaze, Mu Bai\'s expression remained as usual, only in a place where they could only see, he compared Hongyu with a universal gesture.

It seems that he is spitting out the other party to push himself out of such an unrighteous act, expressing spiritual contempt.

Hongyu\'s mouth twitched with anger by his gesture, but he didn\'t show it, and continued to say to everyone: "This time, the place of time, presumably everyone knows what it represents."

"So this time, calling everyone here is a question of quota allocation."


As soon as his voice fell, everyone immediately began to discuss, whispering one by one.

Because they all sit in small groups, there are no people who hate too much around them, and talk about them one after another.

The main point is the number of places.

And how to distribute!

The races present are not stupid, they can discuss, but the most central group of people who can make a decision.

Their attitude is what determines the final allocation of places.

In a word, they just accompany running.

Not to mention no effect, but little effect.

It seemed that they sensed that the discussion was very enthusiastic. Mu Bai and others couldn\'t help but frown, but they didn\'t express anything, but waited for them to finish.

Fortunately, these races also know how to measure, and after a while, they quieted down.

At the same time, Hongyu\'s voice sounded, and he only said faintly: "I want to come after everyone\'s discussion, and I have some ideas about the distribution of the number of people next."

"Who is there now, come forward his own truthful words first."


Hongyu\'s words fell again, and the hall immediately became lively. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but no one stood up first.

Even if I think about it, I can understand the story of the bird hitting the head.

For this reason, Hongyu didn\'t worry, but looked around, waiting for someone to speak.

Finally, after a brief silence, the first person stood up: “I think it’s better to distribute according to the proportion of personnel. We will calculate how much we all add up according to the proportion.”

It was the bone language of the Yuanning Bone Clan, and his words naturally caused a great reaction from everyone, among which some races with a small number were the most.

"How can it be? If you are based on the proportion of the population, your Yuanning Bone Clan will accumulate members of the family here, and the number of people will naturally be large."

"Yes, like you said, it\'s better to rank by race!"

"Really, the proportion of people. When is the distribution of things based on the number of people?"

"I think the proportion of people is pretty good, at least convenient."


His words have just fallen, and there are both praise and criticism, and almost everyone is in a ball.

The only ones who are relatively quiet are the most central Mu Bai and the others, as if the things these people are discussing have nothing to do with them, let them quarrel.

At the same time, those who quarrel did not expect the most central one to discuss.

Because they know that the quota they are currently discussing with others is the quota they have allocated.

Therefore, their current quarrel can be said to be unscrupulous.

"It seems that it will be noisy soon."

Seeing this situation, Mu Bai seemed to sigh, but he could understand that it was a matter of interest, and many people would do their best to fight for it.

"You get used to it, after all, the more places you have, the greater the probability and the richer you will get things."

Hearing Mu Bai\'s words, Hai Yuan was patiently explaining to him.

The others also looked at Mu Bai at this time, planning to take this opportunity to take a good look at Human White Fox.

"Yes, at this time there is very little news about the Land of Yuan, and it was opened once in history, so many people want to go in."

"If you get a good thing, it\'s also great, so they fight now to win a future for themselves."

At this time, Hongyu followed Hai Yuan\'s words and explained to Mu Bai.

Mu Bai also understood that because he was born in a human race, he has abundant resources.

Unlike the small and medium-sized races in the universe, what they obtain is a matter of contention.

"By the way, Brother Hongyu, you must have discussed it before. I can ask, how is the distribution of your negotiations divided?"

Upon seeing this, Mu Bai had already guessed that before he came, the human, fox, demons, beasts and other big races had already discussed the allocation of personnel.

So at this time he asked, just to know how they were divided.


Hearing that Hongyu pondered for a while before returning to Mu Bai: "It doesn\'t matter much. My fox family has two layers, humans have one layer and five, and demons and beasts add up to two layers. In addition, Linyuan, Chimu, Haoyu tribe and Yuanwei tribe add up to two levels."

Seven floors and five...

After hearing this, Mu Bai looked at the crowd and found that only a few of their races were allocated to most of them.

No wonder those race quarrels are so fierce.

Mu Bai can also understand this, what those races are doing at the moment,

At the same time, he looked at Hai Yuan, and when he saw the other side nodding, he didn\'t think much.