I Have Skill Points as Long as I Exercise

Chapter 964: Goodbye Haiyuan

"Hello, I am bone language, from the Yuanning bone clan."

More than a day later, as more and more people came to the conference hall arranged by Hongyu, the first stop after these people came was to come to Mubai to brush up a familiar face.

At the same time, I also want to see who this white fox is so famous in the universe.

"Hello, White Fox!"

Hearing that Mubai didn\'t feel impatient, he spent more than a day like this.

During this period, many people came to him to greet him. Hongyu did not stop him, but understood their thoughts very well.

But that bone language is also very sensible, after brushing his familiar face here, he left and walked towards his position.

Obviously he knew that now is not the time to chat.

"White Fox, how about it? I\'ll just say that these people will come here and they will definitely come back to make friends with you."

After Guyu left, Hongyu looked at Mu Bai mysteriously at this time, and I knew it would look like this.

Mu Bai rolled his eyes on this, and did not answer.

He did not expect that these people would be so realistic.


Just as he waited for a while, there was a loud noise in the whole hall, and a group of more than a dozen people walked in, causing many people\'s attention.

Even Hongyu and others cast their sights over.

And Mu Bai also felt a few hostile eyes.


After feeling this look, he also cast his gaze over, just to see a handsome person with a slight smile on his face looking at him.

Although it was a laugh, what Mu Bai felt most was the killing intent.

"Devil Race, Mamen!"

Seeing this person, Mu Bai immediately knew the identity of the other party. He came from the leader of the Demon Race and was also the strongest in the Demon Race this time. His strength was equal to Hongyu.

The Sky Demon Race is one of the top ten demon races, self-proclaimed monsters, very proud and famous in the universe.

"Mamen, that\'s the white fox."

At this moment, beside Mamen, a burly man with green eyes and bony wings looked at him and said with a smile.

"Eno, I don\'t need you to tell me that this is a white fox!"

Hearing the words called Yinuo, Mamen glanced at him, then looked back at Mu Bai, his eyes flashing.

"What a jealous talent."

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Mamen like this, the demon named Yinuo didn\'t say anything, just chuckled lightly, and looked at Mu Bai.

He is a member of the Earth Demon Race, one of the top ten demon races, and a commander-level powerhouse. He is fierce and insidious, basically a heart demon.

During this period of time in the desert of ten thousand races, what he wanted would always appear in his hands inexplicably.

Even if it is obtained by other people, it is the same.

"White Fox, you will be more concerned when you wait!"

At this moment, Hongyu also noticed the eyes of these people looking at Mu Bai, and immediately frowned, he first said apologetically to Mu Bai, and then looked at Mamen and the others.

"Now, it\'s not the time to make trouble!"

Hongyu naturally knows the entanglement between the human race and the demons.

At the same time, I also know that this time the Ten Thousand Races battlefield is opened, there will be the support of the Heaven and Earth Two Demon Races, because they want to kill the white fox.

The purpose is so simple.

"Hehe, nature!"

Hearing that Mamen retracted his eyes to look at Mu Bai, then looked at Hongyu, and laughed softly.

Then Mamen left directly, appeared at the table where Hongyu and the others were, and sat directly opposite Mu Bai.

"arctic fox?"

"Well, it\'s not bad, very imposing."

Just sitting down, Mamen said to Mu Bai, his tone as if he saw the prey above.

His posture immediately caused Hongyu to frown. Just as he wanted to make a move, Mu Bai raised his hand to stop it.


Mu Bai said indifferently, and then chuckled: "I feel that there are so many people in your Demon Race. I only dealt with Ming Ting and the scorpion ruler a few days ago, and I will meet you today."

"Why, have you met them?"


Upon hearing Mu Bai\'s words, Mamen and Yinuo\'s eyes narrowed, and they naturally read out what Mu Bai wanted to explain.

The two immediately glanced at each other, explaining that shock was seen in each other\'s eyes.

Forest of Ten Thousand Races, it\'s over!

But soon the two of them reacted, and then they saw Mamen dismissively smile: "If it were the two of them, I think it would be useless to give them more people."

"However, I didn\'t expect that Baihu, your methods were so fast, you would take them down."


When I said this, I could feel the tone of Mamen\'s gradually cooling down.

"I have long heard that the white fox is incomparably talented and has more time and supernatural powers. I don\'t know when I will meet with Yinuo?"

Just after the goalkeeper Ma finished speaking, Yinuo was also there to help. He didn\'t hide anything, his eyes overflowing with murderousness.

If it wasn\'t because this was the territory of the fox clan, maybe he had already started doing it.


After Yinuo finished speaking, the entire hall immediately looked towards them, and at the same time a hearty laughter came to mind from outside.

Then everyone turned their heads and saw a man wearing a red armor, a pair of sharp sword eyes, and an ink knife walking in from the outside.

His aura was very strong, swept through the hall, and many people resisted.

When Mu Bai saw him, there was a smile in his eyes.

Because this person is Haiyuan.

There are people who communicate with him outside, except for him and Shuangxue, the contemporary leaders of the Human Race.

Talent and strength are very strong.

At this time, Hai Yuan also saw Mu Bai, looking up and down, admiring his immobile calmness.

"White Fox, really makes me wait!"

Entering the hall, Hai Yuan ignored everyone around him and looked at Mu Bai with a smile.

"Brother Haiyuan, meet for the first time!"

Because Haiyuan was relatively large, Mu Bai didn\'t grind, what to call it.


Wen Yan Haiyuan laughed even more, and he walked over and shook Mu Bai\'s hand firmly: "This time I heard that you are in the Forest of Ten Thousand Races, so I will keep people looking for you."

"Isn\'t it bothering you?"

"No, I just settled things down and I have nothing to do. After hearing that Brother Haiyuan has something good with you, I am here."


Hai Yuan is not stupid, he also heard what Mu Bai said, and immediately patted his shoulder excitedly: "You and Brother Wen, Brother Liang, and Brother Gui are too fast. This will level it out."

"Haha, good luck."

Mu Bai was not proud of this either, it was just the victory of one place, he knew that this would not have a great impact on the entire battlefield of ten thousand races.

"What luck? This is your strength."

Seeing that Mu Bai was so humble, Hai Yuan smiled and sat on the other side of him, greeting Hongyu and others.

Only after seeing Mamen and Yinuo, his face instantly became cold.

"Eno, you just said that you want to sign, how about me and you?"

Obviously, Yinuo didn\'t conceal what he said just now, so he naturally heard it.

Now that it is said, nothing more than a place.

Me, Haiyuan, that\'s how it is!